A New Place I

His golden eyes look down at Emelia, but she didn't answer him. She thought there is no point punishing the person who gave her this bruise. Also, why does he care that much? she asked herself, and her eyes didn't even waver as she looked back at Elliot.

"I don't want to repeat this twice. Who?" Elliot asked once more, but again she didn't answer him. To begin with, it was his fault for bringing her here. They shouldn't have come back for her. Even if it was an investigation, they didn't need to bring her out of prison. She liked it better here. To rot in a cage without anyone knowing her death.

A quiet life. That's all she wanted to have.

Elliot huffed, seeing Emelia how persistent she is in not answering him. It frustrated him, and he wanted to do something to her that would make her speak. But remembering the life she lived, he isn't going to be given a chance to win.

"Persistent. One of the few traits I hate in a woman," Elliot muttered as he turned his back to look at the commanding officer. He was quite angry and frustrated and needed a punching bag. Which makes left of the commanding officer. Well, he is bound to die from the beginning.

"Ayfara, you don't mind slicing his head, do you?" Elliot asked in a cold manner tone. "If it's your orders. I do not mind doing it," Ayfara gave the commanding officer a smile, but before she cut his head, she said, "Sleep tight."

The commanding officer's head dropped onto the ground, rolling in circles until it reached the foot of the two soldiers earlier. They tried keeping their faces still but couldn't as one of them ran away then the other followed.

Elliot looks back at Emelia then asked, "Are you alright?" There it comes to his gentle side, which she hated. They are enemies. But this man treats her kind as if she is one of his people. Elliot reached his hand out and was about to cup her face, but instead, he received a slap from her.

"Don't touch me," Emelia said while Alan gripped onto his sword, ready to charge towards Emelia for slapping the emperor's hand away. "I assumed so," Said Elliot as he turned his back. "We're bringing her back with us."

Once again, she was transferred to another place, but this time it was her final destination. The final location where she would start her new horrible life. The difference between her palace and his palace is the maintenance.

The corners of the pillars were painted into gold. The decorations, such as the vases, looked glossy. Not only that, but his palace was much brighter than she had expected. It was blinding to her eyes because her world isn't colored with a rainbow but black and white.

Here it goes again, Emelia thought. The despiteful eyes of the people as if they were telling her to go and die. We do not need you in our empire. You don't deserve to be by His Imperial Majesty's side. She knew it, but it wasn't her fault she was still alive. They should blame the faults on their own emperor.

"Tell the head butler to bring her to a room," Elliot ordered Air, who nodded his head and walked off. Before their ways separated, Elliot took a last look at Emelia, who was looking out of the window. He looked out of the window and sees nothing but the dark.

Emelia continued looking out of the window, not until she heard someone scoffed. When she turned her head to see, she sees an old man whom she assumes is the head butler. He bowed, then said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Emelia." Princess? Right, how can she forget that she was one?

"Don't call me, Princess. Simply just use my name," said Emelia. As the butler was supposed to say another word, he was interrupted by Amy or rather the real name of that person, Ayfara. Amy clearly didn't fit her, but she tried. "Why not? It's not like your empire has fully fallen," She said as she kept her bright expression on.

It looks nice to be able to smile despite the conversation being heavy. Emelia knew that Ayfara is a bright person, but once she holds her blade, her blue eyes turn dark. It's amazingly horrifying, but people like them do exist.

"Please follow me," The head butler said, and Emelia followed from behind. She just wanted to get some proper rest. That's all she wanted. Who cares about the food when she could just survive with water.

The day was long, but who knows how long she will be kept in this villain's palace?