Drei's p.o.v.
It was all dark then suddenly... light, I was born... again? The last thing I remember is that I fell asleep, is this a dream? Did I die? If I did, hopefully I'll be more useful and happy this time.
2 years pass
Drei: It's been two years, so far everything happened like it should. The only difference is that culture and religion isn't really that important in this world, sure there's Christmas and New Year but over all it's not that important and is only considered a historical relic like mythologies. I guess that's good, it lessens conflict and stuff. I still haven't figured out what I want to do here, maybe I should study like in my old world.
General p.o.v.
A few months pass by, Drei study's and expand his knowledge, from agriculture to economics, from science to law. he also decided to help in their family business so he can get a dome money to establish his own business.
2 years pass
Drei's p.o.v.
It's been 2 years, I finally saved up enough money to buy some land and employ some farmers. I knew expanding the family business will benefit me a lot, but I didn't expect to get enough money in just 2 years. Well I'll proceed as planned, make a farm and employ employees, then get a stand to sell produce. directly selling the produce and having my own farm will be very beneficial because I can help by paying my workers more unlike those greedy businessmen and I can assure the price to quality ratios of the produce. Maybe I should research on how to improve the nutritional value of my products at the same time lowering the capital with more efficient farming methods
General p.o.v.
Drei asked his parents for help, although they were very distant to him because he was considered useless in real life but in here it's a fresh start and starting his own business prove to be a great decision. After a year with the guidance of his parents he made not only his first million, but he also made his parents proud for the first time. it was truly a great feeling for him, he became determined that he will never be useless again.
He was now 5 years old, in second grade. It was like any other day at school. Eating lunch time alone while reading a book when suddenly a girl walked over to him.
???: Hi! I noticed that you were eating alone and there aren't anymore tables to sit in, so I was wondering if I could eat here.
Drei: Sure.
???: I'm Nattalie Ayama, you can call me Nat if you like.
Drei:Ok, Drei Kusanagi, just call me Drei if you want.
Nat:Ok Drei! By the way, what are you reading?
Drei:'This girl is really annoying' *takes a glance at Nat* 'wow, she's beautiful, too bad I'm way below her league. I guess the world is still cruel'
General p.o.v.
He was right, Nat was beautiful. it's like his dream girl came to life. Even her personality is perfect, but Drei didn't notice this because he was to focused on reading.
Nat: Hey! Stop ignoring me!
Drei: Huh? oh, oh yeah. it's about some farming techniques to improve harvest and replenish nutrients of the soil.
Nat: Why are you studying that? Are you gonna be a farmer when you grew up?
Drei: No... I own a farm and I wanted to improve my profits to expand
Nat: Ohh, I see. By the way, what class are you?
Drei: Class 2-1.
Nat: oh we're in the same class, but how come I've never seen you before?
Drei: 'Maybe because you're blind!' oh, because of my presence being hardly noticable.
Nat: Don't worry, from now own I'll notice you.
Drei:*blushes* whatever
General p.o.v.
Drei made his first friend. Unknown to him this will be a big help for the upcoming calamities in his life.