67. Final Threshold

Benji's POV

I exited the meeting room, and I was immediately assaulted by Connor. He was taking extremely fast and waving his arms all over, and my brain as hurting just trying to keep up. I got a bit of the gist, though, and I was immediately terrified. I shoved Connor out of the way, and as soon as I got out of the tent I saw a horrifying scene. There was a lot of men and women armed with assault rifles pushing wolves into trucks, and those who didn't listen were being shoved in with force. I made eye contact with one of the army men, and he raised his gun in my direction. Oh hell no, I am out of here. I sprinted back into the meeting area where the other counsel members were holding a quiet conversation, and they all spun quickly to look at my swift entrance. "Out, now, humans with guns," I panted, and everyone shared a look.

"We know," Alex acknowledged, and I gave him a look of confusion and fear. I don't want to lose everything, why are they so nonchalant about this.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we didn't want to panic you in the meeting, but... The United States has declared war on the supernatural world. Our survival is hanging on by a thread."

"What are we going to do about it?"

"We conversed about it after you left... We plan to give into their demands."

"What are they asking for?"

"They want us to assimilate back into human culture... Anyone caught using magic or anything similar will be put into jail."

"You can't just let that happen! It ruins our entire culture. I know that you get to have hell, but this is the only home we have. How are warlocks supposed to survive without using magic!? Do you even know how we work?"

"Why don't you enlighten us oh wise one."

"Magic begins in an initial burst! We have to be able to use it or accidents happen. Remember when I almost blew up the entire territory because I didn't know how to appropriately distribute my power into the atmosphere? If there's no legal way to teach that to younger children then it will be impossible for us to follow their rules."

"Do you have an alternative? It's not like the rest of us have it that simple either. The vampires would die with no food, wolves would end up with outbursts similar to yours when the inner being wants to come out. This is a huge deal for all of the species so don't claim that only yours is going to be effected. It's better than all of them dying from a war, isn't it?"

"You need to think a bit more about their needs too. The people will not like this."

"We need to keep them safe, that is our duty. It's their job to make themselves happy."

"So that's it..? You're just going to give up?"

"That's it."

"And in the future when our cultures die from this, won't you feel any guilt?"

"Lives are more important."

"I hate you."

As the words fell from my lips, about five of the humans entered the room. They quickly aimed their firearms at us, but there was no resistance from the room. How can they just give up this easily? "Don't shoot, and don't hurt any one else. This isn't a war we're going to fight."

"So you agree to all of the terms our president set out?"

"We do. No one will intentionally use our supernatural abilities."

"Get over here."

Alex walked over to the men, and I saw a flash of silver in the hands of one. However, it was too late to warn him before the gun was pressed against his temple. Shock was written all over the man's face, and it took a lot of self control not to shoot the gun out of the man's hand using magic. "What is this..?"

"You will be collateral. If anyone makes an offensive move this thing will die."

"I'm not a thing!"

"Yeah yeah, shut up. Now I need all of you to sign this agreement on behalf of your kinds. Resistance will be met with violence."

The document was passed around the room, and I was the last one to receive it. Now, I'm no person with a brain, but I always read these types of things to the best of my ability. "Why does it say 'we reserve the right to have any one of the supernatural killed at any time?"

"Benji just close your mouth and sign it," Oliver directed, and I sighed.

"I will not sign this document if any warlock is killed without reason. We are doing this to save lives not to put them into unfathomable danger."

"Do you want Alex to be killed?"

"Well of course not but signing this is risking many more lives than just his. I will not put my signature on this if that clause remains." Suddenly, all guns were aimed at me, and I felt panic rush through my entire body. Oh no...

"Sign it or this war happens Benji."

"I... Fine..." I put my name on the bottom of the page, and the man threw Alex away. The deed is done... So many generations will feel this pain.

"Good choices everyone. All wolves we've already collected from this camp will be released. Do not break this contract or those who are will be incarcerated. Goodbye." Silence rang throughout the room once they left, and I wanted to cry and break down on someone or something. Mikey entered the room after a few moments, and I leaned into the embrace he offered.

"You were so brave," he whispered, "No one else would have had the guts to stand up to them, but you did. I love you a lot, but now we have to announce this to the people..."

"I suppose so... I'll go to the usual spot, send out a message to everyone to either turn on their TV or be there in person tomorrow."

"Will do."


Over the next few days, the threat of being jailed became real when over a hundred thousand defiant supernaturals were thrown in the hole. To speak up against the military men meant certain death, and we were all content not to think about standing out for ourselves. The effects of our actions continued to show over many years, and it was like the entire world had shifted from one of freedom to a place of pure terror. The rest of the world had taken a similar approach to the United States, and eventually all of our kinds were shown no mercy in the assimilation. I look back now on my teenage years trying to remember every detail of what freedom felt like, but a lot of the details have become blurred over with age.

Our counsel still meets in secret, but it isn't the same. A lot of the people I had been with were no longer alive either from natural death or being murdered by the government, and I can only pray for our lives to grow better when the time comes that we arrive the breaking point of tension. This story isn't over, it never will be. The screams of the suffering will continue until the final date of our civilization... 2189.