Pocket Watch

The time felt very long for Emelia as for the whole morning she was sitting on the chair doing nothing. She stopped reading books from the library because she didn't want to run out of books to read. A month had already passed since she has arrived in the palace of the Vivan Empire. Every day wasn't a peaceful picture because of a certain person.

"Good morning to you, Princess Emelia," Lady Malith spoke with a hint of mockery. She sure is energetic after being asleep for how many days. But being the typical Emelia, she answered, "Good morning." With two words that were supposed to just a greeting, it felt as if winter was passing by them. Lady Malith cleared her throat, trying to clear the winter away. She asked, "Do you have any plans for today?"

Since the conversation had started, Emelia did not once look at Lady Malith. She knew she was being looked down on by Lady Malith and thought putting a bit of shame in her might change her mind.

"In fact, I do not have any plans," Emelia answered, still not meeting her eyes. While Lady Malith was starting to get annoyed with the way Emelia acts. But then, instead of showing or bursting her emotions, she kept it in. She told herself there isn't any point in getting angry with a woman who doesn't have feelings.

"That is boring," Lady Malith said as she used her extravagant looking fan to cover her mouth. But the boring person in this place wasn't Emelia rather Lady Malith. Since the conversation was going nowhere, Emelia asked, "Indeed, why is that Lady Malith ask me these kinds of questions when you know I'm a boring person?" This question took Lady Malith back. It felt like she was slapped but with a question.

Lady Malith closed her fan, lowering her hand, and answered, "I never said you were a boring person. I-I simply just wanted to say there are many things to do in the palace." Emelia gave a sigh out loud and looked at Lady Malith. There were many things she wanted to say to her face, but then she decided not to. "Yes, there are many things to do in the palace. But with the restrictions given, I simply cannot do anything as I wish," Emelia said.

Just because she was allowed to roam around the castle and do what she wanted to do. There are still restrictions placed on her. She wanted to yield the sword, but then she isn't allowed to. Since they think she'll try escaping one day or try killing the Emperor. Well, it wasn't a lie. She would try those two but then if she does it, will it benefit her? The answer is nothing. The void filled in her will just be filled much more.

"If you, please excuse me. I want to continue with my daily walk," Emelia said, then walked past Lady Malith, who still didn't look to be done with what she was supposed to say. She bit her lip in annoyance and huffed as she walked in her own direction.

Lady Malith wished Emelia never came to this palace. Her plans to become the wife of Elliot failed because of Emelia. But because of the accident that happened, Elliot had been seeing her almost every day. She tried doing everything to win his heart, but nothing works, and it's all because of Emelia. Only if she never existed in this world.

"Lady Malith is a respectable lady. However, what she said earlier is too much for me to handle," Vanessa said with her arms crossed like a child. She turned her head, looking at Emelia, who didn't look bothered at then asked, "Aren't you angry at all?"

"Vanessa, there isn't anything we could do to a person who all barks but no bite. Let her bark all she wants since she'll be ashamed of herself for doing so," Emelia answered, but Vanessa couldn't accept what she said.

Sometimes she wonders if there things that bother Emelia. She's like a doll. Someone who doesn't have feelings. It pains Vanessa to see the people talk bad about her when there are so many good sides to her. The money the Emperor gives to Emelia is a lot, and not once she had used it for her personal gain but for others.

It was just recently one of the maids' mother fell sick and didn't have the money to buy the medicine. Upon hearing this, Emelia gave the money to the maid, telling her to use it and not return it. It was a generous amount of money, specifically one bag of gold coins. One bag had around one hundred gold coins. This is enough to open an extravagant looking shop.

Vanessa sighed out loud, wishing that people would see Emelia's good side. Despite lacking the facial expression, she cares very much for every single person. If she were to be a novel's main character, Vanessa was sure the people would love her.

The war ended a month ago, and yet there weren't any celebrations being held in the palace. But with the high demands of the people, Elliot decided to make a three-day celebration because that officials had been busy around and including Elliot.

The celebration was supposed to be held a month ago, but then they were worried about some things. Despite the war being over, there still those from the Redodel Empire who seek revenge against them. But he couldn't neglect his people not having a celebration, and that is why Elliot and his trusted servants are planning this celebration more in-depth.

"Your Imperial Majesty, here is the list of those who are still wanted in our list. We were able to catch a few of them, but then they wouldn't speak up to who is their leader," Air reported as he handed the paper to Elliot. His eyes schemed through the pages of the paper and nodded his head after.

"This is what I had feared," Elliot muttered in a low voice as he placed the paper on his desk. "We need to find the leader. If not, the people will be in danger," Elliot continued, and Air nodded his head, agreeing with him. Not only the people will be in danger but also Emelia.

"Do not worry so much, Your Imperial Majesty. Isn't this the reason why you assigned Ayfara to be Princess Emelia's guard?" Air asked, trying to assure him. "You're right," Elliot said as he massaged his temples. "Do you want some tea?" Air asked, and Elliot answered by nodding his head.

Once Elliot was left alone in the room, he took a pocket watch out of his pocket. He turned the watch and traced the words engraved onto the watch. It was engraved, "Time will let you find your light."

"Even if I've kept this since your death. I still don't know what it means," Elliot muttered as he immediately shoved the pocket watch back into his pocket after hearing the door open. He acted normal as if nothing had happened and kept his face straight.