
Suddenly the surrounding became dark because of a big shadow, Jessica who was eating looked up and saw an extremely large bird descending down from the sky and landed in their lawn. It was a gigantic bird with beautiful red feathers and red eyes as if burning flames, it also have long feathers on its crown making it look mysterious yet noble. After seeing it Jessica suddenly said "Phoenix! that's a phoenix right? They really exists!" in astonishment, because according to her this kind of bird only exists in books.

Blaze smirked when he noticed her surprised expression and slowly whispered in her ears "He is Ell", before she could respond she saw the phoenix getting covered in red light and soon it turned into an elegant tall handsome man.

When Ell saw her he became excited and said enthusiastically"Jessica look.... I've brought something for you", After listening his words Jessica noticed the thing he was referring to. There was a pile of variety of fruits which he probably brought with the help of a big animal skin that was lying under it.

He came to her side with a gleaming face, when he saw the meat chunk that was half eaten in her hands he carefully bent down and took a bite from it. "Mmm you cooked it, right? it's so good!" he said while smacking his lips after eating and gave a provocative look to Blaze who was sitting beside her.

Jessica who was looking at the fruits noticed his sudden action and blushed, she looked at the already eaten meat piece and thought ' I can still eat this, right? '. She was about to take a bite when Levi snatched the barbecue from her hands and said "Ell, you should roast some more meat for Jessica" after eating it.

Ell suddenly frowned, he was looking forward to Jessica eating that piece of meat but he tried to supress his anger and smiled. He said "Come Jessica, I'll roast the meat for you" while holding her hands.

"No need, eating meat in the breakfast is already very heavy. I want to eat some fruits" she said while smiling at him.

Ell looked at her and smiled helplessly, he grabbed her hand brought her near the fruit pile and asked "Which one would you like to have first?" softly.

When they came near it she became surprised from the quantity, because she was sitting far she didn't noticed that the pile was of height nearly fifteen feets. There were nearly every kind of fruit with some that she hadn't ever seen, the most surprising thing was that most of the fruits don't even grow in same temperature and climate were piled up together. She thought 'Maybe, these fruits aren't seasonal here or maybe there are different temperatures at different places at the same time' and picked one red fruit which somehow looked like an apple and said "have you picked up all the fruits in the forest?" laughing.

"If you want I can go and pick all of them for you, but not all the fruits are ripe" he replied seriously, and suddenly turned into a big phoenix ready to take off.

"Wait wait, when did I ask you to pick the fruits of the whole forest?" she suddenly said while grabbing one of his wings lightly.

When Ell heard her words he looked at her face and lightly tapped his beak on her shoulder. Jessica sighed when she noticed that he wasn't flying away and thought ' Why are these guys overly enthusiastic when it comes to doing something bothersome? Completely opposite from my office staff ' then she noticed the big bird's actions and smiled.

She looked into his big beautiful red eyes and stretched out her hand to touch him. She touched his soft feathers on his head, neck and body with a surprised expression because she hadn't touched any bird from a very long time and too who was having such delicate feathers. She was smiling while caressing his body with curiosity and Ell who was enjoying her movements rubbed his head against her face from time to time.

Suddenly she touched the long feathers on his tail which gave an electric shock to Ell, he suddenly turned his head and looked at her playing with his tail with a smile. He carefully held her shirt in his beak and pulled her away, Jessica who was suddenly pulled away was confused and looked at the phoenix with question marks on her face. She noticed that he made a screech while gesturing on his back but because she couldn't understand his language she stood there in confusion.

" He is saying not to touch his tail" suddenly Blaze said while putting his head on her head and Jessica who was suddenly back hugged by him blushed. When she heard his words she looked at Ell and said apologetically "Sorry, I didn't knew it".

Ell suddenly screeched while looking fiercely at Blaze who was giving him provocating looks, he suddenly turned into his beastmen form and pulled Jessica from Blaze's embrace. He said while holding her hands "He is lying, you can touch my tail. It's just... it's the first time someone touched me so it tickled", while saying his honey coloured face suddenly turned red and his nervousness was clearly visible.

Jessica who noticed his face resembling that of a cute shy boy giggled and stretched out her hand to rub his head. Her actions made him satisfied so he started grinning and was about to say something when Blaze interrupted him by saying "Jessica something happened to the game" while giving her an apple. Ell glared at him but he himself wanted to know about the game so he didn't retaliated.

Jessica retracted her hands from Ell and took the apple, she said "What happened? show me" while taking a bite from it.

She went and sat down beside Levi while eating the apple when Ell gave her the smartphone. She looked into it and was left flabbergasted, she saw that they completed the whole game and that too with perfect stars. She looked at the three of them and said in astonishment "You completed the whole game?", when they heard her words they looked at the phone. Blaze asked " So it's already completed", Jessica nodded while showing them the notification and said "That's really amazing, you completed the game in one single night ".

Levi suddenly touched her hand and said "You can read this, right? can you also teach us?".

Jessica looked at him with surprise and her eyes met his determined eyes, she was surprised because she didn't expected that she can be requested something like this. She turned her face and looked at their expectant faces, she thought ' maybe this world don't have any concept of reading or writing that's why they are so eager to learn something new'. She smiled and said "Why not? If you want I can teach you" because she herself was feeling very indebted to them because of their hospitality and she really wanted to return their grace even if it's little.

Her words shocked the three of them, suddenly Ell hugged her from left and said "Thank you!" followed by Blaze who hugged her from behind. Levi saw their action and tightened his grip on her hand, he leaned slightly on her right shoulder and said "It's very rare for someone to share valuable knowledge so thank you".

Jessica who was suddenly hugged by handsome men from all directions became flushed, she was little nervous but felt fluffy in her heart. Suddenly a thought came to her mind ' Do females of this world enjoy this kind of treatment daily?' and she smiled, she looked at them and thought ' Just how lucky are the females here? '.

She suddenly said in a sarcastic tone "But I'm a very strict teacher" and looked at them with one eye open, all three looked at each other and started laughing which made Jessica laugh too.