Three sides of a story

*Linda's Pov*

Night had fallen and I was about to sleep. I usually bath before I slept or I won't feel comfortable so I got into the shower.

I washed my blond hair and face before washing my body.

Once I was through, I picked up my towel and wiped my face but once I took the towel away from my face, I realised that there was no electricity which means the light bulb in the bathroom was off and I was in total darkness.

I am usually not a girl who gets scared of the dark but for some reason, being in this shower while it was this dark terrified me.

'This is what I get for staying up so late before I bath, this place is pitch dark, I can't see anything!'

I was so scared and wrapped myself with the towel before closing my eyes to try and get rid of my fears. Keyword is TRY, I couldn't stop myself from shivering from fear and the coldness.

'God, please let Luncida switch the inverter on, that way the electricity will be back on and this place wouldn't be so dark' I prayed in my mind as I tried to toughen up.

Only Lucinda, my sister, and I were in the house today since our parents went for a function and Luncinda is already an adult so they left me in her care. Lucinda is the closest to the inverter and the only other person in this house which makes her my only hope.

I took a deep breath as I made up my mind to leave the bathroom and get my phone. With my phone's flashlight, I shouldn't be that scared again but the bad thing is that my phone was charging in my room, even though my bathroom and room are connected, I will still have to walk in the dark for some time.

"I can do this" I muttered under my breath as my hand reached for the showers' handle.

"God, God, God, God, God..." I kept chanting under my breath before I opened the showers door.

I let out a small squeal and closed my eyes in fear when I felt something but once I opened my eyes, I saw that the electricity was back on, it wasn't dark anymore!

"Oh! Thank God" I whispered gratefully before entering my room and wearing my nightgown.

I went directly to sleep with a more calm mind.

*Unknown Pov*

Yes! The electricity finally went off and both Linda's room and bathroom were in pitch darkness.

As you can see, I am a demon that can only materialise once there is no source of light and an area is in pitch darkness.

Now, I can finally devour Linda's soul and get more powerful since her soul is extremely strong for some reason.

I made my way towards her shower to hear her muttering something under her breath.

'I don't care what she is saying. Just open the door and let me devour you'

I almost entered the shower directing but she seemed to be chanting something that stopped me.

'Tsk! What is she chanting?!' I thought angrily, deciding to wait for her to open the door.

She finally opened the showers' door and my hands reached out to strangle her neck, she let out a squeal and the light came back on.

'Nooo!!!' I thought despairingly as my body dematerialized.

The last thing I heard was;

"Oh! Thank God"

*Lucinda's Pov*

I was already sleeping when I woke up suddenly for some weird reason.

I noticed that the electricity was gone but didn't bother to switch on the inverter since I wanted to go back to sleep.

"Switch on the inverter before you go back to sleep" A voice sounded as I prepared to go back to sleep.

"But nobody needs it, Linda is probably already sleeping" I mumured trying to go back to sleep but the voice kept repeating itself.

"Ah! Fine, I will switch it on" I said tiredly as I went to switch it on.

Finally the voice disappeared and I sighed in relief.

I went back to my room and closed my eyes to sleep when a thought crossed my mind that made me get up.

"What was that voice?!"