Unexpected turn

As Jessica was collecting the berries, she noticed the rustling of the bushes in front of her. She halted and looked in that direction when suddenly a big tiger came out of it, walking slowly. Just from looking at it, Jessica knew that it was a wild animal, based on its size, and not only that, she instantly recognised that it was the tiger from the cave because of that prominent big scar on his eyes.

Jessica, who literally rode a tiger three times the size of a normal one, is now suddenly feeling scared by a normal tiger. Her legs suddenly started shaking as she couldn't think of doing anything to escape because no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't outrun a real tiger. She was trying to process all kinds of possibilities when she noticed Blaze standing beside her, and it suddenly occurred to her that "Yes, he can protect me just like that time," so she strode and hid behind him while holding his dress drape.

Jessica's action suddenly surprised Blaze, but he instantly realised that she may have gotten scared of the tiger, so he slowly turned around and patted her shoulders in order to calm her down, but Jessica was getting a lot more scared when she saw him turning his back toward the tiger.

She gripped his clothes tighter, thinking, "Had he lost his mind that he is showing a bare back to a wild animal, even if he is strong, I don't think he would be able to react instantly in this posture," instead of listening to what Blaze was trying to say, she peeked from the side and saw that the tiger was still in its original position, looking at them intently, so she suddenly said, "Isn't that tiger from that cave, I thought you killed him" in a slight shaking voice.

Listening to her words, Blaze became shocked, he slowly said " I'm sorry, Jessica, for not killing it. It is just that Cera recently gave birth to cubs, but don't worry if you want, I will kill her right now" and turned around to go toward the tiger. Jessica, who was still stunned by his words, suddenly grabbed her hand and instantly said "When did I ever ask you to kill it?"

Blaze stopped. He looked at his hand and said, "Didn't she scare you? That's why I have to kill her". Jessica couldn't believe her ears when she heard his words and wondered, "Just how his brain works, does this even make any sense at all?"and instantly asked, "Who is Cera then?"

Blaze pointed toward the tiger, which made Jessica even more shocked because, if he knows its name, doesn't that mean that he already knew that tiger? How can he think about killing it, then? She looked at him with a slightly agitated face and asked him to explain everything to her first because she noticed that the tiger was already seated on his fours and was licking her paws leisurely as if there was nothing to worry about at all.

On her question, Blaze explained the whole situation to her clearly, saying that the tiger was their pet, whom Blaze named Cera himself, and she recently gave birth to three cubs, that day Jessica went inside her cave accidently, due to which Cera took her as a threat but still didn't attack because Jessica didn't do anything to her, so all Cera did was just to observe her; Jessica was attacked because Cera got surprised when she suddenly screamed in fear.

When Blaze ended, Jessica was already furious, but she still forced a smile and said while holding her head, "I think it was my fault since the beginning, so don't do anything reckless, instead, why don't you introduce me to her so that I could also befriend her". Her words brought a smile to Blaze's face because he knew deep down that he didn't want to kill his pet, but he kept his heart strong because it was Jessica for whom he was doing this after all, she would be his mate, and now he couldn't hesitate to obey any command she gave him.But to his relief, she was rational about the situation, and not only that, she also proposed the idea of befriending his pet so happily agreed and took her to Cera.

Surprisingly, Cera was a very sensible tigress, and upon her master's command, she tried to sniff Jessica, she walked around her as if observing her from each and every side and when her speculation was done she slowly approached Jessica and rubbed her face on her arms.

Jessica on Blaze's suggestion, hesitantly tried to touch her head which made Cera lick face in response, this scene brought back Jessica's memory of her cat that she had in her home because she would also do the same after getting patted, and this made her smile.

She confidently rubbed Cera while thinking of her as a big cat when suddenly some slow 'nyaa~' sounds came from the bush followed by three little tiger cubs who were definitely not older than twenty days. With shining eyes, Jessica couldn't believe her eyes because facing these cute fur balls this close was something that could only happen if you were very lucky or very unlucky. After all, female tigresses are very protective of their young ones.

As Jessica was looking, Blaze suddenly picked all of the cubs up in his arms and sat down beside her. After seeing how she was admiring those cubs, he couldn't help but smile, so he started placing all the cubs in her arms one by one. Cera sat beside her without bothering about her cubs, and the cubs started licking her hands and bare arms which suddenly made Jessica giggle, Looking at her her smiling so happily, Blaze suddenly asked, "Do you like these tiger cubs?"

"Of course I like them, they are just so soft and adorable," she replied while rubbing one cub's belly with her hands receiving a purr in the return. Blaze blushed as he realised she liked the tiger cubs; he reasoned, "If she liked them this much, she will definitely love our cubs; after all, my cubs will definitely be much bigger and softer than theirs, and since Jessica is so beautiful, they will definitely be more cute and good-looking than anyone." He was smitten and planning his upcoming days with her.

They all sat together for a long time playing with the cubs. When Cera started to feed the cubs milk, Jessica looked at them smilingly and said while getting up "We're going somewhere, right? Let's go then". Blaze nodded as he also instantly got up and suddenly transformed into his beast form and nudged Jessica to get on to him. She easily got seated and departed from that place, She looked above but couldn't guess what time it was because the sun wasn't visible because of the extreme tall trees, but her hunch was telling her that it was near afternoon.

It didn't take them more than ten minutes to reach a place devoid of trees where Blaze turned back into his beast-man form. He carefully took Jessica's hand and slowly walked her to a bunch of more than a thousand vines forming a thick curtain in the forest, Blaze tightened his grip, took a deep breath, and pushed the vines sideways to enter. Jessica was feeling all thrilled after looking at the setting of the surrounding area, just like some mysterious game. She was all excited to know what was hidden behind that natural curtain, and when she saw the scene, she was left flabbergasted.

Blaze slowly drew her with him as he stepped into the garden with her, which was a very large light pink coloured flower garden that looked like a big pink cloud descended on the ground.Jessica walked through the flower field, leaving Blaze alone, and picked some of the flowers, which were unlike any flower she had ever seen because the leaves were curled in a spiral, but the touch was so soft that it looked like a designed cotton candy that would melt if handled harshly.

Blaze, who was left alone, already started feeling the sudden rush of blood in his lower body. His body started to heat up, and his member down there, who had been silent all this time, was standing straight like a mountain. He took a deep breath and inhaled the fragrance by mincing some of it in his hands, making his mind and vision vague. All he could think of was mating, and just mating as soon as possible, and with this hope he looked toward Jessica with eyes full of lust, but instantly came back to his senses when he saw Jessica sneezing continuously while rubbing her arms, which suddenly started showing red patches.

Blaze, without wasting a further second, rushed in her direction and thankfully reached her side just before she was about to fall. He grabbed her in his arms and asked if she was alright, but instead of replying, all she did was a little nod. Blaze instantly lifted her in his arms and rushed out of the forest with an extremely distressed face. Jessica, who was having trouble breathing, saw the look on his face and felt heartbroken, so she pulled herself together with the little strength she had and whispered, "Take your beast form; we will be faster that way," but instead of following her instructions, Blaze pulled her close to him and increased his pace while saying, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you." He knew that his current speed was definitely lower than in his beast form, but he couldn't make Jessica ride on him right now because she was definitely not in a state to hold onto him on her own as he ran at his fastest speed.

Jessica couldn't help but smile as she felt assured that she'd be fine simply because of his words; even though she was surprised that she was trusting someone this much with her life, the warmth he was emitting was enough to calm her mind and heart. She crossed her arms around his neck and, while putting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes.