
Carl followed behind and soon entered the familiar lawn, which wasn't looking familiar at all; there was a beautiful tree blooming with flowers emitting a beautiful, intoxicating fragrance.

Many garden beds with many different other plants adorn their house, and the most important thing was the feeling and the sensation that made that place feel like a real home.

Amidst all those changes was a female who was giggling in Blaze's arm and was playing a tag game with Ell.

Carl slowly walked towards the wooden garden table under the tree shade while looking in all directions with clear surprise and astonishment.

When Jessica noticed him, she asked Blaze to put her down. As she walked towards Carl, she said in a soft tone, "Carl, please have a seat," while motioning towards the bench.

Carl was startled, but he still nodded and sat down where she pointed, Jessica gave him a polite smile and went inside the cave, where Blaze followed her.

"What are you doing, fiancé?" he asked as he hugged her from behind.

"Oh! Right! Blaze I was about to ask, but what do you guys serve to your guests?" Jessica said while looking at him seriously.

"Guest? Who? Carl?" Blaze asked in confusion just to see Jessica nod, which instantly made him break into a laugh. He controlled himself as he said, "What do humans offer to their guests?".

Jessica looked at him with confusion because of his sudden laughing response, but she still replied, "It can be tea or fruit juice."

"Then let's do it according to your way!"

"But, didn't you say that carnivore beastmen don't like drinking fruit juice?" Jessica inquired.

Blaze again laughed at her statement and said, "Don't worry, he'll drink it." With a mischevious grin, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and let go of her waist as he started helping her squeeze the fruits.

Jessica came outside with a platter with two glasses, one was filled with the green tea she liked, while the other had her favourite combination of fruit juice. She gently put the platter on the table in front of Carl, whose two sides were occupied by Levi and Ell.

Carl looked at Jessica with surprise, so Jessica said, "Please have some," in a gentle and hospitable tone, making him come back to his senses. Carl looked down to see the thing she brought for him.

The things in front of him weren't a surprise because he got their scent pretty early, but what surprised him was the fact that they were for him to consume!

Before Carl could've shown his discomfort or reluctance, Blaze spoke up, "Carl, Jessica prepared this with her heart~" slowly in a merry tone.

"Then you definitely can't say no, right, Carl?" instantly added Ell because how can he let go of the chance when he can witness the composed fourth prince of the beast city making a fool of himself?

Jessica, who was standing, clearly knew what these two guys were doing. She instantly realised that she fell for Blaze's words and again promised herself in her mind that from now on she wouldn't listen to them, so she instantly extended her hand to lift up the platter because that way Carl wouldn't be in a tough position, but before she could touch the platter, Levi gently grabbed her hands as he brought them to his lips and gave a gentle kiss as he said, "Jessica, let Carl drink first."

On his statement, both Blaze and Ell gave each other a hi-five while laughing at the same time. Jessica's eyes widened as she said, "Levi, you too?" which made Levi give a beautiful smile.

Carl, who was the main target of the prank, knew that he had gotten himself into trouble. If it had been an older time, he would have ignored them all, but this time he was in front of such a beautiful female, and he definitely didn't want to show any kind of weakness.

Carl looked towards Jessica, and surprisingly, she looked towards him at the very same time. Jessica was about to tell him that he didn't need to drink if he didn't want to, but before she could have done that, she saw that Carl picked up the fruit juice glass and chugged the whole thing in a single breath.

He placed the cup down and was about to pick up the green tea, but before him, Jessica picked it up and said, "This is for me," while showing a troubled smile.

Carl looked at the cup and then at her face. He slowly nodded and thanked Jessica, which instantly made her feel troubled because she could see how he drank the juice just to keep her face.

Just when she was self-blaming, she heard Blaze laughing, which instantly made her give him a death stare that was caught by him pretty nicely. "Jessica, I can explain," said Blaze, because angering Jessica was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Really? Then start explaining," Jessica said as she crossed her arms in front while looking at Blaze with the same gaze an interviewer looks at a candidate in an interview, but instead of feeling nervous, Blaze laughed because he was used to her way.

"The first thing is that this person is not a guest." Blaze said, which instantly made Jessica give him a surprised look with upraised eyebrows, which meant "continue," so he continued "He is my brother".

Hearing Blaze's explanation, Jessica instantly looked to and fro between Blaze and Carl, because how come they are brothers?

Indeed, they both belonged to the same genus, Panthera, but their species were Tigris and Leo, respectively!

Carl himself got confused after looking at the female acting confused over something normal, but Blaze, who caught his fiance's emotion instantly, said, "Jessica, we have the same mother. Carl's and my father are two of our mother's mates."

This explanation cleared the confusion as well and once again made her realise that she is not the only woman in the world who is having more than one relationship, which worked as a consoling statement.

Since founding herself in this world, she has never met any so-called "female" of this world about whom she had learned from her fiances. Because of this, sometimes her conscience used to eat her up with self-blame for toying with the feelings of these guys.

After all, getting rid of what is infused in the mind since a young age is literally a hard task, and due to this, the mention of Blaze and Carl's mom definitely worked as a soothing remedy.

"So, Carl lives here too," suddenly added Blaze, which gave a final surprise blow to Jessica because "does she just try to treat a family member like a guest when in reality she was more like a guest in that house?"

"I'm so sorry, Carl!" She instantly apologised with a slight head bow while her face was slightly flushed because of embarrassment caused by her stupid actions for the first time in her life!

Carl, who was apologised to, was startled by the sudden apology, whereas her actions surprised him: "No, please don't apologise! I'm glad that you at least took me as a guest because females don't recognise unknown males this soon," he said in his troubled voice. After all, this was also the first time he heard any female apologise to a male.

Carl's instant words brought another wave of embarrassment for Jessica because these kinds of mistakes at her age don't look good, which left her speechless, but at the very moment Levi gently held onto her hand as if telling her that there was nothing to worry about, whereas both Blaze and Ell rushed to her side to hod onto her other hand and face, respectively.

"Jessica, did Carl make you sad?" Ell asked in a worry-filled tone, while Blaze said, "If you want, we can beat him to a pulp," while giving a smirk showing his canines.

Carl, who surprisingly again became the topic of conversation, was confused because he couldn't understand the reason why the female went silent instead of showing her rage if she was angry.

"Jessica, if my words caused you any discomfort, then I apologise," Carl said instantly when he saw that the cheerful female looked sad, he couldn't help but feel sad and heavy in his chest for some unknown reason.

Jessica shook her head and gave him a polite smile because she just realised that maybe what she thought was a mistake was pretty normal for a normal person, and not only that, her fiances are still supporting her because they are not only trying to spoil her with their unusually biassed conditions and taking her side for anything.

Just as Jessica was processing this all, Levi said, "Carl, you don't know, but Jessica is not from the Beast continent."

Levi's sudden words left Carl all confused, which was clear from his facial expression. Looking at his face Blaze instantly said, "You don't know Carl, but Beast God himself sent Jessica to meet us," while snuggling against the arm of the female he was looking at adoringly.

Looking at Carl's facial expression, Levi started his story about how they all met with her and only completed their story with an ending note telling that they are in her observatory period and will soon become her official mates, leaving Jessica's face red because of all the loving praises she heard from her fiances.