The War I

"As we discussed earlier. The council members of the Redodel Empire are taking control of their government instead of their Emperor. It's a sudden change in our plans, but personally, for me, it's best if we infiltrate them as soon as possible," said Air.

Henry lowers his guard just because of an accident he caused. It's as if it's his first time seeing blood, but it isn't. When he saw Emelia, bleeding he had thoughts that she was going to die and not make it alive. He fell into shock. 

Being unresponsive and irresponsible with his duties, the council members, who were more corrupted than Henry, took over. They have controls of their military, and there are two traitors from the Vivan Empire who sided with them. 

Sooner or later, Elliot knew this was going to happen. Chief Malazan and Count Fredrik are easy people to read. They are like an open book easy to read. Even a child would know their plans if they knew what the situation is.