3. Car

Benji's POV

Their plan may sound good on paper, but they haven't accounted for human error yet. All that I could think about was about what may happen if the person they have on the inside bites them in the ass. Then, they can decode the message for the government, and they would know our plans. That would make us lose the edge of surprise and extra time to get people who aren't willing to fight to a safe place. Also all of the members of the counsel would probably be slaughtered methodically for the show of confidence at the system. After that the thought of ever making a stand would be lost since neither Connor or I would be able to come up with something as genius as this.

Even though I was thinking it, I wouldn't ever admit the doubt in my mind out loud. I don't want anyone to think that I'm a huge pussy, and I don't want to seem as if I'm overthinking it even though I totally am. "This is actually a pretty good," I stated to shake off any suspicion. I've just realized that I don't even trust the people close to me anymore, but what can I do when the seeds of mistrust have been seeded into my mind ever since that day. "I need to get home before it's found out that I left. They check every hour and it's been 45 minutes."

"We'll see you soon," Connor commented while patting me on the back, and I gave a soft smile before walking out. I snuck back across the street back into my house, and Mikey was standing at the back door looking unentertained.

"Do you have no regard for your own life?"

"What do you mean?"

"You got here with only a few minutes before they come! I know you have an issue with being martyrdom suicidal but please just stay safe for now. They seem to be more cognitive than usual and I really don't want them to catch you outside of the house. Just lay low please."

"I don't want to. I refuse to give up."

"I knew you were going to say that. I don't think there's anything else left for me to tell you, but I think this is important. Benji, you should know that I'm on your side. I think that there should be change. However I want it to be done as safely as possible. I don't want you to risk yourself and the family we have together because I love you, and I love our son. What you are doing is very dangerous and that isn't okay in my mind. All I ask is that next time you just think."

"I did think Mikey. I know they won't see me."

"You're kind of hard not to see. They watch us like a hawk."

"I used an invisibility spell Mikey," I breathed, dropping my voice a lot. I don't know for certain how close the people who check over us are, and if they heard what I just said there would be a lot of trouble. To say it any louder would be insane. I'm not going to intentionally get myself killed without any cause. I want to still live when the war begins.

"I guess that's a little bit smarter but they would have used those weird magic censors they have to find you which would also be pretty bad. Just be careful."

"I will be as careful as I possibly can be."

"That's all I ask."

I hugged him at the underlying message to his words, and he pulled me closer against his chest. I felt happy from the sound of his heartbeat, and it was at that moment that the knock came at the door. Why do they always have to ruin some of the only calming moments we share? I walked up to the door before opening it, and the man that stood on the other side was giving me a look as if I was the gum on the bottom of his shoe. I don't like it when people give me that look, but I have to hold in my anger. To act out against them would appear like committing an act of treason, and that wasn't safe like Mikey would want me to be. I just need to bite my tongue and swallow my words and everything will be fine. "Where's the other two," he grunted, and I looked behind me to find an absence of my husband and child.

"I don't know, let me go find them," I responded before going to walk back into the house, but he caught me by the arm before I could take a step.

"That was a rhetorical question Benjamin Evans." How was that not a question I was supposed to answer? "You're under arrest for conceiving with one or more counsel members today from 7:11 pm to 7:55. You have the right to remain silent."

"I didn't do anything!"

"You had better admit it in the court of law, or your family will be harmed. You don't want that, right?"

"Of course I don't but that isn't the point. You aren't allowed to threaten me like this it's illegal!"

"You aren't in the position to tell us that. You have violated the treaty and you are highly lucky that you're being warned." He pulled me out into the car, and I was pushed into the back seat with a lot of force. Connor was already back there, but I didn't see Oliver anywhere. I could only hope that he had found somewhere to hide when they looked for Connor, or even better if he had gone back home in the amount of time it would have taken the message to cross.

"Where did we go wrong," Connor commented at a level that it would take a strong microphone to pick up. I shook my head as if telling him not to say anything about it, and he sealed his lips. The car ride was slow and painful, and the thought of them hurting little Mason was enough to drive me over the edge... I think that I have to be honest with them. No, that's stupid. If I admitted to it they would just hurt them even more. I don't know what to do...

We pulled up outside of some government facility, and I looked up the stone brick walls. The structure was completely solid and sealed, and I felt my claustrophobia begin settling in as soon as we crossed the threshold. Windows didn't seem to be a thing, and I felt like the air we were breathing had been recycled over and over. I was herded into an interrogation room that was strikingly similar to the ones on TV, and there was a shady man on the other side of the table.

"Did you break the treaty," he simply started with. Here we go... To lie or not to lie. I don't know what their aim is. However if they hurt either of the people in my family I may not be able to hold back my temper. We shall see what happens after I say...