Body scent

Jessica closed her eyes as she was about to fall onto the ground when she was suddenly hugged from her waist, she slowly opened her eyes and saw that it was Levi who was holding her while smiling at her.

When she saw the familiar face, she took a relieving breath, but the next second she slowly punched Levi on his shoulder and said, "Were you trying to scare me to death?" In a slightly annoyed tone, she tried to push him away, but to her surprise, Levi took her in his embrace and put his head in the crook of her neck.

He took some deep breaths, which made Jessica blush quite hard. She felt her body losing sense with his every breath touching her skin which started to make her feel horny, but she suddenly recalled how he ignored her all the way, even when she was trying her best to make it less awkward which somehow hurt her ego after all it was the first time that she tried to put so much effort to please someone but still got ignored, so she pushed him very hard in his chest.

The unguarded Levi was easily pushed back, Jessica looked at his completely red flushed face and the same half-drunk look from the last evening. She instantly stopped looking at his face because she knew that she will lose sense again and now that she thinks about it, she is sure that it has something to do with his gaze because just look at him, how can anyone look so appealing and the water droplets that were dripping from his wet hairs on his perfectly toned chest and abdomen leading it to his (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))?

tail because he was in his half-beast form standing in the river.

Jessica shook her head and turned around because she was expecting to see something obscene and this thought blew her mind like how can she be so shameless to think about such things first in the morning? she was embarrassed, so she thought about getting out of that place as soon as possible, but suddenly she heard Levi's voice, which made her halt.

She looked at her hand that he suddenly grabbed to stop her as he said, "I'm sorry for scaring you" in a slow yet shivering voice.

When Jessica turned and looked at his face, she was stunned. His face, that was flushed earlier, was looking pale now and his smiling eyes were filled with tears as if they would start to flow at any time.

'Tskk!' Jessica hurriedly hugged him from the neck and slowly patted his head to make him calm down. She thought, 'Why do these guys cry so easily? I don't even know how to handle them when they cry,' she thought as she stroked his back.

In response, Levi also hugged her back and kept on apologising again and again.

Jessica told him that she was fine and she had already forgiven him, but he still kept going on and on with his apologies, which made Jessica grit her teeth and she pushed him off his shoulders.

" Can't you just stop ignoring my words!" She suddenly shouted at him while looking at him furiously, but instantly she realised that she had suddenly gotten agitated and lost control over her emotions. She let go of his shoulders instantly and took a deep breath. She bent down and washed her face with the cold river water to calm herself.

After calming down herself, she looked at Levi and said, "I'm sorry for shouting at you" in a soft voice with a smile, but instead of feeling relieved when Levi saw her faking the smile so perfectly, he got chills down his spine.

He turned into his beastman form and took a step out of the river on the bank. As he got transformed, he also got his long gown on himself. He sat down beside Jessica with his feet submerged in the waters and pulled Jessica toward himself. He cupped her face with one hand and gave her a peck on her lips.

He looked at her face and said with a smile "How can I ignore you? I don't dare to my beautiful female" and gave another peck on her lips.

When Jessica saw that he didn't have any intentions of asking her about the abnormality, she felt relieved and decided to play along with him, so she puffed her cheeks and said in a childish tone, "Then who was ignoring me all the time when we came back, I think you were lying about liking me."

" I wasn't ignoring you, it is just that you looked so beautiful while smiling that I got myself immersed in your beauty that I forgot to reply" he replied while giving her kisses slowly all over her face. "and the fact that I like you can't be changed even if lord Beast God comes down."

Hearing such a cheesy reply she laughed at first but when she looked into Levi's eyes full of passion she blushed and kissed him on the cheek.

Both were sitting side by side on the river bank when suddenly Levi asked "by the way, what were you looking in the river so intently?"

"Ohh that! I was looking at my hair bun, Blaze made it for me. Isn't it beautiful?" she replied while touching her hair with a big smile which somehow made Levi's smile disappear, he suddenly pulled the wooden bun stick making her hair fall down.

Jessica who was earlier smiling happily was now having a frozen smile because Levi destroyed her perfect bun, she was about to get angry when suddenly Levi slowly whispered in her ear "Don't talk about other males when it's only the two of us" which made her flushed that she covered her face with her hands while thinking "Did he just get jealous? Aahhhh! that's so fucking cute? He is sooo like my ideal type".

When Levi saw her reaction he became confused because didn't he just do something that will make any female angry? Just because he was jealous he told his thoughts to her unconsciously in flow but realized his mistake quite late, but to his surprise, Jessica was smiling from ear to ear while blushing instead of shouting, don't females hate when males are jealous of their other suitors?

Levi was thinking seriously but still couldn't understand when it suddenly struck him 'What if this is the peace before a storm?' so instead of wasting time he started to tie her hair back again because he now knew that up till now Jessica didn't show her agitated state to anyone and Levi being the first witness knew how intimidating her gaze and voice can be so it is better to stay on her good side.

He tried a couple of times but still couldn't get it right when Jessica took the job from him and tied her hair herself, she got up from the ground, picked up her bag and stretched out her hand to Levi, and said that they should go back already.

Levi smiled and took her hand and got up without putting any strength on her hand, he intertwined his fingers together with hers just like how Blaze was holding it and started walking with a smile. While walking Jessica suddenly asked "what do you guys apply on your body to smell this good? Is this some kind of herb?" which made Levi halt.

He looked at her with a gaze full of doubts and confusion. He asked, "Can you smell something from me ?" calmly.

On his words, Jessica moved closer to him and sniffed near his neck, and nodded while saying "Yes, I can still smell it, not only you but Blaze and Ell were also having different scents on them".

Levi gulped and slowly said, "What is my scent like? is it different from those two?", Jessica nodded and explained, " Blaze emits a fresh fragrance like flowers and meadows, Ell's fragrance is fruity like many exotic fruits that I can recall whereas yours is like a cologne".

She saw that Levi got confused by her word 'cologne' so she explained to him about perfumes, "You may not know but this is such a refined fragrance that we used to have perfumes with this fragrance, and It is my favorite" she added in the end.

After hearing her words Levi smiled and said that this is their natural scent, and he was surprised because he thought that she couldn't smell it. After all, females in their world are born with this ability accompanied by the ability to understand their beast language, which nearly convinced Jessica but only Levi knew that the fragrance that they all were emitting was their mate-attracting scent.

Beastmen release these scents to attract females in the process of pursuing not only that but it also works as a natural slow aphrodisiac if the female likes the fragrance.

They all didn't even try to use it once on her and the fragrance that she inhaled was probably some of the leaked scents that were. released when they lose control and if he wasn't wrong he recalled seeing the infatuated look on Jessica's face when she was in Ell's arms in the morning, which brought an evil smirk on Levi's face because now he found a trump card for himself which assured him that he can become her mate easily, he is not like those two, as he doesn't need a plan and he will never tell them about this secret.