A Start of A New Beginning

Elliot couldn't leave his eyes off Emelia despite the silence slowly engulfing his office. He knew what he did wrong and didn't have any excuses made in his head. The only thing he can do is wait until Emelia says a word to him. 

Emelia held her laughter in seeing her lover all tensed up. What made it funnier was how he couldn't start a conversation with her. 

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Emelia asked Elliot, who nodded his head eagerly. He wanted this tension to fade as soon as possible. "If you know, raise a hand up and say it's my fault."

Elliot slowly raised his hand up, confused with her request. It's funny how he was cluelessly being teased by Emelia. 

"It's my fault," Elliot repeated, then asked, "Are you still angry at me?"

"Who knows?" Answered Emelia with a straight face. 

"I'm wrong. I apologize. With the way, you answered me. I feel like you're still angry."