I Don't Need Your Pity II

"You don't need my pity? Did it sound like I was pitying you?" Elliot asked and felt something he had not felt before. But he didn't like the way Emelia responded to him. Her green eyes continued to look at him, not taking back what she said earlier. Then Emelia answered.

"Yes, it sounded as if you were pitying me. And I don't need it," Emelia repeated once more, this time, making Elliot furious. A small laugh escaped from his lips, and while standing up, Elliot answered, "If that is what you wish for. Then I will grant it."

From the way he spoke his unkind words to her. Emelia knew something terrible was going to happen. But saying those harsh words to him, she didn't regret saying them. She was just speaking the truth. She is not a Princess to be cared for. She has lived her whole life not receiving such, and she certainly doesn't need it now.

The next thing she knew, Emelia was walking barefooted with chains, which was slowing her down as she walked alongside the other soldiers. She didn't know how long she had been walking, but she knew it was long because of the sun's scorching heat.

It was hot, and her throat felt dry as sandpaper. She wanted to drink water, but the soldiers walking alongside her didn't seem to care and casually drank water in front of her. Curse that Emperor, Emelia thought as she suddenly tripped on a rock. She fell flat on her body, but thankfully she managed not to fall headfirst.

The soldiers passing by didn't bother to help her, and some stepped on her foot, pretending she is invisible. To add, some were laughing and calling names at her, which she didn't care much about.

"What's wrong, Princess? Do you need someone to carry you? I'll carry you if you agree to pay with your body," a soldier said while the rest laughed out loud. Emelia flinched as her ankles were twisted again. But she had no plans being left in embarrassment. She walked towards the soldier and punched him in the stomach, making him drop onto the ground.

"Do you need someone to carry you? I can't carry you unless you pay me by punching you one more time," Emelia repeated the words he said earlier then continued walking away from him. Bully her as much as you want because, by the end, you will be the one that will be left in embarrassment. The soldier she punched cursed at her and felt as if he couldn't stand up as the pain she inflicted felt severe.

The world is ruled by men, and there is nothing she could do but watch them overuse their powers. But what the men hasn't heard of is the Princess who fights against them. Emelia isn't scared by a world ruled by men. That's because she had plans to change that—a world where men and women are equal.

But that plan is almost impossible. The world isn't going to accept that. But she doesn't have any plans giving it up. You will never know if something is impossible unless you give it a shot.

Life is like trial and error. The more mistakes you make, the better you become, the closer you get to your goal. But those who choose to do nothing or dwell on their mistakes will never grow.

The walk kept going on, not until the sun was slowly going down. The soldiers settled down and build the tents. While Emelia was sitting under the tree and shivered when a cold wind blew in her direction. She hated how the weather changes after the sun falls. Why can't the weather stay cold and hot at the same time?

Instead of being in a cage, the soldiers tied her to a tree. Her hands were at her back, leaving her in an awkward and uncomfortable position. To add to that, the chains that were restricting her wrist made it worse because they were tight.

All she could do was watch from afar the soldiers and knights enjoy their dinner. Her stomach growled as she smelled something delicious. It smelled like a potato stew, one of her favorite dishes made by Mrs. Gilda. Just thinking about her, Emelia wondered if she was still alive.

Emelia raised her head as she heard footsteps walking in her direction. She saw the Emperor she hated and looked at him coldly. He lowered his body to match Emelia's then said, "Untie her and bring her to a tent."

Emelia didn't like it when he was treating her kindly. She's someone who will become a slave and yet treats her like that. Stubborn, she is, Emelia spoke, "I don't need it." It was better to die than to be helped or to live with him.

A man in brown hair whistled while his hands were resting at the back of his head. With the way he acted, Emelia guessed he was a flirty and cheery type. In a sense, she wasn't wrong because he is one. But he looked familiar. He looked like the Emperor's personal knight. Are they brothers?

"Enoch, escort her," ordered Elliot, and he followed immediately. Enoch cut the rope and removed the chains off her wrist and ankle. He offered Emelia a hand, but she stayed seated on the ground. Elliot asked, "You don't want Enoch to escort you? I will call Alan to then."

"There is no need to," said Emelia as she stood up, and immediately, she felt pain all over, however she didn't want to show any signs of weakness and decided to hold the pain in. The bruises under her foot made it hard for her to walk, and she didn't want Elliot to find out about it. She then continued, "Just point where the tent is. I'll walk there on my own."

"Alone?" Elliot questioned as he stood up.

"Why are you treating me this way?" Emelia asked while Elliot signaled Enoch to leave both of them alone. Elliot scoffed and lifted Emelia's chin.

"You want to die, but I won't let you do so," He smirked while Emelia flinched. It was her first time having her thoughts being read correctly. As she suspected, this man isn't unlike other men. He is far more dangerous than them. Is it because he's an Emperor and doesn't fear? Emelia let out a nervous laugh, and she felt cold sweat forming on her forehead.

"I don't know what you want from me, but I am not scared of you."