Devil's Fruit

Her words made Ell tumultuous because he can't stop when he is this close to achieving his goal. The first slice assured him that Jessica was not allergic to the Devil's fruit, so he can't stop now, but what stands between his plan's success and failure is her request to eat that fruit, whose name was even a taboo in the beast world, at least its appearance.

According to legend, the legendary cursed fruit, "Devil's Fruit," was the only fruit that was palatable to carnivore males, but the least of the Beastmen knew that it was a curse from the gods, as its name suggested.

The story is told from generation to generation about how there was a time when there were uncountable Devil Fruit trees growing all over the continent, a fruit that you could only see if you were lucky because the trees are said to fruit only once in their life span and that too after hundreds of years with only a single fruit, a fruit whose fragrance can entice any male like a female in oestrus.

Everyone was curious and eager to get their hands on such a wild treasure, but the least they knew was that one day those fruits would cause a war. According to the legend, there once was a king who got his hands on those fruits and decided to gift them so as to flaunt them to other kings in a meeting, but when they consumed them, they realised that the fruit, which was needed by all, turned out to be a poison because it made all the kings and their king's men lose their control over their senses, even when they were strong, which resulted in a long war.

To end the war, all the kings and bestmen decided to destroy all those trees, and so they did; all the trees were burned down, and their current name was given to them.

All the males and females were aware of it, including these three, because it was one of the stories they had grown up hearing, but as time passed, the story began to sound like a fantasy or an exaggeration of a minor event. Ell didn't believe it until he saw the continent's last and only remaining Devil's Fruit in the Floating Islands' restricted sacred area.

He stole the fruit not too long ago just to annoy his father and kept it in his space in a corner, forgetting about it. After watching Jessica take a bath, he realised that he just wanted to rush everything and become her mate soon, and at that time it struck him about the fact that if this fruit can make males lose control over their senses, then what about females? He had this idea on the spur of the moment and devised all the precautions for how, if she discovered his plan, he would take everyone else with him, and even if she lost control, they would all be by her side, accompanied by the renowned healer Blaze, so she would be safe.

The plan surprised both Blaze and Levi; they couldn't believe Ell would use the situation to his advantage; they wanted to stop him and even tried to stop him, but their consciences were compelling them to wait and watch because if the situation turned out the way Ell wanted, it would be beneficial to them as well.

The three of them were looking at each other after listening to Jessica's words. Ell looked at the fruit and decided to taste it; after all, that legend was exaggerated in his opinion, and he was confident that he himself is very powerful, and a mare's fruit couldn't make him lose control. He picked up the piece in his hands and took it close to his mouth, inhaling the surprisingly intoxicating fragrance. He gulped and took a bite, which instantly made his eyes brighten up, and he began eating the fruit eagerly.

His expression surprised the other two; they exchanged glances and cut a piece. Surprisingly, it was sweet, sour, with a kick of bitterness, yet mellow in flavor. All of them couldn't believe that there was a fruit that could taste this nice and started eating the big fruit.

Looking at them Jessica grinned. She got up and sat down on the stone bench while holding a small bowl consisting of the Devil fruit's diced pieces that Ell cut for her earlier. She munched on them slowly as she kept on looking at those guys engrossed in eating the big fruit that was in reality a big ball of highly alcoholic wine that she recognised from its taste.

Jessica lived with her grandparents, who were the owners of a famous international alcohol brand and owned the country's largest brewery. She was raised as an heir to the company alongside her brother, so her childhood was filled with all those visits and caretaking of the brewery.

Her grandfather taught her everything, and she was just like a professional taster who could even deduce the ingredients used without telling and the alcohol level. It was just that she was more interested in reading architecture and becoming an engineer, which made her join Keletec; otherwise, she would've been the chief executive officer of her grandfather's company along with her brother.

Jessica was intently observing all of them, and just after five minutes she realised that they had finished the whole big fruit, which made her surprised yet slightly worried, but when she looked at their flushed, lost faces, she knew that they were drunk, which made her chuckle.

Listening to her voice, Blaze's ear twitched, and he turned to his left and suddenly jumped toward her screaming, "Jessica!" But what he grabbed was Ell; he hugged him and started mumbling while rubbing his head against his neck intimately, which made Jessica choke on the fruits. She looked at the two guys acting all lovey dovey while laughing hard, but what surprised her was that they were now even not reacting to her voice.

Looking at them acting all like this, she wanted to record both of them, but unfortunately her phone was with Ell, and all she could do was record both of them with her Fujoshi-Mind. She was looking at both of them with a smile until they were only rubbing each other while taking her name, which she was trying to ignore when Blaze, who was on top, slowly slid his hand down and lifted Ell's skirt. Jessica unconsciously screamed "Blaze! Stop right there," and surprisingly, it did make him halt, and his head suddenly fell on Ell's head, making a loud sound; Jessica looked at them inquiringly because the sound was quite loud, but all she could do was hope that none of them would suffer concussions.

Jessica assumed they had all passed out because none of them moved, so she looked at Levi, who was still sitting without moving or reacting to his surroundings, and gently poked him on the arm with her finger, causing him to fall on his side. Jessica hurriedly moved toward his face and caught his head. She checked his breath to confirm that he was alive, which thankfully he was because, based on his body temperature, he would've been declared dead by now, which means that he just passed out because of getting high, which she expected when she looked at them hurrying in to eat that special alcoholic fruit.

Jessica went to her room and came out while holding two big furs and covered the guys who were sound asleep in the hall, leaving her awake alone in the silence filled space. Jessica went to the entrance to see that the surroundings were already dark and the sky seemed to be filled with black clouds, which suddenly thundered so loudly that it made Jessica flinch with shock.

She was just standing there when there came a strong rustling sound of someone moving, which made her concentrate on a spot in the dark. It was frightening because what if it was some wild animal? So she instantly looked here and there to find a long wooden stick. She picked it up and was on guard because she felt that the sound was just about to enter the lawn, which it did.

It was quite hard to tell what it was from the silhouette, but as that thing approached, its big feral eyes started to shine, which made Jessica tighten her grip on the stick while hiding at the entrance, but her eyes never left the source of her fear.

As that animal moved toward her, her heartbeat kept on increasing as her mind was trying to guess which animal it was when the intruder came under the light that was lighting a small area of the lawn, which made Jessica widen her eyes as well as feel relieved because it was none other than Cera, their pet, with her cute cubs following her.

Jessica took a relaxing breath and came outside. Looking at her, the cubs instantly rushed toward her side and started rubbing their heads against her legs, which made her happily hug all three of them and pick them up from the ground all at once.

Jessica brought them inside and sat down with them on the fur she spread earlier. When she noticed that Cerra followed her, she placed two dead hares beside her and went to sit at the entrance as if guarding the cave.