Apology And Payment

The dining hall was filled with three people, Elliot, Emelia, and Lady Malith. The fact Lady Malith's presence was there, she was being ignored by Elliot like usual. She was an uninvited guest who would want to serve one?

Elliot lowered his fork and knife then asked Emelia, "How is it to your liking?" Emelia didn't meet his eyes, but she answered, "It's to my liking." While on the other hand, Lady Malith looked at Emelia with jealousy. Anyone who was present in the dining hall could tell Lady Malith didn't look nice at all. But since there weren't any servants at the moment, it was just for a while she showed her true self.

"Your answers are short as always," Elliot chuckled, slicing his beef into smaller pieces. "That is who I am," Emelia answered without any hesitation. Though she had planned to apologize about the incident, she didn't know when to say it. Not to mention Lady Malith was there sitting across her with deadly stares. Emelia felt uncomfortable, not to mention she had a feeling she was going to get indigestion.

"Lady Malith, will you please leave the dining hall?" Elliot asked after noticing the discomfort Emelia was in. But she didn't expect him to call out for her. Lady Malith looked shocked. Her mouth was slightly opened, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes grew bigger. She didn't want to be left out in the conversation, and so she insisted.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I still am an important person in this palace," She answered highly of herself, not realizing she would look stupid in front of Emelia. When Elliot said, "And so?" Lady Malith felt something crawling behind her back.

There was a clear distinction that Elliot didn't want Lady Malith to be in the room, yet she still continued to stand for herself. "W-what I meant to say is please say it in front of me too. You don't need to kick me out unless it's something secretive," Lady Malith smirked at the last few words.

"You are right," Elliot said, putting a smile on Lady Malith's face, who got cut by Elliot before she could say anything. "Indeed, this something between the Princess and I. So please leave," Elliot said with his usual cold tone while looking at her.

His look wasn't the usual look but the look that says if-you-don't-listen-to-my-orders-I'll-kill-you scared her. She flinched as she took a glance at Emelia. While stuttering, she excused herself out with both of her hands clenched.

Now that the nuisance was out of the room, Elliot felt relaxed now. While Emelia, on the other hand, still didn't know when to apologize to him. The whole five minutes, the two didn't say anything not until Elliot broke the silence.

"I want to apologize for being rude earlier," He said as he wiped the tip of his mouth with a napkin. Emelia, who just finished eating, answered, "No, it was my fault. I want to apologize for her child-like manners earlier. Also, thank you for driving Lady Malith out. I felt uncomfortable for a second…"

"Do I get a reward?" Elliot chuckled at his own question and had expected Emelia to say no, but she didn't say anything. His face lit up, and he asked, "Really? I can ask you to do whatever I want?" Emelia nodded her head but had one condition, "But I will not agree to marry His Imperial Majesty or anything related to marriage."

Of course, that was on his mind, but then another idea came into his mind. "What about we go out on a date?" Elliot suggested while Emelia was confused about the word date. She had never heard of that word before and didn't know what it meant. "Date?" She questioned while Elliot nodded his head. "For the commoners, it means that a guy and girl goes out alone and have fun," Elliot explained, reaching Emelia, who didn't want to accept it but had no choice but to.

Once she has said, it can't be taken back. She was one of those who believe a man should keep their word. "I understand. If that is your wishes, then I will accept them," Emelia nodded her head as she folded her napkin and placed it on the table after. "Tomorrow, be prepared. I'll ask your maid to prepare you some commoner clothes," Elliot said with a smile.

The two parted ways but with two different kinds of expression. One was smiling and humming as he walked back to his office. While the other didn't have any form of excitement and felt troubled about tomorrow.