Witch doctor

Jessica slowly rubbed Blaze's head and smiled. While caressing him she asked "Blaze, you still haven't told me where are Levi and Ell? " softly.

With a puff, he turned back into his beastmen form and replied " Levi went hunting and Ell..... maybe wandering somewhere" with some pondering. Jessica listened to him and nodded then she turned around and walked toward the third room in which she slept when she reached the entrance she stopped and suddenly asked " Then blaze can you lead me to the river?, I want to reli- no" she turned around and said laughingly " I want to urinate".

Blaze's face turned red after listening to her mocking words, he became embarrassed. He said "I'm sorry Jessica.....I didn't know that it will make you uneasy..... I will never do something that will make you embarrassed...." while scratching his head in nervousness.

She thought ' Really? who was just trying to make me embarrassed a second ago' and went inside the room. She came outside with her bag and said " So, shall we go?".

"Su-Sure!" he replied to her sudden question and extended his hand in front of her. Jessica looked at his extended hand and then his embarrassed face, she sighed and said while grabbing his hand " I want you to hold the stone bowl, it's very big and heavy". She dragged him up to the entrance and asked him to fill the bowl with boiling water. Blaze followed her instructions and filled the bowl with boiling water, he lifted the bowl and started to move when Jessica suddenly asked "Is that hot? can you hold it?" while extending her hand to touch the bowl.

" This bowl is made of black stone, it always remains cool no matter how hot stuff is put inside it " he replied while allowing her to touch the bowl, indeed the bowl was cool but the water inside it was steaming.

"Isn't this the same stone from what our cave is made of?" she replied after touching it. Hearing the word 'Our cave' Blaze felt happy in his heart, he smiled and nodded his head while saying "Yes, you're right. Our cave is made up of the same stone and because of this no matter whether it is hot or cold outside the cave's inner temperature always stays favorable".

From his words, Jessica understood that this black stone has insulating properties, and having a whole mountain of this stone was just like a lottery.

Both came outside the cave, there was a big lawn extending up to fifty meters in front of her. She inhaled the fresh air that was completely different from the city's polluted environment, the scenery outside was very bright and beautiful so she looked around her in astonishment. Blaze looked at her face and smiled, he said " if you have any questions you can ask me".

Jessica nodded happily and asked " Are their wild animals here?" while walking.

"There are wild animals but they won't dare to enter our territory so you don't have to worry about" he replied with a big smile.

Soon both came to the end of the lawn and entered the forest, Jessica looked around and noticed that all the trees were nearly a hundred meters tall with straight trunks. During their walk Blaze kept on telling her about the herbs that were growing nearby "Look this is a hemostatic herb and this treats pain.." and so on.

Jessica carefully listened to him and tried to remember everything he told her, she was surprised by his knowledge so she casually asked "Are you a doctor?". Blaze who was explaining about herbs while walking nodded with a smile.

"You mean... you are a doctor?" she asked in a shocked tone.

" Umm...my father is a witch doctor, he taught me herbs so yes.... I'm also a witch doctor" he replied with a smile, but Jessica who was walking side by side noticed his discomfort behind that smile, after working as an HR head she became a pro in reading faces and it was clear that Blaze was remembering something painful so to lighten up his mood she changed the topic and said "Are we there yet or not?" in a childish complaining tone.

" We are here... just in the front " he replied smilingly because he understood her kind intentions.

Jessica looked in the direction he was pointing and was flabbergasted because there was a big river in front of her, the water was so clear that the river bottom was visible near its bank. Fishes were clearly visible because of their big sizes which surprised her, she asked Blaze to put down the bowl and go.

He hesitated in the beginning but he still complied and went away. Jessica relieved herself and removed her sanitary pad, she washed her menstrual cup with boiling water and pushed it into her vagina. When she was done she arranged her clothes and burned the used sanitary pad with the help of the lighter because she didn't want to spoil the beautiful scenery with any kind of litter. She came outside from behind the bushes and sat down near the river bank, she called Blaze and started washing her hands and face with cold water.

Blaze came back on her call, he smelled the ashes in the air and frowned. He didn't know what she had done because he literally went quite far to avoid losing his composure from her sweet scent. He looked around but didn't find anything wrong so he shook his head and sat down near her because he knew that Jessica was familiar with fire so she won't be in any danger.

Jessica washed her arms and face carefully, she gargled but still wasn't satisfied because she wasn't used to staying without brushing her teeth. Even if she wanted she couldn't get her brush and toothpaste in this wilderness. She was about to get up when Blaze suddenly stretched out his hand and said "Try this, if you chew these leaves you will feel fresh. I and Levi always use this after eating" with a big smile. Jessica looked at the leaves in his hand, she was not knowledgeable about herbs but Blaze asked her so she still tried to chew two leaves because now she knew that the guy in front of her was a doctor. She was amazed because those leaves were just like peppermint, it was giving a cooling sensation while cleaning her teeth. After she was done she rinsed her mouth and felt fresh, she thanked blaze after drying her face with the animal fur that he brought and then started washing her feet.

Blaze kept on looking at her while chewing those leaves and when he saw her removing her sandals, he helped her and sat beside her in the same posture with his feet submerged in the river. Jessica folded her pants up to the knees but she started to feel uncomfortable, she looked at her pants and suddenly asked "Blaze, do you have something sharp? I want to cut something" because her pants were up to her ankle-length and the fabric wasn't stretchable due to which she was feeling uncomfortable while folding her legs.

On her command Blaze stretched out his hand and his nails started to grow at a visible speed, he asked "What do you want to cut? Tell me ". Jessica was astounded but still maintained her composure and replied "Here, I want to cut my pants from here" while gesturing to her knees.

Blaze nodded, he held her thighs with one hand, and with a swish action, he perfectly cut the two pant legs within minutes because Jessica complied with his actions. Jessica was surprised when she saw the clean cuts, she exclaimed "Blaze your nails are very sharp" while fluttering her legs in the river comfortably. Blaze looked at her exposed legs and blushed, with a smile while retracting his nails he asked "shall we go back if you are done?" softly.