The Journey II: Peace Won't Last

"Here, wear my coat," Said Elliot, removing his coat, giving it to Emelia. She looked at the coat and didn't take it because she felt warm enough, "Just take it." He dropped his coat on her head.

"I don't need it," Answered Emelia as she lifts her hand to give his coat back. She didn't need his coat because she was wearing Argus'. Elliot furrowed his brow, disliking the fact his coat was not being worn, but he didn't force it and took his coat back. He joined Emelia, sitting on the hard, cold ground as they watch the fire dancing.

"We should've left earlier," Argued Emelia, who tucked her knees closer to her. The initial plan was to leave before the sun rose, but because Elliot wanted to deal with Lady Malith, they left later on.