Is this a classmate of yours?
"Oh, that? It's just a summer assignment for art class. I got a random photo from Google to reference." Aiden's effort to sound nonchalant is strained, but Elise's still caught up in her own feelings to take note.
Aiden is so, so glad that he can think on his feet.
"Oh, really?" Elise's attempt at nonchalance is even less convincing, but her heart most definitely does not lift at his answer, not at all. "Summer homework for an elective? That's awful."
"It's not too bad. Drawing's pretty fun, actually, as you can see." He chuckles as he gestures at the messy desk.
"Oh, that's good—"
At that moment, a crash sounds from Elise and Adelaide's room. "Adelaide?" Elise asks, alarmed.
"Nothing!" Adelaide calls back.
Elise looks at Aiden. "That didn't sound like nothing. I'll go check on her."
Aiden chuckles. "Yeah, go for it."
Once Elise exits, Aiden's composure shifts, and he shuts his eyes tightly for a minute before opening them again. He takes a few breaths, then walks over to the desk, and shuffles through the drawings himself. In the space he's cleared up lies a small photograph, a Polaroid-style image.
He picks it up and brushes a thumb against the ink, lost in thought. Then he replaces it along with the drawings and retreats to his bed, where he spends a long time lying there, still thinking.