The serial killer X

Bella was in her room watching the news broadcast at 9:00pm.

"There is said to be a serial killer on the loose, the killer which was given the name X due to the x mark left on the victims, has killed 20 people in the span of 1 month and we got a security footage of X killing one of the victims" The news reporter said before switching on a video footage.

The video showed the silhouette of a person stabbing a little boy while laughing crazily but the gender of the person couldn't be confirmed since X was covered with a hoodie. X seemed to realise there was a security camera as X looked towards it with his/her face still covered and destroyed it.

The news reporter shivered in fear and advised everyone to be extra alert and make sure to stay in areas which are crowded.

"It also seems like X has killed the last 5 people in Stan street so be more careful if you are living in that area" The reporter concluded as she ended the report.

Stan street is where Bella lived so she had to be extra careful from now on.

She switched off the TV as she dressed up for work. She left her white hair down and brushed some bangs unto her gold eyes.

"Even with the video clip and the warning, I am still going to do my work. My work fills me with delight and even though I don't earn much most times, I still love it" She said with a smile as she wore her black top and short with a black hoodie.

To remain inconspicuous, she wore all black to work.


"Whew!" She exclaimed as she finished work with a smile on her face.

"Finally done, it definitely took longer than expected" She mumured checking her watch which read 11:00pm.

"I better get home fast due to that news I heard today, after all, people will be more careful and policemen will soon start patrolling to watch over us"

She walked fast towards her house when she heard a scream from an alley. Filled with curiosity, she made her way towards the alley and peeked.

She gasped as she saw a man stab a woman in the chest. He turned to her due to her noise and grinned.

"You are next" He said as she ran away from there.

He chased after her and she quickly looked for a place to hide.

She stopped and looked at another alley not far from her before making up her mind.

She ran and quickly ducked into an alley keeping a lookout for her chaser. She sighed and slumped into the ground.

"I hope I lost him" She muttered with watchful eyes.

She waited for some time before sighing in relief when she didn't hear anything again.

She got up and made her way quietly to her house.


She opened the door to her room and switched on the light.

"Surprise!" The man that chased her said as he grinned at her.

"W-what?! How did you know my house?!" She asked with fear and confusion in her eyes.

"I have seen you in this area before and knew where you live" He said chuckling in amusement.

"I have one more question before you do anything." She said carefully as she stared at him.

"Sure, ask away. You won't be alive for long anyway" He said with a confident grin.

"Did you see me before I gasped?"

"No, I am sure you are feeling regretful, if you kept quiet, I probably wouldn't have known" He said now standing directly in front of her.

She nodded her head causally as she smiled.

"So that means you didn't know what I did and didn't call for the police. Good" She said smiling as she brought out a bloody knife and stabbed him in the heart.

He looked confused as he fell down unable to move. She smiled happily as she carved an X symbol on his heart as he took his last breath.

She searched his pocket, found some cash and kept it on the table.

"It seems this work payed a little higher than that other one I had today" She said smiling as she threw the man in a dumpster far from her house.


The next day, Bella was watching the news broadcast.

"It seems that X striked again and killed a young girl and a man yesterday night, it seemed like there was another murder of a woman stabbed to her heart in an alley near the little girl's death. No one is sure if it was X who killed the woman but she didn't have any symbol on her body so please stay safe everyone"

"Well, I am off to work again. Maybe this one will pay me more" She smiled and giggled as she made her way out.