44. Dreams

Benji's POV

My mind drifted gently, going no where fast, yet also moving with an air of calm, gentle floating particles of adventure. I didn't know where I was going, but my body told me to be there. I knew that my physical form was still with Mikey in the mansion, but dream Benji was walking through unfamiliar halls. My footsteps made no dent in the soundless hallways, but I didn't mind at I walked towards a large door. I knew I had a purpose to be here, but I didn't know what it was.

"I'm going to bed, Faris," my voice grumbled, but it wasn't exactly my voice. It was much older and more tired; like I was suddenly a 50 year old man. Then again, I may be. I think I'm looking into my future.

"Goodnight Master Genova," a greasy teenager piped up from behind a computer screen, and he watched as the master walked back to his bedroom. Okay, so clearly I'm not exactly me. I'm now clueless. I was no longer watching through Genova's eyes, but floating above the teenager. What is this dream trying to show me?

"Mister Dray, the man went to sleep."

"Thank you Faris." I saw the dude from yesterday appear from the shadows, and shivers ran up and down my spine. I clung onto my arm, and Dray stalked towards the bedroom that the master had just entered. The entire universe was silent until Dray slammed the door open, and I was teleported to watch what happened between Genova and the demon king.

"Give me the spell and you can keep your life." The older master was taking off his boots when the man spoke from the doorway, and his head whipped around to face the other. He stood up in a defensive stance, and Dray pushed off of the door frame using his shoulders. "Come on Genova, hand it over."

"Your highness, you know that is against the law. That spell has been kept by my family for generations with exact instructions to keep it away from the Pierce family. You know that we can't hand it over to you; it would be the end of the world."

"Didn't your wife recently die from birth complications?

"What is your point to asking that?"

"Well, you could be a selfish man driven to suicide from the death of your wife very, very easily."

"King Dray, stop with this madness. I know exactly what you really want. My purpose is to keep every powerful being in check; you want that to be gone."

"You're right, I do want my limit gone."

"I'm one piece of evidence away from ascending your son right now, and he's only 11. Get your act together, or you'll be on the nearest bus to Hershio Prison."

"And this is why you need to die. You are so restrictive and annoying. I understand that you're like 53 but loosen up a bit right this instant or I'll be holding your head on a stick right next to me."

"I won't be giving up that potion for as long as I live; It is against the code that I signed when my master died, and I promised myself that I would never go back on it. Now, go home, and I might forget this happened. Your father was never this greedy."

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY FATHER! He would be proud of me for avenging him... right?"

"Your father would hate this whole quest you've gone on. He has always been a very fair, peaceful man, and I don't think he even believes in violence. He talks his issues out instead of fighting to keep them away from the public eyes. Yes, he may be proud just because you're his son and he has to be, but in no way is your father happy about what you're about to do.''

"You know nothing about my father!"

"I watched him grow up. I've watched everyone you know be born, and grow up. If they ever had a reason to be on my watchlist, I knew them. You know that I'm like the leader of all supernatural beings. It's my job to remain indifferent and instruct others on how to best keep the peace."

"How do you know what I'm about to do, hm?"

"I have always been able to see my cause of death when I meditate, Dray. I knew that this was coming; I just hoped that I would have an apprentice before this day. I can feel him out there, but for some reason he's waiting longer than average to surface. The world will work out, though. I trust nature."

"So you're just giving up?"

"Yep." Dray stalked right up to Genova, and for the first time I noticed a long silver dagger. He smirked at the older man before shoving the dagger into his chest up to the hilt, and Genova just laid there as the blood poured out of his chest. Everything was much too easy... Or was it?

"T-t-th-th-th-thin-nk-nk-nk a-a-ab-ab-abou-out-out-out b-b-be-be-be-bea-bea-beat-t-t-tin-n-ng-g h-h-hi-hi-him a-a-an-a-and p-p-pu-pus-sh-sh m-m-ma-ma-mag-g-g-g-i-c-c t-t-th-th-th-thr-r-ro-rou-gh-gh-h." It took me a few moments to figure out that he was talking to me, and I focused back in on the would to see his wise green eyes staring at my translucent form.

"What did you say old man?" Dray was ransacking all of Genova's belongings, yet he had heard the calling from Genova. That means that the old man just knew someone would be watching this exact moment and predicted to tell them something. However, the heavy stutter made it hard for my brain to comprehend, and I was still trying to figure it out when I was starting to wake up in Mikey's arms. My whole body hurt for an unknown reason, and I listened to the constant rhythm of my crush's heartbeat in his sleeping chest. I had ended up laying on top of him, so I could feel every rise and fall of his lungs moving me up and down. Perks of being light. His fingers were still in my hair from when we fell asleep, and I sighed in pure comfort and protection. However, Genova's words kept ringing around in my mind trying to click. Like, man I won't dislike you for having a stutter, but my brain isn't capable of thinking that way. I can't understand them at all.

I was being slowly pulled under by Mikey's heart, and I tried to hold on thinking about how I would probably forget my dream later. However, I was being constantly drug deeper, and my frantic claw scratches on the surface to keep myself afloat were failing miserably. I was like a cat about to fall off of a ledge; I just have to focus on staying upright.