Special Chapter: From A View II

At the age of thirteen, Vanessa had to find a way to earn money. She didn't have a single clue how to get a job since she's a child. No one wants to hire her. But if she doesn't repay the money back, she will never see her parents again. 

Vanessa stood in front of a bar as her fingers swirled in circles. Her stomach curled, feeling scared of a new sensation she never felt before. As she was about to open the door to the pub the door swung open and a tall buff man pushes another man out of the pub.

"Don't come here if you can't pay!" yelled the man. When he looks down he saw Vanessa trembling, and he clicked his tongue. "What do you want kid? This is not a place for you to be. Can't you read the sign?" the man pointed at the sign that says, no children allowed.