Damsel in distress? Oh Please!

"You are saved once more, damsel" The super annoying Electricro, the city's hero, said heroically as he struck a pose.

"I didn't need your help" I said annoyed as he ignored my protests.

"You don't have to be ashamed about being in danger, not with this awesome superhero watching out for you" He said with an arrogant smirk as I scowled.

"Tsk! Just get out of my sight" I said angrily before turning around to leave.

"Don't worry citizen, I will escort you to your home and keep you safe from those nasty villians" He said with this fake heroic voice that gets on my nerve.

"I said I don't need your help" I said scoffing as he once again, ignored me and followed me home.

I huffed and continued walking as the past month's events replayed in my mind.

Since a month ago, villains has been targeting me for some reason and this silly hero beside me, Electricro, has been the one saving me. Today was a reoccurance of that as Blackbird attacked me today and he saved me.

"I am home, you can go now" I said with a forced smile as I urged him to leave.

"So you won't even invite me in after I saved your life countless of times?" He asked, still having an arrogant smirk.

"Oh my! How could I forget?!" I exclaimed dramatically before closing the door in his face.

"Tsk! Annoying superhero" I said angrily as I walked to my room.

I took a small shower and changed into my casual clothes before standing in front of the mirror.

I look normal with my black hair and eyes, I am pretty enough to make people look at me when I enter the room but not enough to make them spare me a second glance.

I sighed in relief as I laid on my bed.

"No annoying superhero in sight, what could be better than this?" I asked rhetorically as I snuggled into my bed before falling asleep.

I woke up and opened my eyes to realise I was no longer in my room.

"Just great. I was kidnapped by a villain in my sleep. Do this people not know that you should never kidnap a lady when she is asleep?" I asked sacarstically as I tugged on my hands that were tied to the chair.

I rolled my eyes at their petty tricks and brought out my switchblade that was hidden in my sleeves. Using the switchblade, I cut the ropes they used to tie my hands and legs.

"Don't they know you should search a victim and remove their weapons? Amateurs" I mumured under my breath with a sneer as I got up from the chair.

My kidnapper placed me in a locked room without anyone guarding me in the room. I brought out a pin and started picking the lock.

"Tsk! They really underestimate me, even if I am the one that..." I trailed off when I successfully picked the lock.

I smirked and opened the door, there was no guard outside too. I rolled my eyes before walking casually to the exit. Before I could get to the exit though, Electricro came in with an unconscious man in his hands.

'Probably my kidnapper' I thought as I looked at the unconscious man.

"Never fear, I am here. I came to save you once more." Electrico said as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I just want to go home" I said calmly as he smirked.

"I will take you home" He said confidently and I just nodded.

After getting to my house, I paused and turned to face Electricro.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked and he looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah, will you let me?" He asked surprised as I nodded.

He entered the house and looked around in awe, behaving like this is the first time he entered my home even though that is true.

"Sit here, I will get you something to drink" I said as he nodded and sat on the chair.

Few minutes later, I came back, giving him a cup of orange juice and sitting opposite him.

"Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" He asked suspiciously as he drank the juice.

"Can't I be nice to you? Plus, I want to capture you" I said casually as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Capture me?" He asked confused as I smirked.

"Can't you notice that your body is getting weak? I drugged your drink and there was a scent in this room that weakens your power but I am immune to it, so don't worry" I said, smirking at his dumbstruck face.

He struggled to stand up but couldn't since the drugs were already taking effect.

"You see, those villains attacking me and you saving me, were all part of my plan. I needed you to lower your guard around me and gain interest in me. To tell the truth, you were more easier to trick than I expected" I explained chuckling as I walked closer to him.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked drowisly as I smirked and bent down to his level.

"Didn't you notice?" I asked as I rose a black fiery mask to my face and his eyes widened as he recognised me.

"Because I am your arch enemy, Blackfire"