Turzo Tribe

"We have a winner!"

The referee approached Liu Kai and touched his wrist, raising it in front of the Sun Faction Leader.


"Just who is that guy!?"

"I thought he would lose in this match. I mean, he's martial power is several levels behind his opponent's."

"Well, he has several top-grade martial skills."

"That's not just it. He's weird, wearing that kind of outfit. Anyway, I'm sure he is still hiding something."

The citizens who showed an interest in Liu Kai's win were those who are supporting different tribes.

The section designated for Veczion Tribe's supporters went silent.

No one saw it coming.

The first match should be an easy victory for Veczion Tribe after Corone Tribe sent their weakest participant, but to think the weakest participant, per se, would overpower his opponent to concede is just very surprising for them to intake.