
Chapter 5 : A Visit

"Why i get dragged to buy things?" Said Mara. "It's okay isn't? We need to help each other too... and what did you buy Darga?" Said Siyaka. "You'll see at his home." "Can we go now? He's waiting for me you guys know." Said Airo while leaning on wall. "Ah sorry! We're coming" Said Siyaka while he walks into Airo's direction.

On the way to his house Mara asked, "Say, Why do Yomi-san like to close his left eye too much? I've seen him doing it since the first day"

They looked at Mara. "Heh are you interested on Rikiro?" Darga joking on it. "Then what can we talk about?" Mara replied and for a while the atmosphere become silent.

"Even though We're his childhood friends, We don't know either. I am guessing that is his habit." Said Darga. "As his brother, Yeah maybe it's a habit or he just watched too much anime and become a chuunibyou." After Airo finished his sentence, he laugh.

"What do you think Alsa-san?"

"Eh? Um... I think same too..."

"Oh yeah i forgot one thing. Is Yomi-sa.. I mean your brother is in home alone?"

"Yes." Airo said confidently. "Where's your parents at?" Mara said.

"My father is working hard abroad." "And your mother?" suddently after Mara said that, everything becomes quiet. Airo don't speak even a little to Mara's question. "Mara-san..." with smooth tone, Siyaka said it. "Ah? Sorry. I should have not say that." Said mara while apologizing. "It's fine..." Airo said it with sad tone.

A few minutes pass, They have arrived at the house. Darga have visited before but this is their first time for Siyaka and Mara. "Pardon us..." At the hall there are 2 rooms and a upstairs. On the right side They can see someone whom covered by a blanket and a compress on his head and drinking a glass of tea while watching a television. Of course it's Rikiro.

"Are you dumb? You should haven't leave your room Rikiro."

"Who.. Does...not get bored. just by staying on.. their roo..m while they.. can't do.. anything..? Playing my phone... make me dizzy... right now...."

"Grap your attitude. There are your friends here." After Airo finished his sentence, They come to the living room one by one "Yo, You haven't dead yet?" Said Darga. "Aww.. That's typical of you..."

"Afternoon Rikiro..." Siyaka smiled after said that. "Af..ternoon." He replied with his sick tone.

"And who's that?" Rikiro points at Mara. "Mean! I am your classmate! Stop joking!" Mara screams.

"I really don't know.. Like hell i.. k.now the whole class..."

"Tch.. Mara, Yuno Mara. Remember that! I won't forgive you if you don't remember next ti-"

"And why you guys come?"

"Mara-san said she want to be friend with you. I and Darga visited because we're care about you Rikiro... and we have a big announcement for you, hope you'll get better by hearing this."

"Oh? What is.. it?" Rikiro said it while drinking a tea

"BEFORE THAT! See what i bought Rikiro!" Darga put out manga from his bag and show it to Rikiro. "HAHA do you like it!?" Rikiro takes the manga and look at it's cover, "Well... i do aiready have this."

"W-what!?" Siyaka and Mara laughs a little. "What a dumbass." Mara said. "Well i am gonna take it anyway and you no longer have debt." Darga relieved that Rikiro accepted it, "THANKS! I know you're my best friend after all! HAHA."

"What do you got Mara?" Mara shocked that Rikiro know that she brought something to him. "How did you know?" "Guessing. But you can keep it to yourself.. I don't have any relationship to you before." The words make Mara look pissed, Mara put out the box and give to him hardly while her face looking at the right side. "Just take it. I don't know what you like but don't say that again to me."

"Got it... and sorry.." Rikiro bows a little and he open the box, "Candys? Thank you.. Mara." He said it while smiling. "Tch.. Hope you like it." Mara still looks pissed even after that. Last but not least he looks at Siyaka. "I bet you had something for me too right?" Said Rikiro.

Siyaka smiled, "Sadly. I didn't bought anything... I.. just want to check your condition Ri-kiro."

"I see..." Rikiro closed his eyes for a while then he opened it again. "I am really.. sorry." "It's fine." Rikiro smiled back to Siyaka, "Say what announcement did you want to tellme?"

"You see..." Mara interrupted Siyaka's. "Let me say it! Uhm.. This morning our home teacher, Yuvi-sensei tell us about upcoming 4 months." Rikiro actually don't really care about it but Rikiro have no choice to hear it because he can't see the future for a while. "Let's hear it."