The project...

[Sofia's Pov]

Alex was a cool and level-headed guy in my university who rarely got anyone's attention. He was quiet and went on his way, not bothering to interact with anyone. I never really notices him either until one faithful day.

"Alex, Sofia, you two are working on this project together," the lecturer said nonchalantly before moving on to the next set of students to be paired.

"Huh?" Sofia is my name but who is Alex?

A mysterious guy wearing a hoodie came towards me. "You must be my partner. I am Alex," he said casually before sitting next to me since partners were required to sit beside each other, and brought out his book to note the things needed for our project.

'Well, he seems like a trustworthy partner,' I thought, thankful that I would not be the only one to do the project. It had happened before with my other project, my partner had left me to do all the work myself.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he started noting all what the lecturer said was needed for the project. 'It seems this project will surely be different.'

Once the lecture ended, Alex and 1 exchanged our phone numbers so that we could keep in touch for the project, we agreed to use the library after lectures to do our projects.

After my lectures for the day ended, I went to the library with the supplies I would need for the project and met Alex already there. He was reading through books in the library concerning our project. He looked up at me and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I decided to get an head start on the project. This book in particular will help, I also got another book that you can use to work on your part," he said calmly pushing a book towards me, his eyes still on the book he was reading. I took the book and realised that it would indeed help.

'Wow! We will surely get an A with this," I thought giddyly as I sat down and started working on my part while Alex continued with his part. Silence reigned between us as we focused on our work. A while later, Alex closed his book and stretched.

"The library will close soon, we should probably get going or we could go to my place to continue. I have some books that could help with our project," he suggested, looking at me for my answer. I hesitated for a moment before agreeing. I would really like to finish the project today and he seems like a serious and responsible guy so it should be alright.

He nodded and we parked our things before going to his place. We sat in his living room and he brought the books he had talked about before. Everything was alright except for the fact that he kept excusing himself during the time we were doing the project and I got curious after the 5th time he did it and followed him secretly. He went down to the basement and I peeked in to see... tied-up slaves?!

"What?!" I gasped in shock at what I saw and quietly clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound. It was too late though, Alex turned around and saw me. My eyes widened in fear and I ran away as fast as I could but he still caught me.

Now, I am one of the many slaves I saw in his basement. I thoroughly regret going to his house, in fact, I wish I had never met the man, Alex.