The War IV

"I've done nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong," mumbles Henry as he shook his legs out of fear as Elliot silently looks at him. 

This man is just so foolish to the point Elliot wanted to be the one to kill him. But then, thinking of Emelia, he held back just for her. 

Henry bit his nails that were bitten countless times to the point there weren't nails left on his fingers. His eyes wander around the room he had been sleeping in for a month. The charismatic knights who stood behind Elliot scared him the most. Especially his former ally, who he had thought was dead. 

"You've done nothing wrong? Really?" huffs Elliot as he rolls his eyes, looking at the pathetic man who sat across him.

"Y-yes. N-nothing wrong. I've been deceived. It's not my fault," stammers Henry, nodding his head like a dog.