Unexpected Danger

Ell squeezed his hair to drain the water, whereas Levi's appeared to be dry as if they were water-proof, and Blaze assumed his beast form and shrugged off the water by shaking his body and splashing others.

Jessica, who was shielded by the two guys, was saved, but Ell, who had just finished drying himself, was definitely not happy at all, so he started running after Blaze, who was running in his beast form, whereas Eleanor couldn't even turn into his beast form because of the trees.

Levi sat down near Jessica and started drying her with a big fur towel; while doing so, he asked, "Why were you so bothered by the fact that we were naked?" softly.

Jessica replied while looking at the chase of the other two beastmen, "I'm not angry; it's just that getting naked in public in my world is kind of an offense, so I was just…surprised"

Jessica's words made Ell and Blaze halt, and forgetting their feud as they came and sat down beside her, Blaze said, "Then you'll be surprised if you ever see any other single beastmen because they mostly roam around naked."

"Why?" Jessica was surprised by the sudden information.

"Because animal furs are a hindrance if you suddenly want to transform into the beast form, and they always end up getting torn..." Ell answered her question.

Jessica was shocked but at the same time convinced because what he said was indeed a practical fact, but suddenly Ell continued, "And to attract mates, walking naked is one of the easiest ways to display men's power," while looking at Blaze, who hummed in confirmation.

Jessica coughed on the mention of the 'Men's Power" because she could understand what they meant by it, especially after looking at it herself, which instantly made her blush, so she asked to decrease her embarrassment. "But your clothes appear out of thin air..."

Levi, who was drying her hair, replied, "These are not normal furs; they are our original beast skins. After crossing the fifth power level, we can materialise our own beast skins".

Jessica nodded in understanding and stood up because her body was patted dry. She looked at them and apologised if they got bothered by her earlier behavior, but instead of forgiveness she received kisses on her cheeks as they said in unison, "You don't have to apologise for anything, fiancé," which made her smile and ask if they should go back to their cave.

Ell handed her a light, shiny, silver-coloured translucent mermaid silk, which she used as a sarong to cover her lower half, and they walked back to the cave altogether.



As they entered the lawn, three cute tiger cubs came running toward her. Jessica smiled and bent down to pick them up while saying cheerfully, "Leno! Meno! Neno! "Did you wait long for momma?"

After getting into her arms, the cubs snuggled against her as they purred. Jessica walked inside the cave, which now had a garden bed around its wall with many small plants bearing many colourful flowers but was still empty in many places.

She entered her room through a newly made wooden door made on her instruction and demand. The room, which was very empty in the beginning, now had two big wooden wardrobes against the walls that her fiances had created in the past few days.

After placing the cubs on her low-level wooden bed, she opened one of the wardrobes to take out her clothes. After getting dressed, she came out of the room and into the hall in a white tiger crop top and snake skin shorts.

She came and sat down on the newly created wooden bench. Levi, who was standing behind her, moved his fingers into her long hair with a smile and started combing them while Jessica was combing Ell's hair, who was sitting in front of her with a cute, excited smile.

Soon Blaze came with a beautiful stone cup and handed it to Jessica, who took it with a smile and started sipping her green tea because she was done with Ell's hair.

After taking the first sip, she gave a deep sigh of relief because she remembered how much she was craving her tea and coffee, so she asked Blaze whether there was something like lemongrass in the forest.

After an explanation, Blaze quickly understood what she was talking about so he asked her the reason for needing that herb, when Jessica explained the concept of teas which made his eyes brightenened and he took Jessica for collecting not only lemongrass but many other herbs that could not only be brewed into tea but were also have many medicinal properties according to him.

The first time Blaze saw Jessica drinking the tea with satisfaction, he was surprised because females were known to despise everything that doesn't taste good, especially the bitter taste, whereas Jessica was looking quite satisfied, so from that day on he started experimenting with different herbs and even flowers to make teas for his fiancé.


After drinking the tea and having her lunch, Jessica was standing at the cave's entrance with a bamboo basket that was holding a handmade wooden garden trowel. Levi was tying a leather belt on her waist that had a small bamboo tumbler hanging on one side while there was a bone dagger on the other.

"Eleanor, let go." Jessica said while looking at Ell, who was holding her hand while making a sad expression.

"Jazz, can you please not go today?" He said this while showing his droopy eyes and a heartbreaking expression.

"Stop acting," she said nonchalantly while looking straight into his eyes.

"tsk" Ell's expression changed, but he still didn't let go of her hand.

"Blaze, help me remove Ell's hand," she said while looking at Blaze, who was standing behind Ell.

"Jessica, why don't I go w-" he was about to complete but Jessica's instant glare made him change his words, "Ell, I promised her so let go of her" as he removed Ell's hand.

Jessica gave him a smug face, which instantly made Ell pout while Blaze snickered.

"Did you take that lizard-repelling herb?" asked Levi while giving her a kiss on the cheek as he was done with his job.

Jessica smiled while showing him a small cloth amulet tied around her wrist, which was specially made by Blaze because, in their tour through the jungle, a small gecko scared Jessica pretty hard.

"Then, I'm going." After waving them goodbye, Jessica turned and began walking toward the forest.

She suddenly stopped just at the edge of the lawn, and while looking at a tree on her left, she said, "Levi, when I said that no one would follow me, in that no one, you were also included."

Suddenly Levi came out of hiding from the same tree as he looked at Jessica with a wronged face, which made her give a deep sigh. While rubbing Cera's head, who was walking beside her, she said, "Why are you guys overreacting? You know that Cera is already going with me, and in case of any emergency, I can call for you guys!" she said while looking at him.

Levi looked at her for a moment, but in the end he reluctantly nodded as he went toward the cave. Jessica looked at them with confusion because they were all behaving as if they were sending their child to kindergarten for the first time, and this thought made her chuckle all of a sudden, so while keeping this in mind she chose one direction and went into the woods without looking back because she knew that any attention to them at this time would only make them even more reluctant to let her go.

The reason why Jessica wanted to roam in the forest was simple: if she is going to live here from now on, then she has to learn about her surroundings, and the forest being her neighbourhood is a big task in itself because there are no signboards or roads that you can use; instead, the terrain and even looking alike trees make it like a puzzle.

For the past few days Blaze has been giving her a tour around this area, but she wanted to do this alone because it's not like she will stay dependent on someone every time she goes for a walk, and finally today was the day she got to apply all the skills she learned from Blaze, like choosing the pathways and avoiding getting lost. Of course he appreciated her way of marking the way by marking the trees, but what he was unsure about was, "What if she creates too many marks after walking daily?" Because that process was suitable for creating a single pathway, not a whole environment.

But Jessica smiled as she told him that "she can make a different marking for every outing."

Another reason she came out was to collect plants and saplings for her newly created garden bed; after all, that was the only time pass she had here. Even when she lived alone, the other hobby she had, aside from cooking, was gardening, because it always gave her solace and peace of mind as she looked at the trees grow that she planted or the plants that bloomed in every season.

All three men were very happy when she presented something she wanted to do, and that too was to decorate their home.

Jessica recalled the smiling faces of her three fiances and giggled as she marked another tree with her dagger and kept on walking with Cera and her cubs. Her empty basket was now filled with three different ungrounded saplings with colourful leaves.

Jessica looked above and started ungrounding a sapling growing under the white berry plant. She carefully placed it in her basket with a smile and started walking her way back home because, after staying here for so long, she had learned how to guess the timing just by the brightness of the sunlight inside the forest.

"Are you guys really behaving like this?" Jessica exclaimed when she returned and saw the three guys sitting where she had left them. "What do you think I am, a child?" She said this while giving her basket to Blaze, who snuggled against her neck and gave her a peck on the lips.

"You are our fiance, Jazz!" "How can we not be worried?" said Ell while taking her into an embrace as he peppered her with kisses all over her face.

Jessica parted from Ell with a gleeful smile and looked toward Levi, who stretched out his arms open for her instantly, which indeed got reciprocated pretty well because Jessica hugged him when Blaze said from the background, "You don't know how hard it was for us to keep him here!" which made Jessica chuckle as she gave him a kiss on his cheek.

After washing her hands, they all together had their dinner because it was already dark outside, and after that, they all went to sleep in Jessica's room.

Of course Jessica slept alone in her bed, but all the other three guys will take their own beds which were identical to her's, to her room and sleep after listening about any random incident from earth. The temperature never dropped inside the room because Ell would always maintain some floating flames in her room, accompanied by big, beautiful, different animal furs that were gifted to her by Levi.

From that onward, Jessica's daily routine of touring the forest started because the guys were no longer reluctant; instead, after seeing how happy she was after coming back herself every day, that was sufficient for making them relieved and happy, so from that day onward, they started engaging themselves in their previous routine of practicing.

The garden bed that was pretty empty in the beginning was now filled with so many beautiful and versatile plants that Blaze had to create brand new garden beds for her.

The flower tree now has a backyard table with chairs under it, while a brand new bathroom is being built that is directly and only connected to Jessica's room.

Jessica made the floor plan prior to the construction and asked the guys to create a bigger room behind it, which will be having the bath tub and a simple open drainage system that will let the water flow into her garden. She asked for another room that will be created behind the bathroom space, where she asked them to build a basic septic tank for the toilet.

Jessica kissed them all goodbye and went on her usual stroll with her basket and trowel, now that the bathroom was under construction, which was being done by all three guys as they took turns doing it.

Jessica wiped her sweat with an animal handkerchief as she looked above to find that the temperature had indeed increased, just like Ell had told her that their world's summer season had started. After drinking water from her tumbler, she plucked red berries from a bush and started walking, where she found that the density of the forest had significantly started to decrease because the spacing between the trees had increased from three metres to ten metres.

She saw that there were many bushes of big berries, which she instantly recognised because Ell loved bringing them for her, and she instantly started collecting them when she heard the sound of branches breaking.

But instead of getting startled or shocked, Jessica smiled and went toward the source of the sound because she knew that the sound undoubtedly belonged to Cera because it was normal for her to suddenly come and vanish from her side.

Jessica looked into the distance after crossing some large bushes with a smile, but she instantly became frozen when she saw a lion with a freshly hunted deer hanging in his mouth with dripping blood at a distance of forty meters, looking around enquiringly.