Way more different

Ignoring the feeling of being stared at, she undid her bra, followed by her underwear, because she had to keep them dry before wearing them again.

She dropped her remaining clothes onto the ground one by one, leaving her all naked, but without waiting even for a second, she hurriedly went into the river, submerging herself up to her chest and taking a deep sigh of relief.

Blaze and Ell were standing stupefied after looking only at her naked back body that they could see while hiding behind the tree, her dusky skin was glimmering as the sunlight traced her all curves, but just when they were about to look below her waist their line of sight got hindered by the bushes. Ell took a step forward because he couldn't stand the inquisitiveness that was pricking his mind, but Blaze suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder, making him halt.

Blaze pulled him and signalled that they should get up the tree so as not to get discovered, Ell was reluctant but still followed him. When they got to the tree, Jessica was already inside the water, so Ell looked at Blaze in irritation, but he just simply shrugged his shoulders amusingly after looking at Ell's suffering expression.

Jessica scrubbed herself while staying inside, and when she was done, instead of coming out, she supported her back from the bank as she relaxed her body. It was strange for her because, even in her wildest dreams, she never thought of taking a bath in an open space where she could be seen by anyone, which was making her embarrassed somehow, and moreover, the feeling of being stared at was still there, which she was trying her best to ignore.

She kept on looking at the forest on the other side while tracing the water surface with her fingers, which somehow attracted those big, colourful fish to approach her and startled Jessica, so she instantly climbed upon the shore because she couldn't dispel the thought that these fish could be harmful too, just like piranhas, or what if there were piranhas inside the river, just like what she saw in the movies? But if there was something harmful, those guys would have warned her, so she was relieved.

She was now on her fours on the ground without anything on her body, and when she realised this fact, her face turned red, and she instantly picked up the black fur shawl and wrapped it around herself. After looking around in every direction, she dried herself and started getting dressed.

While getting dressed, she realised that the fur mini skirt was literally quite short, just like those types that she herself tried to avoid; after all, this kind of dress restricts a lot of movements if you wear it casually. But what was making her more nervous was her top because she mistakenly let her bra fall into the river, which made it wet. So she was left with no other option but to wear the top only.

The top looked like a bikini-style front knotted top showing the cleavage from a lower angle of her assets; it wasn't like she never wore something like this because she frequented beaches a lot and wearing a bikini was something normal and it never made her conscious ever, but today it just felt a little weird.

After getting done, she washed her clothes too, and soon she was on her way back because the intensity of the sunlight started hurting her eyes. She went back without even knowing what she did to the guys who were left behind.

Blaze and Ell were sitting while covering their noses as they started to bleed because of the intense body heat and blood rush they got after seeing their beautiful maiden all naked. It's not like they never saw any female naked because you can find many females bathing in a river passing by, but even then it never piqued their curiosity enough to look back. But surprisingly, today, looking at Jessica taking a bath was a big stimulant for them. Maybe because somewhere in their minds they wanted her body to be underneath them, easily accessible for them to touch as much as they wanted so that it would move all they wanted, and because of their fantasies, their body was showing an even bigger response.

But as soon as they noticed that Jessica had gone back, they also hurried back to their cave as soon as possible by moving from tree to tree at a lightning speed. Everyone went back, but none of them noticed that the big rock boulder that was near the river was bleeding. Suddenly, with a low flash, it started disintegrating, and it was soon revealed that it was none other than Levi, who was also having a nosebleed. After all, he had the best place and angle to watch the whole show. He wiped his nose and looked at his member, which was creating a tent in his skirt, and sighed. He looked in the direction she went with lustful eyes because he just wanted to mate with her as soon as possible, but instead of following his beastly instinct, he tried to relieve his mind and body by soaking himself in the cold river.

Jessica came back and entered the lawn while drying her hair with the fur towel when she saw that Blaze and Ell were standing underneath the flower tree smiling and looking in her direction as if waiting for her return, which made her face flush all of a sudden. She avoided looking at them and went straight toward the cave. When both Ell and Blaze came rushing beside her to walk together, Ell slowly tapped her shoulder and asked her to give the towel to him because he wanted to dry her hair.

Jessica nodded, she handed him the fur, and she sat down on the stone bench cross-legged as Ell slowly and carefully dried her hair. Blaze sat down on the ground just in front of her while intently looking at her belly which soon started bothering Jessica, so while covering it with her hand she asked in an annoyed tone, "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a female's belly? Even if you haven't, it doesn't mean that you can stare at it like this... it's weird".

"Oh! I'm sorry… It's just..." Blaze moved his hand forward and removed Jessica's hand from her abdomen and continued, "I didn't know that females can have these kinds of muscles too... they look so beautiful" while pointing at Jessica's abs.

When Jessica listened to his words, a bright smile came on her face. She thanked him for the compliment, after all, her abs were something that she always had been proud of, she always loved working out because loving oneself is one of the best kinds of love, which helped her in maintaining her health till this date even if she had some bad habits.

Looking at her smiling from ear to ear, Blaze couldn't help but move forward and rub his head against her waist, which made Jessica shocked as her eyes suddenly widened and she reflexively pushed his head immediately because of the sensitivity, but she didn't know that her opponent was a stubborn beast so instead of backing off, he hugged her from her waist, which made Jessica whoop with laughter. She said while trying her best to calm down, "Blaze! It's very ticklish, so please stop!" But Blaze, who was enjoying the look on her face, didn't have any intention of stopping, so instead of following her command, he took things further as he suddenly licked her toned abdomen, which unconsciously made Jessica give a low moan.

Her sudden voice made everyone in the room halt, even herself. Blaze, whose ears perked up listening to the cute voice again, moved forward because he wanted to listen to that sound again, but as soon as he moved forward, he was kicked and pushed back by Jessica with a great force.

He stabilised himself and looked at her face with questions to find that she looked pretty annoyed, she glared back at him, which startled him. Before he could've said anything, Ell took Jessica's hand and, with one hand, made her look at him. He was having a pacific expression, which can calm anyone. He smiled and told her to eat something and gave her the stew that he cooked before going out. Looking at him and not reacting to her sudden moan gave Jessica solace because she was more of embarrassed than being irritated; after all, there was Ell inside the room too. So Jessica took the stew from his hand and started eating it without even looking at Blaze.

Ell glared at Blaze without saying anything and then started combing Jessica's hairs using his fingers, Looking at him doing so, she asked him about her purse, to which he responded by taking out her bag from her space. She rummaged through her things and took out the comb and gave it to him which brought a big smile on Ell's face because he entrusted her things to him, which was like an honour and a step toward gaining her affection for him.

He looked at the comb with surprise, and after using it, he got to know how practical it was, so he hesitantly asked, "Umm…Jessica...can I keep this comb? Please!" while looking at her with glimmering eyes, which made Jessica burst out laughing as she said, "Of course you can keep it, you don't have to ask something so trivial."