Dining With The Villain I

"His Imperial Majesty invites you to eat with him for supper. Please be there before he does," The servant warned Emelia, then walked out of the room. "Can't he say that any nicer?" Asked Vanessa as she virtually glared at the servant.

Emelia had already expected this. The only servant who treated her nicely was Vanessa, who is different from the other servants. She is lucky to have a person like Vanessa stay by her side. But at the same time, Emelia didn't care much what the other servants say about her.

"Miss Emelia, why won't you fight back? You're His Imperial Majesty's special guest," Vanessa asked, but Emelia denied it. She isn't any special guest but soon to be a slave. This kind of treatment is just temporary. Then soon, who knows, she'll become a slave. "I'm not a special guest," Said Emelia, but Vanessa insisted that she is a special guest.

"How can you say so? The council members had been talking about you," said Vanessa.

For the first time, asides from Lady Malith, Elliot brought a girl to the palace. At first, the council members or nobles who own a lot of power were excited about this. But then, when they heard it was the princess of the Redodel Empire, their expressions changed. Who would like it for their enemy to become their empire's next empress?

"But still His Imperial Majesty brought you here. You are still considered as a special guest," Vanessa argued, but then once again, Emelia denied it. She didn't want to get involved with this kind of argument. It would make things worse as it is. But then she already is part of this argument.

Emelia looked out the window to see the orange-gold skies stretching far and wide. A breathtaking scenery that she wished to engrave in her head, but it was to be removed. Having a happy memory would only lead to more sadness.

The whole time Emelia was spacing out, Vanessa kept complaining about those other servants who talk bad behind her back. But Emelia wasn't paying attention to her words but rather was enjoying the scenery.

"Miss Emelia, are you listening?" Vanessa asked and didn't get an answer from Emelia. She let out a sigh, then blocks Emelia's view of the sunset. "Stop ignoring me, please," Vanessa pleaded in a gentle manner, rubbing her hands together.

"I won't. But even if you tell me to defend myself. There isn't any point stoping it. It's going to keep going on until the day I die," Emelia answered, and when she looked at Vanessa, she sees tears forming in her eyes. She was taken back after seeing tears drop. She didn't mean to make Vanessa cry.

Emelia stood up in a panic and tried comforting Vanessa, but she didn't know what to do. Should she pat her back? Should she hand her a cup of water? She didn't know since it was her first time making someone cry.

"Please don't mind me. It's just sad how you think like that. Why can't you treasure your life?" Vanessa asked, wiping her tears away, then sniffled after.

Why can't Emelia treasure her own life? It's because she was done with this world. She couldn't see the beautiful side and only sees the corrupt, evil side of the people. She can't trust anyone but herself. That's the kind of world she lived in.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," Emelia reached her hand out to pat Vanessa, but then she retreats her hand back. What's wrong with me? Emelia asked herself. This wasn't like her. She was supposed to be a person who doesn't care about others. She almost reached her hand out to Vanessa. That was close.

"Now, look at the time. You're late for supper. You should get going. I'll go somewhere else to cool myself down," Said Vanessa with a smile, who then turned her back to hide her face away from Emelia.

Emelia nodded her head and walked towards the door. But before leaving, she whispered, "I'm sorry." Then opened the door, making her way to the dining hall. There was a sense of guilt lingering in her chest, and she couldn't remove it not until she met the face of her villain.

A smile ran across his face. He then asked, "So you're late? Very bold of you." Emelia looked at the man in a calm manner, then said, "I had some business to do."

"What business is that?" Elliot asked as she walked in her direction. Emelia averted her eyes away, then said, "It's none of your business." Elliot's personal aide, Air, interrupted the both then said, "Mind your manners, Princess Emelia. You're in the presence of the emperor."

Emelia didn't say anything but wait for Elliot to enter the room before she does. His personal aide, Air, obviously didn't like Emelia. He didn't like the way she answered back at Elliot. It's as if they were close friends. Not only that but he was annoyed by the fact Elliot doesn't punish Emelia for her rude manners.

Air knew about Elliot having an interest in Emelia but then why this kind of girl? She is a beauty but her etiquette and manners are rock bottom. This man has a problem Elliot said in his mind.

A guard standing on the sides of the door opened the door then entered Elliot, followed by Emelia. The dining hall was bigger than she had expected. The long table stretched across each of the ends, but only the left side of the table was filled with food. Elliot took his seat in the middle while Emelia was standing up, not knowing where to sit.

"Take your seat there," Air pointed to her seat, which was beside Elliot. Emelia didn't thank Air and went straight to take her seat.

As she took her seat, she could a pair of eyes looking at her. Despite being used to being looked at, this was different. This man was starting too much at her to the point she wanted to slam her plate to his face.

"Imperial Majesty, please stop staring at me. It's rude," Emelia said as she continued looking straight in front of her, which was another chair and a plate that was being set up by a servant.

"Who is this plate for?" Elliot asked the servant, who gulped.