Family dinner

Half an hour later Levi entered the cave and halted when he met with three curious gazes that were looking at him questioningly, he stood there in confusion when suddenly Ell said: "Finally! you came back..... now you should eat something Jessica" while pouring some stew for Jessica.

When Levi heard those words he came and sat down in front of her and asked with a worried look " You didn't eat anything yet?", When Jessica saw his face this close her face suddenly started heating up as she recalled the scene of how she kissed him so she tried to avoid his gaze by looking at the bowl that Ell gave him.

"Yupp, she said we should wait for you to come first," said Blaze while looking at Levi's face with question marks in his eyes as he inhaled the faint smell of blood that he surely tried to get rid of by washing but still couldn't hide it from Blaze who has got a keen sense of smell.

When Levi got to know that Jessica didn't eat anything because she was waiting for him, he felt smitten and the face that always remains cold showed an extremely warm smile which made the other two guys get a chill down their spine.

Both Ell and Blaze knew that the guy in front of them was a cold-hearted cold-blooded beast who was devoid of expressions and if he sometimes gave a cold smile it always ended up in the destruction of the person behind that smile, but the current situation was different and they understood it properly so they didn't bother to think anymore as they knew that Jessica's words were literally something that will make any male feel warmed.

In their memories females never bothered about their male's diet, nor do they bother to have meals together with them but Jessica was different because even when she was hungry she thought about them first which made not only Levi but the other two to be happy and this was the reason that they waited patiently for him which they have never done in the past.

Levi's smiling face was very mesmerizing for Jessica so after Blaze's statement she kept on looking at him for a couple of seconds when Levi carefully caressed her head and said slowly " Thank you for waiting for me, but you don't have to do this in the future. Please eat first if you're hungry because we males can eat anytime we want, even today I've already eaten my full as I went on the hunt just now...I'm sorry you waited but I didn't even know that and already ate something" as he kept on continuing the fluctuations in his voice were telling that he was feeling guilty and wretched about something so Jessica said to lift his mood "It's alright, I just thought that it will be nice to eat together like a family, you don't have to feel sorry" while removing his hand which was caressing her cheek because she started to feel shy.

As she removed his hand Ell picked up a spoon and took some stew from Jessica's bowl and brought it in front of her lips, and said " The stew will not taste good it gets too cold so please try" when he noticed that she didn't even try it once. He was getting impatient because not only she wasn't looking in his direction but wasn't eating too, he knew that his cooking was something that will always give him an upper hand even in front of Levi so his desire of getting praised by Jessica in front of both of them kept on increasing and in the end, he decided to feed her himself.

Jessica was slightly startled but looking at his unwavering gaze with lots of expectation made her take the bite. Indeed, just like her assumption, the stew was very tasty, at least it was something she never thought she can get in a jungle so she started praising him which made the often sulking guy feel extremely proud and happy.

Since they all were present they altogether started having their dinner, Jessica kept on keenly noticing them and discovered many new facts like that they all can eat barbecue meat as well as raw if they are in their beast form, they don't like having vegetables in any form because when Jessica asked them to try the stew they hesitantly only tried the meat and some broth leaving the veggies untouched and lastly that they have an extremely large appetite because both Ell and Blaze easily finished two boars that Levi brought back from his hunt.

After having two bowls Jessica was full, she saw that the other two guys were still eating so she got up and went to wash the bowl near the entrance because there were some buckets filled with water when suddenly the bowl in her hand was grabbed by a brightly fair hand. When Jessica looked up she met with confused-looking Levi, he gently took the bowl from her hand while saying "you can leave these menial things to us " and started washing the bowl.

Jessica stood there silently because of two reasons, firstly because she didn't want him to wash her bowl as it was something that she could easily do, and her attitude of not liking to ask favors was playing a big role in this. Secondly, every time Levi came near her she unconsciously become stupefied due to embarrassment recalling her brave actions like a movie in her mind.

She was just lost in thoughts when Levi was done so he took her hand and said "Do you want to sleep or want to go near the creek?"

When Jessica heard those words she turned around and saw that the other two guys were already done with their dinner and were arranging the stuff, then she looked in the front and realized that it was already dark so she went to the river with him before going to the bed.

She started alone with Levi but soon the other two also came beside her with a big bowl filled with warm water which somehow eased her embarrassment of being alone with Levi.

When they reached their destination Ell created a small floating fireball and placed it near a tree, and before Jessica could have said anything they all went away from that place because they knew that she respects privacy a lot.

When Jessica saw their actions an unconscious smile on her face and the only words that left her mouth were "Not bad".

After taking care of everything Jessica called out the names of the three and as she expected they came in front of her within two seconds since she was wearing those wooden sandals it wasn't hard for her to walk so she politely refused their request for carrying her which somehow made the two guys glare at Blaze because he was the one who created those sandals.

All together reached the cave and went inside the room in which Jessica slept last night, when she looked inside she was shocked as the room's walls were decorated with many illuminating beads of different sizes.

The room was filled with their soft blue and purple light which was giving an otherworldly feel, Jessica entered looking in every direction with her eyes wide open when suddenly she heard Levi's words " Do you like it?".

She instantly replied "Of Course I liked it, this is so beautiful" while touching one of the beads that was engraved near the bed. It was cold to touch which surprised her and increased her curiosity so she asked them about it.

The other three came and sat down in front of her bed, Levi explained "I went to the mermaid tribe today to get the salt when I saw these beads in the ocean bed so I brought them back with me for you, but since you were not here I decided to decorate the room with them".

Jessica thanked him with a smile but now she got even more curious about his words so she asked "Are there real mermaids in the mermaid tribe? Do they really exist? Do they look beautiful or scary in real life? Can you take me to see them, I always wanted to see one!", her words that were full of enthusiasm put the other three in a tight spot which made them look at each other's faces.