
She turned her face and saw that from deep inside the cave a tiger was glaring at her from behind a boulder. This sight gave her a chill down her spine, she unconsciously sprang off suddenly with a sudden screech. Her reaction startled the tiger and he suddenly jumped toward her the next second, Jessica saw him jumping toward her and reflexively she covered herself with her arms in her front closing her eyes.

But to her surprise even after five seconds, she didn't feel any pain so she cautiously opened her eyes and arms, but she didn't know that what was waiting for her was a sight she hadn't ever imagined in dreams. The green-eyed young man was strangling the tiger with his single bare hand, lifting it in the air as if it was a plush doll instead of any ferocious animal, and at that time she realized that the guy in front of her was very tall.

When Blaze looked at her he simply threw the tiger back into the cave as if he was throwing a paper ball and smiled at her. This sudden incident was too much for Jessica and she was petrified, her legs suddenly felt numb and she suddenly sat with a thump on the ground gasping for air.

"What happened?"," are you alright?". Suddenly two voices came but Jessica didn't look and just nodded.

Blaze squatted and took her hands, while Levi caressed her back.

After a couple of minutes, Jessica came back to herself and looked around her. She saw the worried looks of the two men beside her and became surprised while being embarrassed. She gently pulled her hands from Blaze's while saying thank you.

"l don't think we should stay here, let's get going," said Levi while removing his hand from her back, because he noticed that she retracted her hands from Blaze's.

Levi's statement made Jessica suddenly worried, she thought ' are they going to leave me here? what am I supposed to do now, in this wilderness? Am I going to die at the hands of some wild animal' but the next second she realized that she was worried for nothing when she heard Blaze asking "Shall we go?" while extending his hand.

Even Blaze didn't know how much reliving his words were for her, in response she also extended her hand to stand up with his support. When she stood up she accidentally put too much pressure on her serious wound so she hissed slightly while grabbing Blaze's arm which made him nervous, so he hurriedly asked "Are you hurt?".

Jessica replied half smilingly while getting away from him " I'm fine. Don't worry" and soon she started to pick up her bag and sandals. She was just thinking about whether she should wear sandals or not, she was suddenly lifted horizontally in a princess carry by Blaze.

Jessica was startled because of his sudden action which made her face suddenly red, it was the first time someone held her in this pose. Not only the pose, but that guy was also nearly half-naked as he was wearing a long white tiger animal skin skirt with a side drape on his one shoulder.

She didn't know whether it was coincidental or intentional that her face was on the opposite side of the drape due to which her cheeks came in direct contact with his muscular chest. She turned her flustered face sideways and struggled to get out of his arms while saying "What are you doing? put me down! put me down" anxiously.

"Can you even walk with your injuries in this weather?" he asked in a very polite tone while saying Blaze came to the cave's entrance and slightly lifted her head to show her the condition. Indeed Jessica went silent the next second when she saw outside, it was still raining and the ground that was at least solid earlier was looking like a swamp.

While she was looking outside she felt her bag being pulled then she noticed that the other guy was trying to take her bag from her hand.

When Levi's eyes met her's he said: " I will hold these" and with this, he again lightly pulled her purse.

When Jessica looked at his eyes she was captivated, earlier she didn't notice that this guy had golden eyes(Iris) with black pupils that made him look very mysterious. She was so dazzled that she unconsciously gave him her purse and sandals.

"Let's go!" said Blaze in a very enthusiastic manner which brought Jessica back from the beauty enchantment. She blinked her eyes and looked outside thinking ' Such a heavy rain, she will sure get drenched...but at least it was better than becoming some wild animal's food ' so she hurriedly made a small shade upon her eyes using her hands which were left idle and didn't know where to go.

Her actions were cute and funny for Blaze and Levi, so in the end, Blaze started laughing and Levi turned sideways to control his laugh. Jessica heard them laughing but she didn't bother to think the reason behind it, soon when Blaze took a step outside she realized that she was the topic of their laugh because not a single raindrop fell on her and her earlier actions made her look like a small naive girl which was a humiliation for her as a woman in her late twenties so she hurriedly removed her eyeshade and came to the very beginning of the problem ' where the hell am I supposed to keep my hands while being carried off like this.

She can't just hang them on the man's neck or shoulder and she cannot hug his chest. After a lot of questioning and self-doubt, she came to a conclusion and she put her hands on her chest in a crossed manner, in her mind she was telling herself continuously ' calm down, calm down... don't move, don't move'.

When Jessica noticed that she was not getting wet, she tried to pull herself away from the man's open chest so she slightly moved her head away as much as she could.

Blaze noticed her movements because he was continuously looking at her from time to time while walking, it was her who was ignorant that she didn't look his way. When he noticed that she was trying to get away from his body he suddenly put force in his arms and literally rolled her toward himself due to which the face that Jessica was trying hard to save came in full and direct contact with his chest and her nose was just above his nipple and her lips touched his bare extra-warm skin.

"Stay near or you will get wet," said Blaze after pulling her.

She tried to retract her face but felt a strong arm holding her tightly not allowing her to change her posture and in the end, she was only able to distance her lips from his skin. Her breathing that was normal earlier suddenly became abnormal, now her every exhale was touching his skin and somehow her breathing became longer and deeper. Her every exhalation can be clearly heard in the ears and unknowingly her chest which was doing normal movements started to show her breathing pattern clearly by moving up and down slowly