Commanding Officer II

"Did I hear something wrong?" The commanding officer asked his assistant who didn't reply to his question. The assistant knew that the commanding officer wouldn't let Emelia go easily.

"No, you didn't. But if you did you should go clean your ears. It might not have been cleaned for who knows how long," Emelia answered back, and didn't she know that the commanding officer slapped her on the face. The slap made her upper body fall onto the ground. She was lucky her arms weren't chained behind her back. If it were she wouldn't be able to push herself back up.

Despite her cheek staggering she continued to stare at the commanding officer without any fear. Why isn't this woman scared of him? The assistant officer asked himself as he felt the tension between them grew colder.

Emelia said those words was because she didn't want that old, disgusting man to touch her. She preferred to touch the soil than a man touching her.

The commanding officer didn't take Emelia well. It's a pity when Emelia could do and be whatever she wants because of her beauty. If she isn't as cold and savage she would be living with a wealthy man. But he did not know that Emelia was owned by the Emperor.

"I'll let it slide for now. But there will be no next time. You're just shy to spend the night with me. Aren't I too handsome?" The commanding officer praised himself while Emelia all the more was disgusted as this man is defiantly called a narcissist. Only if this man knew that he was wrong. No, this type of man wouldn't admit fault from the beginning.

Emelia didn't say any word back at the commanding officer as she knew the fire will spread and who knows when the water will come.

"Today, you will be pulling the weeds off the ground. If you make it clear and green by today. You'll be reward with…nothing," The commanding officer let out a laugh. Emelia looked at the other prisoner and they didn't seem to care anymore. It's as if they were saying they didn't care about rewards but their life. "But at the same time if you don't clean this place. Everyone will be punished. Am I clear?" The commanding officer asked as his eyes landed on Emelia once more.

The prisoners gather out of the field, rushed to pluck the weeds out of the ground. Having many weeds is a sign that this place might have been left out for a while. The prisoners didn't look troubled and plucked a weed in an instant as for Emelia she stood still, watching them do it.

This is supposed to be a prison but why are the soldiers growing weeds? Does the Emperor know about this? For sure he isn't the type of person to allow his subordinates to do such a thing. This must be the works of the disgusting commanding officer. Out of nowhere, a soldier pushed her onto the ground, snapping her back into reality.

"Get to work you, prisoner," He snarled at her and she followed.

Emelia started to pick the weeds out and called herself stupid for not realizing this earlier. When she first saw the commanding officer his eyes were red and not only that but his fingernails were black. According to one of the books, she read these were one of the symptoms. She was then sure that the commanding officer was the one using it. But what for?

From Emelia's knowledge about the Vivan Empire selling weeds or drugs is illegal. Even the black market doesn't have any of these as the black market is controlled by the Emperor.

This commanding officer might not be that dumb after all Emelia thought inside her head. As she placed the weed inside the basket. The prison would be the last place the Emperor would go and visit. It is expected since from the looks of the prison barely any budget is placed to fix the cracked walls.

"Pst, behind you but don't turn your back," A woman said in a soft tone. Emelia instructed just like what the woman said. But it would be nice to see how she looks like. "I like your guts. Talking back at the stupid commander," She said while laughing softly. Emelia didn't say back any to her but the woman talked to her once more.

"I'm Amy, what's yours?" She asked but Emelia didn't say anything to the woman as she was just a stranger to her. "There is no need to tell you," Emelia finally said a word making the woman gleam brighter.

The fact the woman was happier to hear Emelia's voice then her name was weird. For Emelia, this is what you call people who keep smiling despite the current situation they were in. There was a chance for Emelia to turn her back and once she saw the woman her eyes widens.

Emelia didn't know what to say to her as Amy had dark skin but and blonde hair. Normally people who are blonde are called prettier than others but for sure the huge scar on her face was the destruction of her beauty.

"Are you that surprise to see my face?" Amy asked as she played the weed into the basket. "Do you want to know how I got it? I don't mind telling others," She looked at Emelia who felt something sketchy about this woman. This woman didn't feel normal it's as if she was only acting to be cheerful.

"Who are you?" Emelia asked in a cold tone. The woman ignored her question then asked, "I said my name earlier, Amy." Just like what she had expected this woman is unlike any other female prisoner here."

"Don't worry I'm not your enemy but an ally."