
The first time Elliot heard about the princess of the Redodel Empire, he had no interest in her at all. Basically, he had once thought. All girls are the same, greedy, two-faced, and weak. The number of women who went after him ended wrecked. He did not kill them but broke their heart into pieces.

But when he sat on the golden throne and looked down at the Redodel royal family. His eyes shifted towards the unconscious platinum blonde. Her slim figure tempted him to crushed her into pieces, but when she opened her eyes, he saw something different about her. The supposed luminous emerald eyes were not luminous. Instead, it was full of hatred, which she was not aware of herself.

After, he brought her to the palace, and sure every day was interesting despite not seeing her most of the time. But somehow, there was something he wanted to do for her. And that was to open her eyes.

"Anyway, I have some news for you," Elliot said as she handed her a paper. Emelia started at the paper for a second before holding it. She asked him, "What is this?" Clearly, she didn't look interested but rather confused. "Read it. You might want some intel," Elliot answered her.

While Emelia was busy reading the paper, Elliot was expecting some reaction from her. But it backfired. Her face says nothing about what she had read. She lifted the paper, and while swinging it up on the air, she asked, "And this is the intel you wanted to share?"

This wasn't what he was expecting, but how could he forget who he was talking to? "What do you think?" He asked as Emelia felt she was being tested by him. He was underestimating her, and Emelia didn't like it since it was Elliot whom she is speaking to.

Henry Verida and Argus Gebrat are both alive. They were last seen by the Vivan Empire's border and is on the run. Their motives are not clear, but the speculations were to bring back the last leader of the Redodel Empire who was Emelia.

The fact Elliot wanted Emelia to know is because in a report he read. It said Henry Verida and Emelia are childhood friends. While Argus Gebrat had great respect for Emelia. Though Elliot intentionally gave this report, which was one week ago.

Currently, Henry and Argus are both in prison, which no one except the Lion knights and Elliot's loyal servants knows about. They didn't manage to capture all of them, and they are sure they will come and try freeing them.

"Aren't you going to say anything about it?" Elliot asked while Emelia placed the paper onto the table. It's not like she could do something about it, is what she wanted to says. But instead, she stayed quiet. If ever they managed to bring Emelia out, she would rather stay inside the palace than rule a land.

Since she was younger, Emelia always underestimated her skills. She has the qualities to become a great leader of a nation. But because of the number of doubts that built in her since she was young. The thoughts of being a leader never crossed her mind. Not to mention she would rather be dead than be stuck inside Elliot's palace.

"And so? What is this information going to do to me?" Emelie asked she didn't remove her eyes off the paper. "If they ask you to leave, will you leave?" Elliot asked as he placed the paperback on his desk. Escape? Why would she escape when it's going to make her life more complicated?

"You know one day you need to learn doing things on your own isn't going to make you grow."

What does he mean by that, Emelia asked herself? Since she was younger, she had been alone. She never saw how her mother looked like. The servants treated her as if she was nothing. The father who she had thought would love her was a coward. It was her step-mother who was manipulating her father to do bad things.

"But I've always been alone. There is no space for me to grow. I am fine being like this," Emelia answered him. Wounded, lonely, and scared. Those are the three things Emelia had suppressed already.

But what Elliot said next quite angered Emelia. He said, "This is why you keep pushing away people. You know in life you need to learn how to trust others to improve yourself." Elliot paused, feeling frustrated. How can a person like her exist? Reflecting on his past self, he was similar to Emelia. But he learned there is kindness in some people. He continued saying, "The more you push those who open up to you. The more you will fall and break."

"Fall and break, how stupid are you?" Emelia muttered, and not thinking twice, she answered him, "I don't need you to tell me that. I know myself more than you do." She stood up and made her way to the door but stopped when Elliot asked, "You do? Then let me ask what your favorite color is? What do you like to eat? What kind of books do you like reading? Answer me."

How would she know? The fact her mind turned blank made her flustered. Things weren't supposed to go likes this, but because he kept pushing her. She ended up being angered in a while. As calm as possible, she said to him, "Mind your own business. Stop interfering in someone's life whom you only met."

With that, Emelia left his office, angered. With the way she walked and her sour expression, Air, who had been standing out of the office, entered with a sigh. "Your Imperial Majesty, what is the point in angering her?"

The grin on Elliot's face turned into a frown, and he answered, "Isn't it interesting how she was once like me?"

Air couldn't believe Elliot had the time and go play with someone while there were papers piling on his desk. It seems like he isn't going to get sleep for the night. How could Air forget the way Elliot releases stress is by putting pressure on someone.

"Please restrain yourself, Your Imperial Majesty."

"You don't need to tell me that. I'm just having some fun. A drama once in a lifetime isn't it interesting, Air?" Elliot asked smirking while Air shook his head and kept his mouth shut as he knew he can't do anything about him.