The Feast III

Everyone present in the grand hall took their seats once the head priest asked them to do so. Not knowing what would happen, Emelia couldn't help but look around the place, suspecting every priest present.

The head priest stood, lowers his golden goblet onto the table, and said a few more words before taking his seat. From its name, it is just a normal feast. Nothing suspicious around the hall, just a few paladins guarding the doors. 

Never did she knew that the feast was nothing special. Just an hour of preaching, then servants entering the hall to serve the meal. 

Emelia slightly leaned towards Elliot and asked, "That's it? Nothing more?" 

"Nothing more. This is how it always goes," Elliot whispers to Emelia. 

It's not what she expected at all. Emelia thought the feast would be more extravagant. Then what's the point of showing off his golden throne and expensive utensils? Everything went normal, but then she had a feeling it isn't.