Lady Malith

"Who is she? Someone important? With the dress she's wearing, she looks like someone of important," A servant muttered to another. While the other servant nudged her on the shoulder then said, "Haven't you heard about her? Platinum blonde with green eyes like an emerald? She's the princess of the Redodel Empire."

"Such a pity she's a beauty, but her face is too stiff."

"I agree."

Emelia could hear their conversation but didn't pay much to what they were saying. But all she cared about is now she's able to walk freely. It's frustrating that there are some bothersome people who wouldn't leave her alone.

"But don't you think His Imperial Majesty is giving her too much freedom?" Emelia looked at the servant, who didn't notice her looking in their direction. "Shh, don't say that. What if someone hears this?" Asked the other servant as she looked side to side and flinched as she sees Emelia. The servant tried stopping the other servant from talking and got annoyed at how her friend was stopping her from doing so.

"Don't be rude, you two," Vanessa said as she stood in front of Emelia with her arms crossed. Emelia pulled the sleeves of Vanessa then said, "It's alright. In the first place, I don't belong here." Vanessa bit her lip and was hesitant to listen, but in the end, she obeyed her. She then stood behind Emelia's back, then said, "Be grateful that Miss Emelia is kind. She could have told the emperor about this."

The other two servants looked scared when Vanessa mentioned the emperor. The two servants bowed and immediately rushed out of their sight while Vanessa could bear but scold Emelia for not fighting back.

"How can you not say anything?" Vanessa asked Emelia and could see the frustration built in her. Emelia thought it would be better not to create problems without a plan. Though she did consider saying something to fluster the two. But she didn't because it was a bothersome thing to do. Emelia answered, ��There's no point in fighting without a plan."

Vanessa couldn't say anything back towards her since Emelia was right. But at the same time, she wanted to say that Emelia is wrong. Even if there isn't a plan, she should be defending herself. Emelia took a step and was supposed to go back to her room but then she was stopped.

"Where do you think are you going?" A woman asked while Emelia didn't say anything or turn her back. She felt another storm was coming her way. The woman cleared her throat, then asked, "You're not mute, are you?"

Emelia was waiting for Vanessa to say something. But when she sees the frightened expression on her face, she then doubted Vanessa would talk.

If Vanessa is frightened about this woman, then that means she's someone important or someone who has a high status. It wasn't possible for the woman to be a princess because the previous emperor only had Elliot.

"I won't repeat the third time. Aren't you being rude?" The woman asked, and finally, Emelia turned her back to see a dark-skinned lady with two other maids standing behind her. Without a doubt, she's a lady from the Honani tribe.

From top to bottom, she was dressed beautifully and not to mention she was a beauty. But her attitude is all the way to the bottom. Seeing Vanessa bowing, Emelia didn't do so but instead looked at the woman.

"You're supposed to be greeting her," Said one of her maids as she shot a glare at Emelia. "I don't want to be rude but do I know you?" Emelia asked the woman, who bit her lip and looked annoyed at the same time. It looks like Emelia hit the target.

The maid pointed a finger towards Emelia, and in an annoyed tone, she said, "How dare you ask that question towards Lady Malith?" Now that you think about it, she looked a bit like Ayfara, but it's just the hair that made them look different.

This Lady Malith must be spoiled to the point she even has her maids to speak for her. Emelia took a deep breath then said, "I am sorry. That is because I am new to this palace. I didn't mean to be rude." But it didn't mean she was going to lower her head towards someone like Lady Malith.

Lady Malith swung her fan, telling her two maids to stop talking. She thought Emelia was doing it intentionally, but it so just happens she was new to this palace. "It's alight. I'll forgive you. My name is Malith Raiimond. What about you?"

"Emelia Beaumont."

"Beaumont… I've heard of that name before. Anyway, Emelia, I hope you enjoy your stay in the palace," Lady Malith said as she walked away and followed her two maids.

Malith Raiimond the stepsister of Ayfara Raiimond but is raised differently. The leader of the Honani tribe has two wives, and the one who he treasures the most was Malith. That is why she was also sent to become the concubine of the emperor. But doesn't have any progress at all.

Despite living in the palace for three years. The emperor himself never once visited her room and pushes her away. The reason? It's because Lady Malith was an annoying and obsessive type.

As Lady Malith walked back to her room, she told her maid, "Keep an eye on her." Even if she had let go of Emelia, she was considered as a new enemy of hers. If there is another woman living in this palace, it means that she is a candidate to become the emperor's wife.

For someone who had fallen deeply in love with the villain, she, of course, has plans under her sleeves. But a lady like her would take infinity years for Elliot to fall in love with her.