"Why it's dark? Why i am sorrounded by darkness? Wait... it's not that... I... just can't see..."
Someone Calls me from a far away... and it feels like it won't stop saying my name. It keep repeating the same sentence,
After a while i see a oldman standing in front of me
"Looks like i finally able to see now.. Where's this? and..."
The oldman askedme about my name
"Me..? I am Rikiro..."
Then he asked
"What do you see beyond "That" ? "
I replied
"What do you mean? I DONT UNDERSTAND!"
The oldman starts to disappear
"Hey where are going... stop... STOP !!"
I starts to run before he could completely disappear but it's to late
"What was that? Am i hallutinating or something? is that oldman something that i haven't met before?"
the alarm rings and i get suprised for that all was just a dream
"What that? Am i dreaming.? Or it's.... nah don't think about it.. i better close my left eye for now to see what happening soon"
( Thank you for reading my creation :) I'll continue if it get at least 1 reader )