Today i wear the necklace that she gaveme yesterday. Even though i got a bad morning today. It appear rainy now, Make me bring an umbrella and running to school.
Honestly i won't mind if this happen at the weekend or i am not on outside of building but can't help it right.
"-An existance that serve me, An existance that opened my closed world! Appear now! My Almighty Dragon!" While doing a weird pose
I stopped running and looks at public garden after heard it, There I saw a boy with same uniform as me. The chant that similar to something i've heard before.
It's aiready this late, I should go now. I stepped on tree's twig, The sound is so loud making him noticed me.
"Who's there!?"
He walks to my direction and found me.
"You're same class as me.. Your name if i am not wrong is.... Rikiro Yomi! A student that absent yesterday!"
Ah... He knows me and he said we're classmate? I don't even know his name anyway.
"Nevermind that. Did you heard it?"
I replied, "No." A simple reply, Of course he won't believe it.
"A terrible liar. If you dare to tell that to anyone else.."
"Fine...Fine... Can we go now? The rain is getting slower."
5 minutes later, We arrive at school entrance. Even though our shoulder is wet a little. I shooked my head to dry my hair.
"Say, Do you watch that anime too?" I asked.
"That anime?"
"The one that had same chant as you said before."
"I do so wha- Wait! Don't tellme you watch it too?"
"I do." While scratching hair.
His face looked down. Looks like he didn't expect a person like me to watch that.
"Tcb. You should've toldme from the start... Yomi.."
After i put my umbrella we went into the class. There as usuall they greet me and unexpected thing is Darga lend a towel to me.
"You haven't used it right?"
"I brought 2 don't worry. I've never expected you to know Lausi."
"Well..." Lausi interrupted, "What do you mean know? Yomi-kun is my friend after all."
"That's another suprising news HAhaha. Rikiro, Looks like you got my words yesterday."
"Welp." I wiped water on my hair wth darga's towel. Right on time the teacher entered the class and she announce sudden test, Half of the class protest to make it next week but the decision of the teacher won't change thus the questions are given and the test starts now.
Even though i can't use the future for a while, I am still able to answer most question.
30 minutes pass and the teacher ask to switch their paper to another student for correction.
I got Yurasu fwir's paper, I don't know which one is him in this class of course.
5 minutes after correction time, The papers are given back to the owner. A person named Yurasu Fwir came to my desk.
"Uhm.. Yomi, Are you the one who check my answers?"
Without thinking long i said yes and his score is...
"Great." He immediately take the answers and he went back to his seat.
Not long after that, Yuno come to my seat.
"Rikiro-kun here..."
"Thanks Mar- Yuno. By the way, What's your score?"
She didn't answer and turned back, Looks like she's giving a warning to not to ask her score or else.
"Sudden. So instant. Fiuh..." Said Rikiro
"Rikiro... What's your score?" Ask Siyaka.
"Mine is 90, Right at 90. You?" Said Rikiro While scratching nose.
"Too bad... I got 93, Rare of you to get lower score than me... Is it because you're not fully recovered?"
"No, I am fine. You're just being lucky after all."
"I guess...."
I seen darga didn't say anything at all.. I am guessing he has a bad score? or he has a good score but embarassed to show it. Oh right, It reminds me that i haven't give back his towel but why did he brought 2...? Usually, some students brought towel for PE....
Doesn't that means there's PE today?
I forgot to brought it. Well... Luckily at outside the rain is still heavy, Thus i should'nt think about PE anymore otherwise i would get punished.
"Hah.. Seriously your class is 3rd of 4th lowest with avarage 47, You guys need to do better next time."
Shocked after heard that, 47 is just... Does this mean this class has bunchs of stupid people?
The teacher sighed, "Listen, You kids haven't know the date of test for the trip right? The test can be so sudden like this but rest easy, This test just to check your skills when something so sudden happen. Something unexpected always come to like right?"
Some students still don't accept their grades.
Not long after that the bell rings.
"A troublesome day."
"Rikiro where are you going?" Siyaka asked.
"I want to go to the toilet for a bit."
After i finished doing my bussiness, I planned to going back to the class but someone blocked my way.
"Excuse me?"
He's moving closer as if he apporaching.
"Rikiro.. Yomi..."
"You got a nice eye.... Please meet me at the rooftop after school."
He's speaking with a scary node as if there are 2 persons inside. I didn't even get to ask who he is.
Not long after he speaks he left.
For a moment made me think is he a dang ero us person? and he said i got a nice eye? what does it mean?
When i finally back to the class, Our homeroom teacher calls me to meet her at her office.
"Please come in Rikiro Yomi." She said while i am closing the door.
"Rikiro Yomi. A problem student that had a habit sleep on the class while the teacher explaining, But He's able to answer hard questions."
"Is that a complitment? If so thank you Yuvi-sensei."
She approached to me slowly.
"I know, You have a power that sees the future."
I am very suprised. But i need to calm down.
"If i posses that kind of power then what are you going to do?" Rikiro calmly asked.
"I want you to grant 1 my request."
"If i refuse?"
"I'll announce to everyone that you have unusuall power."
Why i am so unlucky today? So many unexpected things happens.