
Jessica was awake when they all came back but she didn't reply to them, not because she was angry but because of her cramps.

She had already forgiven Ell because what he did was just a touch, it wasn't a kiss in the first place. When he ran outside her overthinking made her even more embarrassed but after taking some deep breaths she became normal. She got up and went outside the cave but didn't find anyone, so she simply started sterilizing her menstrual cup. She picked up the stone bowl and emptied it, then she boiled the water in the bamboo tumbler from the flame that Ell created. After boiling the water she carefully poured it into the stone bowl and then carefully started washing the cup.

After she was done she emptied the stone bowl and went back inside the room. The layout of the room was simple, there was a pile of animal furs in the left corner while opposite it there was a fluffy bed on which she was sitting.

Jessica touched the fur and curiously lifted it, to her surprise she found a pile of cotton under it. She smiled and carefully tucked it back in its original position. She laid down and wrapped herself in the white fur. She was trying her best to fall asleep but the new environment wasn't allowing her to do so and her cramps were making it worse. She had already taken the one and only painkiller so she was helpless. She turned to one side and closed her eyes.

(Present) Even after five minutes, there was silence so Jessica slightly turned to look but suddenly a familiar face came in front of her and said "Hiii".

Seeing Blaze's face and his same reaction when they met for the first time she giggled, seeing her reaction all three were relieved. Blaze put his hand under her neck and supported her to sit. Jessica complied with his actions to see what they were up to this time, after sitting she looked at him with a questioning face.

He smiled and said pointing at Ell "Jessica we took your revenge, so please don't be angry anymore".

Jessica looked at Ell and was shocked, she hurriedly got up and reached his side. She touched his face with shivering hands because his face was bruised with blue and green marks and there was slight blood near his mouth. She turned around and glared at Blaze and Levi who were looking at her in astonishment, she asked" What happened to him? Did you guys beat him?".

" We just took-" blaze wanted to explain but was stopped in the middle by her, she said " Blaze, can you heal him back?" in a slightly lower tone.

" Ell! heal back yourself " suddenly shouted Levi looking at him furiously.

Ell lightly grabbed Jessica's shoulder and said " Jessica I'm very sorry, please don't Panick." and with a flick of his hand, a red light covered him recovering his bruises at a visible rate. After recovery, he looked at the worried Jessica and smiled happily.

" Males here are very strong, these kinds of injuries are nothing," said Levi in an explaining manner.

Jessica suddenly frowned and raised her hand, seeing her movement Ell flinched and closed his eyes but the next second he was flicked on his forehead. He opened his eyes in astonishment and saw her smiling, after flicking his forehead she said smilingly " Fool, made me worried for nothing" and went back to the bed to lay down.

Ell touched his forehead and smiled like a fool, he started blushing from a single flick. Blaze noticed his reaction and clenched his fist, he suddenly felt uncomfortable but he still smiled and said " Sorry Jessica, I was in the wrong". Seeing him making a puppy face right beside her, Jessica stretched out her hand and patted him on his shoulder (because she couldn't reach his head) to console him. His droopy face suddenly lightened and he smiled while holding her hand on his shoulder.

Two beasts were smiling shyly except Levi, he glared at the hand that was touching her hand but didn't do anything. He suddenly withdrew everyone's attention by saying " Jessica you said you'll tell us about the thing that creates light".

Listening to him Jessica recalled her promise so she withdrew her hand from Blaze's shoulder and pulled out the smartphone from her purse that she placed on the bed near her head. Her sudden withdrawal made Blaze sad for a moment but he still smiled because he was also curious about the shiny box.

" This thing is called a smartphone, Our human race created it and it's very common in my world because nearly everyone has one with them," said Jessica while placing the phone on the bed for demonstration.

" You can turn it on with this button," she said while demonstrating them.

" Umm.. wait a minute, let me remove the passwords first," she said when the password window suddenly popped up because she was teaching them so she thought removing passwords and app locks will be good.

"Okay! now I will show you again. Press this button and slide like this, now slide it down, and when we click this icon...Tadaaa! we have the flashlight." she explained and turned on the flashlight. When she started her demonstration the trio sat in front of her, they looked at the phone with gleaming eyes, and with every slide, on the screen, they were showing shocked reactions. They were amazed when they saw the shiny smartphone and how that thing created light.

Jessica noticed their curiosity, they were making faces just like a four-year-old child who saw a magic show for the very first time.

Seeing their reaction she smiled and pushed the phone after turning it off toward Blaze and said " Now you try to do it " in a very gentle tone.

Blaze was shocked, he looked at her face, and after confirming she wasn't joking he stretched out his hand hesitantly to touch the phone. He carefully picked it up as if holding a treasure, he curiously touched the smooth display with sparkling eyes.

He followed the steps and turned on the flashlight, his every slide made him smile like a fool and he wasn't the only one because Levi and Ell were also looking at his every action with glittering eyes. They all together were making excited and shocked expressions.

Jessica who found them very cute simply smiled and thought ' Even this kind of thing can make them this excited? '.

When Blaze turned on the flash she explained how to turn it off, then she took the phone back from him and passed it to Levi who was sitting next to him. She looked at his gleaming eyes and said with a smile "Now you try it.".

Levi nodded seriously and carefully took the phone from her hands, his actions were also the same as Blaze's. When he successfully turned on the flash she passed the phone to Ell and asked him to do the same. When Ell finally got his turn he became excited and he quickly turned on the flash and looked at Jessica for praise.

Seeing his gleaming eyes Jessica rubbed his head and said " Very good".