Chief Malzan

Ever since the attempted murder, more palace guards were stationed in each corner of the hallway. It sounds exaggerated, but this is the palace supposed to be the most secured place in the empire.

When news about Lady Malith reached the ears of the Honani Tribe, the tribe leader did not hesitate to march his way to the palace. Elliot welcomed them with open arms and let them reside in the Flower Palace, which is a fifteen-minute walk away from the main palace.

The peaceful and quiet morning was coming to an end for Elliot. As an old-looking man with white hair and blue eyes storms into his office. Where is the respect he needed? Elliot asked himself and flashed a smile. One thing he hated is someone storming into his office without making a schedule. But for now, he decided to let go just this time.

"Chief Malazan, is there anything I could do for you?" Elliot asked as he stood away from his as he offered Chief Malzan a seat. But like a child, he crossed his arms together, and angrily answered, "Do something about my daughter!" Like there is anything Elliot could do.

She was already provided with the best doctors in this empire, provided with expensive medicines and extra guards to guard her room. Elliot has provided everything Lady Malith needed. All that's left is for her to fight for her own life. Elliot wanted to kick this old man out of his office, but he decided not to and keep his kind personality up.

"I've sent the best doctors in this empire, and Lady Malith's condition is gradually getting better," said Elliot. But then Chief Malzan was temperate and hard-headed. Ignoring what Elliot said, he asked, "Where is Ayfara? What kind of sister is she? Unless…" Chief Malzan muttered the last word.

"Father? Why are you making a scene? You're rude," Ayfara said as she entered and closed the door as it was open the whole time. Ayfara took a fast bow at Elliot and greeted him, "I greet His Imperial Majesty. I'm terribly sorry about my father." Elliot raised his hand, telling her not to mind it. But he did consider kicking this man out of his office.

"Anyway, why didn't you protect your sister?" Chief Malzan asked Ayfara, who clearly looked annoyed with her father. She wanted to speak up for herself, but then Elliot was watching them, and she didn't want to be humiliated in his presence. "Can we talk about this outside?" Ayfara asked her father, which he didn't like. He raised his hand and slapped Ayfara on the face, leaving the people in Elliot's office stunned.

Ayfara clenched her fist and kept her cool down. It ached her cheek. She could feel it throbbing and slowly swelling up. Chief Malzan raised his hand upon the air again, but this time he was stopped. He felt his wrist being held, stopped by Elliot, who didn't like this kind of entertainment.

Elliot had two reasons to get mad now. One is Chief Malzan storming into his room without any announcement or scheduling. Second is how he slapped and scolded his loyal servant despite Ayfara doing nothing wrong.

Cheif Malzan felt something crawling behind his back, and when he turned to see who it was, he sees Elliot in a "not in a good mood and so shut your mouth." He turned silent and averted his eyes away from Elliot but couldn't escape it when Elliot asked, "And where are you looking at?"

While stuttering and rubbing his hands together. Chief Malzan answered, "O-oh I thought t-that flower looks nice," He pointed at the blue flowers that he didn't know were fake. An apathetic laugh came out of Elliot, then he asked, "Are you done?"

"Yes?" Chief Malzan asked and was clueless about what Elliot was saying. The atmosphere in the office was already heavy, but then his question-answer made it heavier. "Are you done?" Elliot asked as his eyes didn't break off from him. While wiping his sweat on his forehead, he answered, "Yes, I still have some business to do. I shall take my leave."

Chief Malzan left the office while there was Ayfara, who kneeled onto her knees and lowered her head. "I'm sorry for His Imperial Majesty to be involved in this family matter. Please give me any form of punishment, and I will accept them," Ayfara pleaded and had not expected Elliot to offer his hand to her.

"Stand," He commanded, and Ayfara listened to his command but kept her head low. She couldn't forgive herself for letting Elliot see this kind of family matter. Despite not looking like it, Elliot knew when to be forgiving and not. "Go take a day off. I don't want to hear any other excuses from you," Elliot said as he walked to his desk to finish the leftover reports.

"Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty," Ayfara thanked as she left the office. For Elliot to pardon this situation, she was grateful for him. She's lucky that Elliot doesn't punish anyone without reason.

Lost in thoughts Ayfara kept walking the hallway and bumped into Cheif Malzan, who clearly didn't look pleased. He was tapping his foot onto the ground non-stop and was rubbing his chin as he impatiently was waiting for Ayfara to appear.

When he saw Ayfara walking in his direction, his face lit up, and he opened his arms wide, asking for a hug from her. But then Ayfara walked past him. Currently, she didn't want anything from him. From a smile on his face, it changed into a frown with his eyes brows furrowed.

"Ignoring your own father?" Cheif Malzan asked as he felt disrespected by Ayfara's action. Ayfara stopped walking and did not turn her back. She answered him in a rude manner, asking, "What, Father? I don't know you. Don't speak to me as if I'm your daughter. Instead, stay by Lady Malith's side and take care of her. She's your daughter, Am I right?"

Chief Malzan felt defeated by Ayfara's words but didn't back down and continued to stay strong. For the sake of his title as the chief of the Honani Tribe. "Is this how you speak to your own father? I can't believe how pathetic you have become," He said and let out a laugh.

"Well, I can't believe you became an apathetic person too," Ayfara said as she sees a familiar person walking in her direction and thought it was her chance to escape from Chief Malzan. She excused herself, then walked towards the platinum blonde girl and greeted her with a smile.

Chief Malzan was left hanging, and his attention went to the platinum blonde girl who he wanted. She was gorgeous from top to bottom. His lustful eyes wanted to go near the platinum-blonde lady, but then his daughter from afar shot him a glare.

He clicked his tongue and stomped his way to Lady Malith's room. The picture of the platinum blonde couldn't leave his head, and the more he thought about her, the more he wanted her for himself.