Lizzy trod through the hall towards Gina's room when she heard the telephone rang from the hall. She instinctively paused in her steps as she gazed down at it for awhile, with a contemplating gaze.

" Should I ask Gina to attend to it since she's been incharge of that or I should just attend to it.. ? ", she thought to herself. "Yeah, I think it's right I attend to it since she'd been, kind of acting wired today."

She sighed and sauntered over towards it with fixed gaze.

" Hello, this is the Antonio's Mansion. How may I help you?", she answered.

"This is Doctor Franklin from Family Health Hospitall" A voice echoed from the other end of the call which made sent her edged on.

"Is everything, alright, sir?–How is she doing" She instinctively, interrupted.

"I just called to inform you that she's out of coma at the moment. You can come over to the hospital tomorrow so we can perform her final check up." He added. Lizzy screamed with excitement.

" Okay, Sir– Thanks for calling."

"You're most welcome. We'll be expecting you tomorrow."

"Sure, sir–We'll be there. Thanks once again, bye " She cheerfully eluded and the line dropped.. Her lips curved in a broad smile and her heart flattered with joy. She hastily dropped the phone back at its place and splinted off to Gina's room.


Gina shuffled back and forth in the room with furrowed brow. Her thoughts kept running wild, traumatized by the whole situation and the revelation she had.

" Oh, my God!–What is going on in this house?what have I gotten myself into?" She stuttered as she raked her hands through her hair in frustration. "I think it's better to escape from this house before it's to late. Yes, that's the best I can do for myself now."

Without further thoughts, she hurried to her closet, picked out a mini travelling bag and begun to stuff it up with some cloths. Just then, a knock interrupted. She flinched , her face suddenly turned pale, as if the blood on her face had been drawn out and her knees felt numb.

" Who–is – there?" She queried with a trembled voice, her gaze fixed on the door as if the person was gonna walk through in no time.

Knock... Knock....

The knock came again without an answer. Gina jolted, as she gulped down a loop of saliva. "Oh, God–I'm doomed " she trembled.

" God, Gina!! –Open his damn door, please! " Lizzy shouted. ""How long do you want me to knock before you open up or you want me to break it down?"

Gina instinctively let out the air chocked up in her lungs, on hearing Lizzy's voice. "Oh, Lizzy.." she mumbled. "I'm so sorry, I'll be there in a minute. I just came out from the bathroom"

She answered, hiding back the bag in the closet and sped to the door. She swung the door opened and Lizzy trod. A suspicious gaze dazzled on her face as her eyes lurked through the room, the moment she stepped in.

"Were you really from the bath? "Lizzy asked not convinced with her answer.

" Um–Yeah, why do you ask again? "

" Nothing, was just wondering why your bag is over there with all your clothes on the floor." She pointed at the bag which had fallen out again without her knowledge. Gina chortled, masking up her nervousness.

" oh, that?– I was just rearranging my clothes, that's why" She lied. Lizzy stared as she tried to put the pieces of information together which wasn't convincing but she just shrugged over it as she went ahead with the reason of her presence.

"Okay–.whatever." She eluded. "I just came to inform you that, the doctor from Family Health Hospital called." Gina instinctively cut in, just when her words escaped her lips.

" Great. What did he say?"

" He called to inform Mr Antonio about Gisel's condition " She stated. " She's actually out of coma now and they want to run some checks on her so his presence would be needed over there, tomorrow."

" That's good news. I'll inform him about it." She mumbled with great delight. Just then, a call from behind interrupted, which sent their attention back to the door. Agnes anxiously approached.

" Goodness, Lizzy– Gina, I've been searching everywhere for you." She stated and they both sighed.

" What is it this time, Agnes?", why are you shouting all over..." Lizzy queried but she instinctively cut in before she could complete her sentence.

"Come, guys–Hurry! Mr .Antonio!!" Gina's heart skipped at the name of Antonio. Her face dropped and her stomached ached, not with stomach upset or anything like that but with the pain of her greatest fear coming to reality.

"Mr. Antonio?–What happened to him?, What had he done?"Gina and Lizzy chorused..

" I don't know but hes not moving nor breathing !" She stuttered.

" What?" Lizzy exclaimed as she sped after Gina who had already dashed out ahead of them.

"Oh my God– this is not happening." She mumbled on with a pale and tensed gaze as she hurried through the corridors towards Antonio's room. Her mind felt totally blank.


Gina and Lizzy dashed into the room, followed by Agnes. They instinctively pauseded at the door the sight of Antonio's lifeless, pale body on the bed. Gina slowly paced towards the bed, her throat choked up with tears and her breath felt heavy.

"Mr. Antonio?" She cried, almost whispering as the tears she fought back, slowly rolled down her eyes.

" Oh, my God!" Lizzy mumbled, her voice trembled and her vision felt blurry with tears. Gina knelt by the bed with Agnes and Lizzy beside her.

" Wake up, please–Wake up." Gina moaned, flashes of what she had witnessed flooded her minds eye. She screamed amidst tears, her heart felt heavy.

"Who is going to take care of Gisel if you kept lying here like this ?" Lizzy cried as she sank to the floor. "Wake up, please! "

With devastation written all over her face, Agnes instinctively hugged Lizzy. Just then, Natasha rushed in. Gina instinctively sprung to her feet, her fear and sorrow tingled in her eyes.

"What's going on here, Agnes?–Why are you wailing? " She worriedly exclaimed, masking up her deeds with a cunning gaze, pretending to have no knowledge of what was happening.

"It's Mr Antonio –Ma'am" Agnes answered. "He's not responding to any of our calls– He's been this motionless"

"What?" She cried, sauntering over to the bed. "Antonio!!?–Antonio!" She called as she shook him but had no results. His whole boady felt cold and stiff. She instinctively howled in tears.

Gina glared at her in tears, knowing so well what she did but didn't have to the courage to let it out. She just stared blankly, marvelled by her attitude. She seemed like a good actress.

" I can't believe after all what you did to him, you still got the courage to still pretend you're innocent. Nat?" She mumbled in her thoughts. "God, this woman is truly a heartles evil soul." She lamented.

Just then, she noticed Natasha's glare fixed at her direction as a faint, mischievous smile dazzeled on her lips. She trembled, swiftly gazing away from her.

"Gina?" Natasha called. Her attention instinctively moved back to her. " Ma'am" She answered.

" Kindly stay by me while Agnes and Lizzy go out to get the ambulance." Gina felt speechless, thrown into the abyss.

" Um– alright–ma'am." She stammered. Lizzy and Agnes quickly stormed out of the room. When Natasha realized, they were far gone, she drew closer to Gina, chuckling with a fierce gaze which made her flinch.

" Poor thing." She simpered. "I heard everytthing you mumbled in your thoughts, dear " She chuckled. Gina gasped with wide eyes. " And i know alll your plans as well, Gina. You can never escape from me, ever." She chortled as she held her head down, facing Antonio's corpse.

" Watch Antonio very well dear because you'll soon be like him." She laughed. The door swung open and Natasha instinctively hugged Gina, as she pretended to tear up. Gina felt numb by her words . She just kept a blank gaze.

" Ma'am, the ambulance is in.",Lizzy stated. She tilted her head in response.

" Okay–let them in and help Gina to her room. She's extremely weak and worked out" She sobbed. Lizzy nodded and took Gina's hand. She gently led her out of the room. Soon, the men came and transported Antonio's body to the ambulance. They drove off from the mansion therefore after.

Natasha stood in her room with a satisfactory smile when she heard a knock at the door.

" Yes, come in", she called.

Lizzy strolled in and stood at the door.

"What is it?"

" Ma'am please the doctor from Family Health hospital called earlier on today."

" okay, what did he say...", queried Natasha with a smirk.

" He said Gisella is out of coma and will be checked tomorrow for her final test so you should be there. "

Her simile face was suddenly replaced by a wolfish gaze. "Alright, go now! " She roguishly exclaimed. Lizzy gazed at her, puzzled by her sudden change of attitude and hurried out.

" You were able to make it out alive this time again, Gisella but not the next time. I'll make sure I get all those who protect you out of my way.....It's time for plan B." She smiled.