Power Levels

Jessica stood there dumbfounded, she was shocked when she saw a phenomenon altering with nature so easily. She said "How..how..how can this be?" while pointing at the tree hesitantly with confusion all over her face.

When the trio saw her reaction they smiled, Blaze came to her side running and grabbed the stretched out hand. He gently pulled her and walked her to the tree shade, before she could ask something he plucked a violet flower and carefully tucked it on her ear. He said " Just like your beautiful eyes, do you like it?" while looking in her eyes.

Jessica suddenly blushed because of his words and felt her heart thumping loudly. His words may sound teasing and flirting for anyone including her but when she looked at his smiling eyes she could feel the sincerity in his every word. She carefully touched the flower on her ear and said slowly "Thank you, it's very beautiful" with her flushed face.

She looked at his face that was reflecting the scattered sunlight falling through the leaves making his handsome face look more dazzling and captivating, at that time one thought came to her mind 'Only if this is the person staying by my side' and realised that she is definitely attracted to him.

"Indeed, it's a nice effort" suddenly said Levi interrupting their two person world.

When Jessica heard his statement she suddenly turned around to look at him because his statement was irksome for her. The second she turned many violet flowers showered on her because Levi pulled a branch with his hands making the scenery look more beautiful. She looked at the falling flowers which landed on her carefully, because she had never seen such flowers which looked just like her amethyst eyes. Their shape, size and quantity was completely different from any violet flower species she had ever seen. She brought it near her nose and smelled the faint intoxicating sweet aroma coming from it because it's fragrance was similar to a very famous sweet wine of her world.

She opened her eyes to look at Levi because she was still confused from his sudden statement so she looked at him with questions in her eyes. Levi understood her gaze and said with a smile " This kind of tree don't exists, Blaze created it after getting inspired by you...." while holding a flower on his lips and looking directly in her eyes.

When Jessica looked at his golden eyes and alluring face she was stunned, she felt her heart was about to jump out of her chest so she suddenly said "That's what I'm asking, how can he do this?" while looking above at the tree to hide her embarassment.

Suddenly Ell grabbed her shoulder lightly and brought her to the tree trunk, he asked her to sit down with him because he was feeling jealous from the other two guys who were interacting with Jessica happily while he was being ignored. When he was assured that sunlight wasn't falling on her from anywhere, he leaned his head on her shoulder and said "You may not know, we beastmen have Power levels" while fiddling with her hairs smiling.

"Most of the beastmen are born in their beast form and after turning sixteen they transform in their beastmen form. Till the age of sixteen they don't have any level but after transforming they have to practice in order to achieve power levels. There are totally ten levels starting from first to eighth power level and above them are king and emperor level." he explained to her.

"Look these are our power levels" suddenly said Blaze while lifting his long hairs from his back and showing it to her. Behind the hairs was a big tattoo right below his neck consisting of eight concentric rings with each different patterns.

"Look, he have eight rings meaning he is an eighth level power beast" said Levi who also sat down beside her.

" Jessica you can also touch it "said Blaze while sitting in her front with his back facing her because he noticed that both places beside her were full and he was left out.

Jessica was indeed curious so she carefully traced the tattoo on his muscular back with her hand.

"Jessica mine too" suddenly said Ell when he saw Blaze again trying to occupy her attention so Ell also lifted his hair and showed his back to her.

He was having the same number of concentric rings as Blaze so Jessica said while touching his back "You're also an eighth level beast?".

Ell who was enjoying her her touch nodded his head happily.

"Jessica mine..." suddenly a faint voice came.

She turned to her left side and saw Levi's exposed bare back because he also lifted his hairs to show her the pattern on his back, but he rarely asks for anything so Jessica got an idea that he was a shy person so when he asked her hesitantly she looked at his back.

He was having nine concentric rings making it much bigger as compared to the other two. She curiously touched the tattoo and traced it which made Levi blush but nobody noticed because his face was hidden by his long black hairs from sides.

"Levi is a king level beast" said Blaze politely "He is the strongest among us and he is also the one who trained us " praising Levi.

Jessica nodded her head and smiled but Levi was shocked. He unconsciously smiled on Blaze's statement and said "You're still lacking, now your practice is doubled" without looking at him.

"Aa~ I'm not going. I'm very tired so I'll rest" Blaze retorted on his statement in a childish tone and laid down with his head on Jessica's lap. After lying he looked at her face and said smilingly " Can I sleep like this for a while?".

Before she could reply he closed his eyes and fall asleep, she thought that he was acting but heard Ell saying "He is really asleep, it was his first time using his power to create something completely based on his imagination which exhausted him".

Jessica suddenly became worried from what he said because he created the tree on her request so she wanted to ask but Ell interrupted while saying "No, he is fine. We just crossed the eighth level so our power are not that stable and we need to sleep so don't worry about him".

"Then you can also do something like this" questioned Jessica after some pondering.

"No, every beastmen gets a power attribute after reaching the eighth level and not all are the same" replied Levi while leaning on her other shoulder looking at the guy sleeping with his head on her lap with an aggrieved look because he fall for his praise earlier. In beast world it was nearly impossible for a male to praise another male in front of the female he is pursuing but his statement earlier literally made Levi felt happy but in the end he was just trying to have his way with her.

Jessica looked at the two leaning heads on her shoulder then at Blaze's head with cute tiger ears on her lap. His ears looked soft so Jessica curiously touched and started fiddling with them, she asked "What's a power attribute?".

"It can be any power which a person gets after reaching eighth level" replied Ell while looking at the hand on Blaze's ears with wide eyes because Jessica was unconsciously making an extremely intimate contact with him which made Ell envy him.

" Attribute can be anything, like him he got the attribute of nature due to which he can manipulate nature. Because they crossed the eighth level recently their powers are not that stable" continued Levi while pointing at Blaze when he saw Ell's expression.

"Then what's your attribute?" replied Jessica, she was diligently listening to him to get to know more about the world she came to.

" Mine is mimicry or camouflage" replied Levi while fiddling with her hair strand.

"Mine, Jessica mine is a spatial attribute. I can store anything in my invisible space" suddenly replied Ell enthusiastically to attract her attention.

"Spatial? I thought it would be fire" said Jessica because from her understanding Ell was a fire attribute user.

"That's because I'm a phoenix, we phoenix already have fire attribute since young age but spatial attribute is something I've received after crossing eighth level." Ell explained slowly and carefully, he picked up the bamboo tumbler from the ground and with a puff! it got disappeared from his hands.

Jessica was surprised and shocked from his magic trick so she carefully looked at his hands and the next second tumbler suddenly reappeared in his hands.

"See, I knew you would like it" Ell replied when he saw her smiling yet curious expression.