Meeting In The Green House II

The silence in the greenhouse grew. She couldn't shrug his hand off her wrist, which was hurting her. His question made her ponder was she in pain? And if she is, what will he do? Will this add to her pity points?

"And if I am, what will you do?" Asked Emelia, still not understanding why his eyes were filled with concern just because of the bruise on her cheek. It's not like anyone can't get a bruise. "Don't pity because of how they treat me. I don't need it," Said Emelia pinching his hand, which he had let go of her hand.

"I don't understand why you are so concerned about me when we don't have any sort of relationship," Emelia pushed his hand away as he tried touching her cheek. "Don't touch me," Emelia glared at him, making him laugh as he brushes his hair back.

"I wonder why?" He smiled, but at the same time, he was frowning.