Her origin

As he went outside, Levi entered the cave and placed her purse and sandals beside her. He noticed that Jessica was touching the soft animal fur under her and there was a calm look on her face so he entered the second room on her left side.

Jessica who was touching the extra soft animal skin spread under her suddenly felt her body getting covered so she turned and saw it was Levi covering her with a big white animal fur shawl. It was the softest fur she had ever touched and it was extra warm which made her feel so touched that she thanked him with a bright smile and wrapped herself in the fur very carefully.

Levi whose reaction she didn't notice suddenly halted, her reaction made him blush that he forgot to breathe for a moment he suddenly felt his heart beating loudly.

Blaze came running inside the cave with a stone bowl filled with water and after him, Ell came with a bamboo tumbler. Both came near her and sat down in front of her.

Ell handed her the tumbler and with a flick of his fingers some steam vapors started to appear on it making it warm, she took a sip and felt like heaven because it quenched her thirst and it was warming her inside. Maybe this was the first time in her life that she literally felt like crying just by drinking water.

She kept on sipping the water slowly when she noticed that Blaze lifted her foot and with the help of warm water he started washing them. Jessica quickly retracted her foot and embarrassingly said "It's alright, I can wash them myself."

But Blaze didn't listen to her and said in a very wronged voice " But I just wanted to take care of you, can't I?" and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"That...I don't think you...."Jessica wanted to refuse directly but seeing him throwing stars at her with his eyes she couldn't and in the end, she gave in.

Blaze happily started washing her feet, he had never touched something this soft and smooth. In his memory, all the females have quite a large size of feet and because of barefoot walking their soles were hard and callused, but Jessica's feet were totally different. Her feet were soft, smooth, and smaller in size looking delicate like flowers. But he suddenly frowned when he saw many fresh cuts and scratches on her soles, he carefully removed her bandages and saw two deep cuts under them.

Jessica suddenly hissed in pain when Blaze removed her bandages and she suddenly grabbed his arm and shook her head to stop his actions. When Blaze saw her in pain he felt his heart getting pierced, he suddenly grabbed her feet between his two hands and closed his eyes. Suddenly a green light started radiating from his palm giving a warm sensation on her skin.

When Blaze removed his hands Jessica noticed that all of her foot injuries were healed without leaving any scar or pain. She was shocked, and carefully touched her soles to confirm the miracle she just witnessed with her eyes awestruck.

When Blaze was washing her feet, Ell dragged Levi out of the cave. After coming outside beside the cave he started panting heavily gasping for air with a hand on his chest, after calming down he looked at Levi and said " She is in HEAT! where did you find her?" while grabbing his shoulders.

Levi replied in a stern voice "I know she is in heat, but didn't you look at her reaction? As for her origin...." he looked toward the cave and continued " Let's ask her ourselves". Then he pushed Ell to the side and started walking toward the cave.

Ell who was left alone leaned his back to the wall and while looking at the sky said "She is driving me crazy, whole cave is filled with her fragrance...aaaaaahhh what is happening to me?", with a flushed face he ran toward the jungle.

When he came back he saw Levi entering with him together, he was holding meat in his hands covered in some banana leaves. Before Ell could ask him anything Levi handed him the meat and asked him to roast it.

He simply nodded because he noticed that it was for Jessica, so he roasted it perfectly in his hands without burning it and handed it to her. She took the barbecued meat and thanked him happily.

Earlier when Levi came to her he heard her stomach grumbling and saw her embarrassingly flushed face.

He who wanted to interrogate her suddenly smiled and said "I'm going to hunt something, you wait here".

Before Jessica could stop him he ran outside the cave.

(Present ) Jessica took a bite and tasted bland meat, it wasn't salted yet tasted good. She thought she was able to get food at least so she didn't bother to ask for salt. She was eating while Blaze was looking at her purse and Ell was touching her hair by running his fingers through them making many shocked expressions. Levi was leaning on the wall looking at her face with a smirk, he moved forward in her direction and suddenly asked " Which tribe are you from?".

Jessica who was just about to take another bite suddenly halted, she put down the meat back and looked toward him with a serious expressionless face which shocked him.

"Are you trying to test me?" she asked in a straight and cold voice.

"What do you mean testing? it's a normal question" Levi replied slowly and carefully because he felt her sharp cold gaze.

" I thought you already noticed that I'm not from here or nearby from my stuff and clothes" she replied while looking him in the eyes without any smile.

" My mistake, so can you tell me where are you from?" he asked smilingly. When he saw her eyes glaring at him without any fear he suddenly felt like a heartthrob, making him happy from inside.

"Umm..., I don't know if you've ever heard of Coteria?" she said after a pause and started eating the barbecue.

Levi looked at Blaze and Ell, both shook their heads because they had never heard of any place called Coteria. Jessica saw their reaction and asked, " What is this place called? ".

"Beast continent" replied Levi.

Now it was Jessica who shook her head and said "Sorry but I've never heard of this name before".

"Then how did you come here?" asked Ell who was touching her soft and silky hair.