The Journey VIII: Back To One

Her eyes fluttered, feeling the sunray hitting her face. Her mouth was slightly opened, gulping as her throat felt sore. She looks around her surroundings seeing the familiar furniture back when she was living in the palace with her family.

Emelia took her time sitting up on her bed feeling pains, tingling from bottom to top. It's as if she hasn't moved for a week. But before she does anything, she needed water. She couldn't make a decent sound except for her hoarse voice. She poured herself a cup of water that was sitting on the bedside drawer.

Why is she back in her room? When was she supposed to be a prisoner for the Vivan Empire? Was she saved by someone? She didn't know because her last memory was her kneeling in front of the black-haired man.

Emelia dragged her legs to the ground, slowly stood up. Her legs were trembling as she walked towards the window. She leaned onto the glass pane, squinting her eyes, looking at the gardens.