Bothered II

Vanessa gulped once more, looking back at the door, and whispered loud enough for Emelia to hear. 

"That man is quite weird," Vanessa looks back at the door again and walks closer to Emelia. "He's been following me since I've left my room. I don't even know him, and yet he's acting close towards me. If I knew he was going to this to me, I shouldn't have helped him the other night."

"What happened the other night?" asked Emelia, only to be curious about this situation all more. Neither smiling nor frowning, Emelia pestered Vanessa by patting her shoulder once more. 

"I was assigned on a night shift and saw a shadow near the bird fountain. Didn't I expect to meet Sir Albert? I saw his finger bleeding, and it's natural to treat someone's wound after getting hurt, right?" Vanessa frustratedly said while Emelia offered her a seat, trying to calm her friend whose mind was going crazy.