1/2 ....

1st December

Jisoo: YN!!!! C'mon girllll!!!! It's been 4 Years!!!! Now.... Your 20 ...I don't feel good seeing you like this!

YN: Yea ... it's been long since I dated anyone.....yah well don't say 20 as if ..... the number is toooo old I'm young as hell!!!

*Flash back to 4 years back*

YN: Don't leave ....! Please!

Bambam: I don't wanna be with you anymore YN!!!!! Don't you understand I just used you for money!

*He Left*

*Back to present day*

Jisoo: YNshiiiiii not every guy is going to be like Bambam....!!! Some guys out there are still genuine! C'mon girl like you said... to me Never give up hope... live up to it!!! yourself...😑... I've seen you growing since he left... ... Atleast now date someone!

YN: Yyyahhh Yah Okies... I'll soon date someone okay!? Well i know it's been really long... alright !

*I winked at Jisoo and we both laughed at each other ....Jisoo is my one and only best friend with whom I share everything ...well Aish ... It's really been long... I've been single for a bit I guess.... I discovered so much... as I started to love... myself .... well now I guess I'm ready... Aish !*


*I got up late ..... as I see my phone... Yah Damnnn!!!!! I missed 15miss calls from Jisoo!*

YN: Fuck!!!!!

*Damn gotta call her!! back!!

She picked up*

In call

YN:J-Jisooo... honey sorry I was sleeping....

Jisoo: Ah okay it's fine! Meet us today at the moon restaurant at 5pm .. okay!?

YN: What's the occasion?

Jisoo: We just planned to have a meet up and have some fun time! well it was Baekhyun's idea!

YN: Oowhh! Okies sure meet you there!

Jisoo: Yea!

Call ended

*The day was passing normally I did breakfast and as I sat to do my project ...it took long.... till I was finished with it.... it was almost 4!!!!!!!*

YN: Ohh my gosh!!!!

*I rushed and took a quick bath and went to my closet ... and started looking for something that I could wear*

YN: Aahhh not this!!!!.... Not this tooo!

*After 5 mins I found something good... as I am chubby and curvy... I chose a navy blue dress which could ... show off my curves 😘*

YN: Yess!!!

*I rushed out of my house and entered inside the moon restaurant... it's very fancy... as I got in ... I saw all of my friends and head towards them*

YN: Hi! Guyzzz!!!!!

Everyone: Heyyy!!!! Chubs

*Yea... They call me chub's...heheh*


*Lisa and I were sitting with drinks ... in our hand ... and my gaze went to Jisoo!!!!!!!!*

YN: Oohhhh!!! Mannn Baekhyun's proposing Jisoo!Man so cute!

Lisa: Yea! so beautiful!

YN: didn't I always used to say that they'll end up like this... and see...! hahah

Lisa: Well what about you YN... don't you think you've been single for too long!?

*Her sudden question shook me*

YN: Huh?

Lisa: Well just wanna see what type of partner does a stunning girl like you gets!

Lisa: Everyone likes you YN.... see there...

*She points towards a guy as I turn n look at him... he lifts up his glass and gives me a smile ... I quickly look away from him*

YN: So what!? Lisa C'mon... it's normal people look at each other....

Lisa: Aiishh!!!YN! I too wanna see you happy like Jisoo!!!

*She said as she pouts*

YN: For now lets enjoy!


*As it was getting late I got home... and changed into my PJ's and as I was feeling so bored I scroll through my Instagram*

YN: Awwhh Jisoo and Baekhyun have already posted the pictures !... So lovely!

*Suddenly my phone rings and I see the caller ID*

YN: Unknown number ....?

*I decided to pick up as I am so bored*

YN: Hello?

???: Hello Miss.....

*I decided to reply in his style*

YN: Who are you Mr?

*I hear him chuckling on my words*

???: Well... I just dialed a number ... and I suppose the call is picked by a girl?

YN: Hahah .... guess what I got a call from a stranger n it's a guy!

YN: Are you any of my friends ...? who's trying to prank me?

???: No well I am not pranking you nor I am any of your friends ...

*Well I accept his truth...*

YN: I know because none of my friends have this "deep ocean like voice" !

???:Ohhh... heheh...

YN: As you called me tell me your name!?

???: Umm.... Taehyung ..."Kim Taehyung"

YN: Ohhh ... So charming !!!!!

*Wait YN where did that come from!!!*

Taehyung : Yours Miss...???

YN: Park YN!...

Taehyung : Owwhh seems stunning!

YN: So what do you do....???

Taehyung: I am a young businessman .... just 23!

YN: Oowhhh .... So your just a bit older than me ... First I thought I'm talking to a old man..! Haha

*Ah YN see your words ... maybe u got him hurt!*

Taehyung: Cute!

YN: Sorry

Taehyung : It's fine... because I thought at first that I'm talking to a small Kid... hahahah!

YN: Yaahh!!! Whattttt...!!!

Taehyung: Hey I was just kidding ....hahah

*We talked alot about each other ... and as I see the time it's 2:00am ... Damn! the call lasted more than 1hour..*

YN: Taehyung it's 2:00am... kinda late...

Taehyung: Oh... Yea take care YN ... it was nice talking to you!

YN: Yaahh Same Good night! Take care ...

Call ends

*Yah that guy wasn't so bad.....*


* Aish!!!... today's day was so boring ...Ugh same routine Projects Aish!!!*

YN: I'm not even sleepy what should I do!!!!!... Yaahhh!

*Wait ! .....Let's call Taehyung*

*He picked up*

*Taehyung POV*

I was busy cleaning my weapons until I suddenly get a call....

Taehyung: Who's calling me in this pretty late night!

*I check the caller ID ... Oh! YN?..... a smirk hits my lips ... I pick the call*

In call

Taehyung: Oh....YN?

YN: Hello Taehyung ! what are you doing !?

Taehyung: Oh I was just washing utensils...

YN: Ohh .... businessman washing utensils...!? Seriously?

Taehyung: Yea lol... I like to live alone and get my work done by me...*Smirks*

YN: Oohh Well good for you... heheheh...

Taehyung: Well !..YN?

YN: Yea??

Taehyung: You believe me so easily???

YN: What???

Taehyung: I mean I'm still a stranger right ?

YN: Yea but you seem good ... well your not someone dangerous right?...

Taehyung: I might be....

YN: Heheh.... I am scared now ..

Taehyung: Hahah.... I'm just kidding silly girl!!!

*Taehyung POV*

I made her laugh and lightened her mood... she's cute... hahah after 45 mins we kept the call

YN: Bbye Taehyung...! take care

Taehyung: Bye YN... yea take care.

call ends

*Taehyung POV*

It...means ...S-She's wheedling!!!????


* I told everything about Taehyung to Jisoo*

Jisoo: So you've been talking to him....???

YN: Yea we've been talking these days...

Jisoo: So why not... call him? for a meet up.... and give him a chance... ?

YN: Are you serious...? Jisoo???

Jisoo: I am dead serious babe well if he's a good guy... you sure Should meet him 😁.... and maybe later you'll not be single anymore heheh

YN:hey yahhh!

Jisoo: BTW....Do you trust him enough to meet him... YN?

YN: Well IDK but... he doesn't seem bad... he seems good ...

Jisoo: Ahh... your so naive YN with such a stunning personality... and face of yours !

Jisoo: Well ... then meet him all the best!... but yea carry that pepper spray with you!!!

YN: Hahaha okay!

Jisoo: Gotta go babe ... Baekhyun's calling me

YN: Enjoy!

*She hugs me and leaves .... and I make my way home....ah I should call him n ask for meet up!....

he picked up*

In call

YN: Hello Taehyung!

Taehyung: Yea YN... so early??... you calling me in noon time ?

YN: Yes ... well let's meet???

Taehyung: To be honest... I was going to ask the same thing!

YN: Ohhh!! haha....But....

Taehyung: But...?.

YN: Are you trust worthy ???

Taehyung: Well if u don't wanna meet it's fine... I know it's hard to trust ...

*Taehyung POV*

I said in a sad tone

YN: No.. no let's meet

Taehyung: I am ready!!! Tell me the place I'll be there ...!

YN: Ohh .... let's meet at Thanks nature Cafe Tomorrow!... at 6pm?

Taehyung:Sure I'll be there .....at 6pm!

YN: Okay see you tomorrow!

Taehyung : Yea see you too bbye!!...

Call ends

*Taehyung POV*

After the call ended. I laid back on my chair... with a ..... sarcastic laughter

Taehyung: Oh.. Wowwwww!.... She liked me that easily?.... Great!!!!

Taehyung: Maybe ... my birthday this year... will be pretty fun .... hahahahah...

*I was laughing but soon my eyes got cold and serious .... "People say I'm Psycho!?"

Taehyung: Yes! I am a Psycho!!!!.... Ofcourse a Psycho!!!..... and look how fun it is ...being a Psycho!

How fun it is in killing pretty girls on my birthday ....

How fun it is in hypnotizing people just by my voice through calls ! haha....

*I again laughed in evil way*

"Ohh Poor YN"

Taehyung: I hope the next target will be more fun to kill... hahah .....


*Back to YN*

I was standing outside the cafe .... aish it's crowded today.....I was wearing a 🍑 peachy dress...

YN: Aiishhhh how will I recognize him!

*stupid me! I called Taehyung*

In call

YN: Yaah Taehyung ...! I'm outside the cafe....where are you!!!??...

Taehyung: Me too I'm also outside the Cafe...!

YN: But how ... should I recognize you???!

Taehyung: Tell me what your wearing!?

YN: I'm wearing a peachy dress and you?

Taehyung: I'm wearing a Navy blue T-shirt and Black trousers ... n having a mask on...hey!!

YN: What???

Taehyung:... Maybe I found you turn around!

*I turned back as he said... and I see a tall man Walking towards me... I reply in call *

YN: Taehyung is that you....!?

Taehyung : Yea!!!

Call ends

*Taehyung POV*

Damn!! She's pretty,chubby and sexy *smirks*

*Back to YN*

Aish he came up to me... damn He's tall... but I wasn't able to see his face because of mask... suddenly he took out flowers from the back of his hands... n gave me... first I hesitated but took it... I'm shy to look at him...

YN: Thank you for the flowers hehe...

Taehyung: My Pleasure Miss *Bites his lips*

*Damn he sounds the same... but Why is my heart feeling this way .... my heartbeat got faster aish YN... u don't even know him*

Taehyung: Hey Miss... YN? where are u lost??? Let's sit somewhere?

*He pulled my hands .... n took me to a seat ....aish this stupid Heart... I collected myself n said*

YN: Oh-h... Yea..sure!

*We sat inside the cafe ... and Taehyung removed his mask...Oowhhhh Man He's so charming ... ! Aish yah YN stop that*

Taehyung: Finally we meet!!!....

YN: Hahaha Yea... So How are you Kim Taehyung?

Taehyung: I'm fine thank you!... Well well... YN You look stunning!

YN: Owh ... Thank you ...Your Handsome too!

*I gave him a big smile he smiled back*

YN: So How did you came up with calling a stranger ?... hahah

Taehyung: Well ... Hahah it wasn't my first time...I just do it for fun.. calling on unknown numbers I tried many numbers .... but you caught my attention ...as.. You seemed interesting!

YN: Owwhhh I see so you found me interesting from the rest of em...?

*What a flirt!*

Taehyung: Yea! Exactly ...heheh....

*Aish Everytime he smiles .... my heart forgets it's normal Pace...*..

Taehyung: Let's have something !!!

YN: Yea sure....!