33. Forest

Connor's POV

After an afternoon of partying, I was about ready to pass out. I know that tomorrow is going to bring more danger, but it won't bring me down. I'm glad that Benji is back to talking to Mikey, but it makes me feel more lonely than before. Especially now that Varian was a traitor, I needed someone to help me feel better right away. Wait, if Varian is here, then where is Larp!? I ran down into the basement as soon as the thought crossed my mind. I don't want to talk to him again, but he's the only one that can tell me.

I kicked the door open with a vengeance, and the man I thought I had loved was in the corner. He jumped at the noise the door made when it hit the concrete wall before looking at me lazily. The expression on his face pissed me off more than it should have, but I ignored it as I locked the exit again. Benji would kill me if he got out. "What do you want?" he asked in a monotonous voice, and I felt anger wash over me. How dare he brush me off like that!?

"Don't address me that way. I want to know where our son is since you're here."

"What reason do I have to tell you. Are you going to sick your little peace-loving friend on me again?"

"I'm telling you that he can be dangerous; you just haven't witnessed it yet."

"I don't think that anyone has."

"He's even-headed, which is something I can't say about you."

"The answer to your question is one that you don't want to hear."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Larp is somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I can't tell you where because I don't even know for myself. I left him to his own devices in some forest around here and haven't seen him since. If you want him back, you're going to have to go get him yourself. I can't believe that I ever gave a shit about some hybrid." His words lit a fire deep down in my chest. How dare he talk about our son like he was another prop? I swear it'll be a miracle if I leave this place without murdering him.

"You cared because he's our son. I thought that you loved him!"

"Well, I didn't. that child was always a pain in my ass, and he always will be. He was your child, never mine. Neither one of you cared about me enough to notice my slow decline into insanity. I don't want to hear any more about how much time you put into me because you didn't. I hope you die cold and lonely, Connor Pierce. Fuck you." He threw his wedding ring at me, and the mini item that bumped my chest was like a bullet. That may have been a side effect of his harsh words. Of course, now I couldn't give a shit about what happened to him. For all I care, he could die the worst death ever. He's betrayed my son and me, so I'm not going to give him the time of day.

"I hope that Benji murders you when he gets the chance. Not a merciful, swift death either. I hope that you bleed out, starving here in this room. Only then can you feel the pain that you've now caused me." I clenched the ring in my fist before walking out, and I could tell that my words had gotten to him. He knows that I only say things that I mean unless I'm frustrated.

"Surely, you don't actually think that, right? I've been a loving husband for as long as I could handle; I can't believe that you're going to say that to me."

"You threw all of that out the window."

"You really are a despicable man, Connor. I hope you get what's coming for you."

"And what's that."

"Meeting your end in this war."

I flashed him the bird before slamming the door behind me, and I could feel him gawking at my reaction. If I were the same man I was at the beginning of this ordeal, I would have gotten upset because of what he said. However, I didn't have the time or mental stamina for it now. I need to go find Larp before he gets eaten by a wild animal.

I sprinted into the forest shouting his name, but there wasn't any response. This cannot be happening. Maybe he's just asleep? "Larp!!" I screamed, but all I heard was a quiet rustling from a while away. I don't know if it's my son or an animal, but I have to go check it out. When I poked my head over the edge of the bush, I found myself staring straight down the barrel of a gun. Shit, I wasn't even thinking about enemies being here.

"State your business!" A voice that I recognized commanded, and I put my hands up. I know that it isn't a human, but it also isn't my son. Who is in this bush?

"I'm sorry, I'm just looking for my son."

"Hey! He's that one guy!" A second voice piped up. Clearly, they recognize me as well. That's good; I might not have to explain myself as much.

"What are you talking about, Landon. You know just as well as me that strangers are dangerous."

"Put the gun down, trust me!" The firearm fell down from my face, and I blinked at the kids in front of me. Holy shit, I've definitely seen these faces before! I'm surprised that they were able to make it this far on their own. They're only fourteen and eleven, but they seem to have traveled 200 miles on foot together.

"Oh, I remember him now. Hi mister," the older of the two, Carter, chirped while putting the weapon away. I thought I told these two to go back home; this is definitively not home.

"What are you guys doing all the way out here?"

"We were just trying to get to the center of the action! I'm guessing that we're close since you're here."

"Kids, it isn't safe for you to be fighting with us."

"But we want to help! We would do anything; it doesn't have to be fighting!" I thought about their offer for a second. Benji had told me never to reject help, but this is two children. Then again, they're right. They can help without being involved in the fighting... I've got it!

Looking at them again, they would make the perfect message carriers. They were too young to be warriors, and that's what the humans would think as well. No one would expect either of them to be navigating with private information. Also, they've done a pretty good job at traveling this far in such a short time. I'm sure that they would be of use.

"Alright, I'll bring you to base. I might have a job for you."

"Yay! Also, didn't you say you were looking for someone?"

"Yeah, my son... My husband left him around here wandering..."

Carter pulled the bush away, and I saw Larp lying on the forest floor. "We found him in this bush; that's why we were here."

"Is he..?"

"We don't know."

I felt for his heartbeat, and my own dropped. I can't believe this.