64. Scapegoat

Benji's POV

The air in the car was tense, and I wanted to just jump out of the window to get it over with. Mikey's eyes were narrowed in the rear view, and I couldn't tell from my perspective but it looked as if they were casted directly at Will. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, but I wish that he would just stop because of the circumstances we're in. I don't know who may be hurt, and I don't know for sure if I want to find out. The scent of blood persisted through the whole SUV, so my nausea manifested even more than it had been before. Will this thing just get to its location already?

"Left at the large oak tree," Will instructed, and I got prepared for another fight to break out. Anytime either of them spoke, some kind of macho contest occurred, and I'm sick of it.

"They're all large idiot."

"Well this one is especially large."

"Can't you come up with better landmarks? Or say something like take the next left?"

"In case you haven't noticed we aren't on a road. There is no next left."

"That's the issue. I agreed to going off-roading. This car is way too nice for this."

"You agreed to take us to the hideout."

"That didn't suggest running my Jeep through all these brambles at the risk of scratching my fucking paint."

"Did you think we decided to hide in the middle of the city? No way, they have all of our profiles. They have our leader's faces plastered all over the wanted posters, and there's a massive bounty on everyone that the backstabber sold out. I know you don't care much for our family, but I do and I'm positive Benji does as well. So close your mouth and drive the fucking car."

"I don't understand how you can expect Benji to solve this by himself. His magic will exhaust itself before he could teleport every single werewolf and vampire out of there."

"That isn't what I'm suggesting. It's his job to keep us safe anyways; I'm just asking him to do what he's supposed to."

"Actually, he isn't obligated to do anything for your kind. You have your own hierarchy and no where does it involve the master of the warlocks," Mikey snarled, and I didn't know what to say. I know that I'm supposed to only focus on warlocks, but I want everyone to get peace. Although, it isn't a good idea to step on the toes of all the other supernatural leaders; that's how you make enemies. Besides, I haven't even met any of them except for Oliver and Connor. I'm making a reputation for myself as that one annoying little brother.

"He's helped us before."

"That was before he learned more about himself and what his actual purpose in life is. The Dray thing had nothing to do with helping you, he was restoring Master Genova's honor."

"But is that what he meant when he did it? I think he was more concerned about a certain wolf pack."

"Actually," I inserted. I'm quite tired of their bickering, "I killed him for two reasons. First of all, like Mikey said, I wanted to restore the image of the masters as superior. Second of all, he was going to kill the students of Riverside which was a big no considering there's kids as young as 6 in that school. Now you two stop fighting, shut the fuck up, and drive the vehicle."

"So you deny that you did it in any part for your family and friends? The people that raised you, shaped you, introduced you to the world that got you this much power. You're an egotistical power-hungry bitch."

"You're dull Will."

"Just shut up."


As Mikey drove over the final hill, a small camp could be seen in a dark clearing. The sunshine was blocked out by this thick canopy, and I could see kids playing in the small light patches. Everything about the scene made me sad, but I ignored the feeling and opened the door of the car. All eyes were on our vehicle, and the women were rushing the pups inside. I climbed down from the front seat onto the thick grass, but the protective actions everyone was taking never ceased. Did they not remember me? After all of this time?

I walked forward trying to keep my posture unthreatening, but the collective growling from the people was growing louder. I stopped my advance after only a few paces, and it took only a few seconds for Connor to emerge from one of the tents conversing with his parents. Silence rang through the clearing, but it was broken when Connor approached me with reluctance in his eyes. "Is something wrong? Why is everyone so tense?" The question died from my lips when Connor threw me to the ground, and all of the air was driven out of my chest. I rolled to the side away from his attacks recalling my combat training, but his knee still landed right in the small of my back. "What the heck?"

"You're the one that sold us out to the humans."

"What do you mean? I've been at the school the whole time I didn't do anything!"

"That's exactly why. You've been at the school long enough that you decided to cut ties here. You figured that you have nothing to lose from us being pulverized so you took the initiative!"

"That never happened! Why would I do that to my friends!?"

"You had no issue dropping us before; why not now."

"Connor you're making a mistake, the real criminal is still out there!"

"Whatever." He pulled me up and dragged me over to a deep hole in the ground, and that was when I began to struggle. No way am I going in a hole. He knows that I'm scared of caves and deep underground areas... What did I ever do to him? Why are they accusing me with no evidence?

"Are you actually going to put me down there?"

"We don't have an official hold so you get that. Unless you want to be in hell prison?"

"Why are you doing this...?"

"You backstabbed all of us."

"You have everything all wrong."

"Get down there," he mumbled before shoving me down there, and I hit the ground hard. The stone pressed into my shoulder, and I wanted to cry out. However, I refuse to give him or anyone the satisfaction. "If I look down there tomorrow and you're gone I won't hesitate to kill your soulmate."

"What's a soulmate?"

"You really are dull."

"Just let me be."

"Whatever. Have a good night."

I heard his footsteps getting quieter before silence, and I have to wonder what has come over him. I guess losing his childhood home has been making him want to accuse the first thought. He just wants a scapegoat... I can't believe how far apart we've drifted in just six months. I curled up in the small space, and the crickets were the only sound left to lull me into an unsettled sleep.