The Future?

"We managed to get out of the cell, but if we're caught once more, our heads will definitely come off," The blonde-haired man said while huffing after the long run they made after escaping from the cell. The man who stood beside the blonde nodded his head in agreement and said, "We should get going, Your Grace."

The blonde-haired man was desperate to get back what was his. What he wanted was not an item but a person who he was sure to be alive. No matter how hard they searched for her body, she was nowhere to be found. When he was close to giving up, word came across him that the person he was looking for was still alive.

That person was none other than Emelia Beaumont.

"Your Grace, I see the others we should get going," Argus said as he pulled his cloak down. "I know." Henry wasn't sure if the rumor was true, but something was telling him that Emelia was still alive. The thought of Emelia suffering somewhere around in the Vivan Empire made him angered. "Wait for me, Emelia." The letter will say everything though he wasn't sure if the letter will reach her.

Emelia felt chills crawling behind her back and made her turn her back. For a while there, she thought someone was thinking about her. She rubbed her arms to calm herself down and got startled when Ayfara called for her name.

"Lady Emelia, are you alright? Should we start heading back? The sun is about to fall," Ayfara asked out of concern after seeing Emelia act weird. "We should head back," Emelia answered short and followed Ayfara, who lead their way back to their carriage.

On the way back to the carriage, a boy was running around playing with his friend and bumps into Emelia. The boy lands onto the ground, and while rubbing his forehead, he apologizes to Emelia countless times. The boy stood up and ran back to his friends who were scolding him.

But then Emelia felt something in her hands which she had not to expect from the boy. She took a peek at her own hand and saw a white paper with writings in it. The paper felt hard, as if it was folded a hundred times to make it not visible to others. Just to be sure, Emelia slips the paper into her pocket and pretends nothing happened.

When Ayfara asked if everything was alright, Emelia didn't answer her, meaning she was alright. It was a good thing Ayfara didn't notice it. But who would dare slip a message when there were guards around Emelia. Well, it seems, using a child wouldn't be any problem, not to mention if they were to create rucks it would ruin the mood of the festival.

Once Emelia reached her room, she asked everyone to leave her, and at the same time, she moved away from where the windows are. The moment she was about to open the paper, she heard a knock coming from the door and hid the note back.

"Miss Emelia, please let me prepare the bath," Vanessa said as she entered the room. Like her usual response, she nodded her head. When Vanessa was busy preparing the bath, Emelia snuck the paper out and read the paper. Her eyes widen and her mouth slightly opened. She read the paper once more, and from there, she knew the clock has started to tick.

The paper crumpled the moment Emelia clenched her fist. This was the last thing she had hoped. How long will the fight go on? The never-ending bloodshed, the never-ending war. The unnecessary war put many lives in danger. She felt drained just thinking about it. Just like that, history will repeat itself just like a clock. It goes around restless and only stops if it breaks.

Vanessa walked out of the bathroom, wiping her hand with a clean piece of cloth, and as she was about to call Emelia, she frowned.

Once again, the saddened expression on her face was back. The only thing she could ask herself was what's making Emelia feel down? With her own powers, there isn't anything she could do. The positive Vanessa was starting to doubt herself, but that isn't strong enough to bring her down. She shook her head and cheered herself out, finally calling to take her bath with a smile.

"Miss Emelia, the bath is done. Please take a bath while the water is still warm," Vanessa forced herself to sound happy, which managed to fool Emelia, who was preoccupied with thoughts. Though Vanessa hoped whatever made Emelia sad would be solved.

The gentle breeze blew the hair of Emelia as she was by the balcony admiring the moon. Though she felt tired, her eyes wouldn't bring her to sleep. Nights like these meant she had many thoughts in her mind. But what she couldn't understand was why she felt scared. She placed her hand in front of her, telling herself to stop thinking and just calm down.

But the sense of being scared wouldn't calm her down. The last she felt scared was when she was still young. When the world in her eyes was still bright when it was supposed to be the age of discovery. Everything turned dark to her at the age of six. That is when she discovered how tainted people were. Though she knew not everyone is like that.

All she wanted was to be loved.

After all, she has never felt the taste of being loved.