Big baby

After a short nap Jessica woke up, she opened her eyes and saw Ell lying beside her. He looked at her fluttering eyes and smiled, he asked "are you awake?" in a very calm tone.

Jessica stretched out her hands and got up, she looked around and asked " Eleanor, I'm thirsty. Did you bring water?".

Ell got up and handed her a bamboo tumbler from his invisible space while saying" How can I forget such an important thing when I'm with you?" sweetly.

Jessica smiled and drank the water carefully, after that she asked "What time is it now?".

" Afternoon" Ell replied.

"Still? " Jessica exclaimed.

Ell got confused by her statement so he asked "Why? was there no afternoon in your world?".

His question made Jessica laugh so she explained to him," How can we not have afternoon? It's just that the afternoon seems to be quite long here".

After getting the answer he nodded and turned toward his left. He picked up a small leaf basket and handed it over to Jessica.

Jessica was surprised to find that it was containing barbecue, from the heat it was clear that he roasted it not too long ago. Jessica smiled and asked, "How did you realize that I'm hungry?"

Ell smiled shyly, he said " Because you didn't eat anything in the morning", he saw that Jessica was about to interrupt him so he continued without the further wait "I know that you indeed ate in the morning but were you full? You said that you don't want to eat more because you saw that there wasn't any meat left, right? ".

He looked at her expression which was telling that she was caught off guard, he continued "You may not know but we can hunt for you anytime, the meat we served you were all the tender pieces that's why the quantity was less. You can tell us if you are hungry without any hesitation because it's one of the easiest tasks we can do for you".

Jessica was silently listening, she indeed refused to eat more in the morning because she used most of it for trying her barbecue skills and she didn't want to bother anyone of them as they were already doing a lot for her selflessly.

Ell's statement made her smile helplessly, she said "Thank you so much, it's just that I didn't want to bother any of you".

Ell smiled and came to sit down beside her, he slowly leaned his head on her shoulder and said "It's our honor that we can be of any use, so please do tell us any of your worries".

Jessica smiled and nodded to his statement and picked one piece of barbecue from the basket and tasted it, indeed it was skillfully cooked because even without salt it was tasting quite good as it was having a slight sour taste which made her surprised.

She brought one piece to Ell's mouth, Ell looked at her hand with wonder but soon his heart felt sweet. He leaned forward and carefully took the piece in his mouth brushing his lips against her fingers which made Jessica blush.

Before she could have retracted her hand Ell slowly licked her fingers, Jessica hastily retracted her wet hand and wiped it on her pants that somehow turned into shorts. She was blushing so much which made Ell amused, he slowly pulled her cheek and said "You look so cute when you smile".

'Smack' Jessica suddenly slapped his hand which was pulling her cheek and looked at him with a sharp gaze which made Ell retract his hand. She reacted so fast because of two reasons, firstly she didn't like it when someone treats her like a child, and secondly because Ell pulled her cheek with strength which hurt her.

Jessica chuckled when she saw his drooping puppy face so she slowly stretched out her hand and lightly pulled his cheek gaining an astonished expression from him. She looked into his eyes and said "You should control your strength when you pull someone's cheek" in a reprimanding manner showing her slightly red cheek.

Ell was stunned, he carefully looked at her face with an aggrieved expression, he carefully blew her cheek and kept on apologizing.

Jessica was shocked by his response, she noticed that he was about to cry from his teary eyes so she said half-jokingly "Seriously? If you're that worried then why don't you just heal it with your powers" to lift his mood but to her surprise the situation got worse because of her statement.

Tears started flowing down from his eyes, his face drooped even more as he said "Only Blaze can heal others....I can't do that....I'm sorry..".

Jessica was dumbfounded, but when she saw him crying she hugged him and started caressing his head while saying " Why are you crying? Look, I'm alright....It doesn't hurt anymore, so don't cry please".

Ell was shocked by her reaction because he thought that she will despise him as no female will accept a male who hurt her. He thought that if she rejected him now he will definitely become a stray beast because he had already given her his soul feather.

It's not like he regretted his action of giving her his soul feather a bit but what made him sad was that he will become a stray without having her as a proper mate. He was trying to compose himself when he heard Jessica's statement, she said those words as a joke but Ell took them as a comparison between him and Blaze. He felt useless as he could not even complete the very first request she made to him which broke him with agony.

When he felt Jessica's touch accompanied with her words that were trying to calm him down, he was stunned but soon in ninth heaven. He hugged her back tightly yet trying not to suffocate her as he learned from his last experience, he buried his head in her crook and asked in a low voice "Aren't you angry?".

Jessica, who first time witnessed a guy crying after his brother at his wedding was trying her best to console him. She was experienced a little bit about children because of her niece and nephew but she was afraid that he may not like it if she treats him like a child as she herself hates it. But to her surprise, she found out that the guy in her arms felt comforted and behaved just like a little boy who was wronged, which surprised her. Jessica smiled while caressing his head as only one thing came to her mind ' He is just like a big child '.

On Ell's question, Jessica slowly said " Why would I be angry? I'm not angry, okay".

"Do you despise me?" he said while remaining still.

"How can I despise our Prince Eleanor? " she said with a chuckle, after getting his responses now Jessica was treating him just like a child, but Ell who was in her arms was thinking something else.

For Ell Jessica's actions were surprising yet caring because females don't care about any of the males' mental health. Jessica was trying her best to console him which made his heart flutter, he knew that she was being genuine in forgiving him but to reassure himself he asked those questions.

"Do you hate me then?" he said slowly in a nervous tone.

" How can I hate you when you are so good?" said Jessica who came into her mother mode.

Ell whose face was hidden in her crook smirked because he just realized that the person in front of her don't know a single thing about their world then how would she know about abandoning mates.

He was feeling light-headed so he retracted his face and looked into her eyes, only one thought came to his mind 'I don't mind becoming a stray if it's because of her' as he inhaled her sweet heat fragrance but he soon shook his face to get this thought out of his head because earlier he thought that he will definitely become a stray then why not become after mating with her but her words and her reliance on him made him helpless because he didn't want to be despised by her.

He slowly smiled showing that he was alright, then he pushed another leaf basket to her side asking her to eat something.

Jessica looked at his smiling face, she rubbed his head and said "Big baby" laughing. She washed her hands and started eating while feeding Ell who was leaning on her shoulder playing with her long hair.